In the previous posting we studied John 6:57 where Jesus tells us how to live by “feeding” on Him– believing and obeying His Words–just as He “fed” on the Father and lived by believing and obeying the Father’s Words. In John 15:4,5 Jesus tells us that we remain in Him by feeding on Him. If we remain in Him by continuing to believe and obey His Words, He promises to remain in us–to manifest His Word in and through us–saying “… apart from Me (without obeying My word–feeding on Me) you can do nothing.” Notice that the choice of being in (one with) Him and continuing in that spiritual position is our choice. The true Rest Of God is spiritual rest, which results in physical rest. Observe the writhing, craving, running, seeking world that is made available to us any time day or night through 24/7 media coverage. People are spastically searching, seeking, pushing, pulling, feaverishly fighting for that one thing that will being them peace and happiness. Those who have, never have enough. Those who do not have are striving to have. No one is satisfied with the status quo. Restless people crave that which will complete their miserable lives, be it one more thing or one more hour of drug-induced stupor. THERE IS NO REST AMONG MEN. Why? The answer first raised its ugly head in Eden–sin. Adam and Eve were not satisfied with living in paradise and being the masters of all they surveyed; they craved the one thing God had not given them–self-rule.
It is hard to surprise me when it comes to mankind. But I find myself baffled by people who have everything but need more. So many movie stars, musicians, athletes, people who have inherited wealth are repeatedly found to be drug or pornography addicts. Some have numerous cars, 99% of which they do not drive. Many have several homes, only one of which they occupy. God spoke to this lust for ever more things in Isaiah 5:8: “Woe to them that join house to house, that lay field to field till there be no place for others, where they stand alone.” Those who possess much want much more. Why does a couple with no children need a 20 room mansion? They can occupy only one room at a time. Not having learned to rest in the Lord, man is restless, unable to satisfy himself with what he has as God commands of him in Hebrews 13:5. The Son of God had not where to lay His head, yet He did not seek for more. Again, why is man, including religious man, unable to be satisfied? Again, sin.
God’s response to this situation is to remind us of what His Son accomplished relative to sin: “But now He has appeared once for all … to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Heb. 9:26). The very factor that causes restlessness in men is what Jesus came to take out of the lives of those who call themselves by His name. Notice that He came “TO DO AWAY WITH SIN” in the lives of His physical people so that they could become and remain His spiritual people. Notice that the Rest Of God comes to those who have allowed Christ to not only rid them of sin, but to keep them free of sin. He did not die to enable believers to sin and get away with it as false prophets tell us from pulpit and podium every Satan’s Sunday Sabbath. Recently I heard a man say that that the sin and crime rates are the same for the churched as for the unchurched. I have noticed that many prostitutes, criminals, etc. who are exposed by the media have crosses tatooed on their bodies or hanging around their necks. I personally know of three professing, church-going “Christians” who are openly living in adultery. Evidently, sin isn’t what it used to be and God’s attitude toward it has obviously changed. Like their unchurched counterparts, religious people push the religious envelope by craving ever more of what the world offers. Question: Where is the Rest Of God they are promised? Answer: Sin has destroyed it. To be continued. L.J.
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