Who are the true people of God? Whom did Jesus Christ come to earth to save? Who are the “chosen” of God? Who does the Bible say are “His people.” Whom will Jesus “redeem?” What people comprise the “remnant” Jesus referred to who would make up His “jewels?” (Mal. 3:17).
In the postings titled White Fields I presented numerous Biblical passages that proved that the answer to the questions asked above is “Israel”–the people for whom Jesus came (Mat. 15:24) and to whom He sent His apostles (Mat. 10:6). To refresh the reader’s memory, I will reiterate part of what was written in the White Fields postings.
Matthew 1:21: Jesus was “He who will save HIS PEOPLE from their sins.” Matthew 2:6: Jesus would “rule MY (God’s) PEOPLE ISRAEL.” Matthew 10:6: Jesus sent His apostles to “the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” Matthew 15:24: Jesus came only for “the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” Matthew 15:32: Jesus is “the King of Israel.” Luke 1:33: Jesus “will reign over the HOUSE OF JACOB (ISRAEL) FOREVER.” Luke 1:68: Jesus brought “redemption for HIS PEOPLE who were “under the (sacrificial) LAW (Gal. 4:5). Gentiles have never been under either of God’s Laws and, unlike Israelites, have never been called His sheep, His children, His chosen or His people. John 11:50-52: Jesus came to gather “into one (group) the CHILDREN OF GOD who were SCATTERED ABROAD, to make them “one flock with one Shepherd (again) (Jn. 10:14-16). Ephesians 2:12-16: Paul identified Israel as those who were “afar off” and “alienated from God” while living among the Gentiles (heathen). He then explained how Jesus came to “make both groups (House of Judah and House of Israel) into “one new man”–to “reconcile” them into one body.” To do this He made a “New Covenant” with both houses by writing His Ten Commandment Law in their hearts (Jer. 31:31-33/Heb. 8:8-12). both James and Peter addressed their ministry letters to “the 12 TRIBES (of Israel) who are dispersed abroad (afar off), who reside as aliens (strangers), scattered …, who are CHOSEN by God.” Revelation 21:10-12: On the gates of New Jerusalem where God’s saints will reside forever will be written “the names of the 12 tribes of the sons of ISRAEL.”
Jesus made it clear that He and His apostles had been sent by God to the Lost (pollumi–whereabouts unknown) Sheep of the House of Israel. In Jeremiah 16:15,16 God said that He would send “fishers” into the lands where He had driven the Israelites in order to “fish them.” In Matthew 4:19 Jesus told His disciples that He would make them “fishers of men.” According to the Lord, those men were the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.
Today, Israelites make up the majorities within the self-proclaimed “Christian nations” of the Western World. A few true believers scattered throughout those nations comprise God’s “Little Flock” (Lk. 12:32)–His New Covenant Church. It is this remnant–a tiny, rejected, ridiculed group–that serves as God’s light to their Israelite brethren as well as the Gentiles among whom they live today. Due to a lack of understanding relative to their ancestry, those Israelites–hundreds of millions strong and having adopted Gentile religions–believe themselves to be Gentiles. To be continued. L.J.
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