While “running to and fro” throughout the earth in search of whatever he is in search of, man is running out of breath. With all the “shiny objects” he has to look at and strive for, man has worked himself into a state of continuous fatigue which, in the end, nets him simply more things to look at and strive for. Running man is also running out of time. A study revealed that people in industrialized nations are losing leisure time at an astounding rate while accumulating more and more “shiny objects” they no longer have time to use. The mind and body of human beings are not built for the hectic lifestyle being lived by so many people in today’s do-it-now, get-it-now world. God offers the solution to the problem.
“Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Mat. 11: 28,29). In this hectic world it is becoming ever more difficult to “come away with Me” as the Lord calls us to do. Many years ago when I was in graduate school, married with two small children and the dorm supervisor for 900 male students at the University of Mississippi I found that the only time I could “come away with Him” was to rise very early each morning before the family awakened and the day’s schedule began. This proved to be a good practice. During a busy period of my life following graduation I had gotten out of the early rising habit and was finding myself too tired at the end of the day to get alone with the Lord as I should. One morning at 4:30 I was awakened by a solid punch in my side. Thinking that it was one of my children I turned over to find myself staring at an angel. Though he was wearing a shroud that covered his face, I could “see” his unhappy face in the darkness. I stared as his accusatory eyes bore into mine. More importantly, I “heard” his firm voice say to me, “get up.” I turned to my wife and awakened her, for I wanted her so see the angel. When I turned back, he was gone. That episode is as fresh in my mind today as it was the following day. Some things one never forgets–an angelic visitation, especially an unpleasant one, is at the top of the list.
If anyone could have legitimately complained about not having enough time, it was Jesus of Nazareth. Everywhere He went crowds followed Him either to get something from Him or to harass Him. For three and a half years He walked throughout the land preaching His Father’s message to both believers and detractors. In spite of this He always put forth a calm, peaceful demeanor. To the average human, this would have been impossible. But the Messiah had an external source of strength. Though bombarded on every side, the Savior of the world remained tranquil through daily contact with the Lord God. He lived in total dependence on His Heavenly Father to meet His every need. “As the living Father has sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on Me will live because of Me” (Jn. 6:57). Jesus lived because He depended on His Father for strength to go on when the world around Him came against Him. He “fed on the father,” meaning that He received a steady supply of strength through daily prayer and meditation. When Jesus told Peter to “… feed My sheep” He was referring to feeding them His and the Father’s Words. Only those who feed on Him will live eternally. In order to feed on Godhead’s Words and commune with Them one must isolate himself for a period of time. For this reason Jesus tells us to “enter onto your closet and close the door.” It is in such an isolated place that we can fellowship with Them and feed on their Words without interruption. A daily entrance into one’s secret chamber is essential. I have found solace in a variety of places, for example my car, my bedroom, my shop, sitting beside lake or river, an empty classroom, etc. One’s closet can be anywhere one can get alone in a quiet place where the din of the world can be shut out. To be continued. L.J.
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