In the two previous postings I have shown that nowhere in the Book of Revelation, which depicts the final years of this age in graphic detail, is a so-called “rapture” mentioned by the One Who would know if such a happening is destined to take place. Notice that the Lord’s disciples, who knew that He was going to return to earth to establish the Kingdom of God, did not question Him about when the rapture of the saints would take place, but rather when He would return to earth. In this posting we will compare what Jesus said to the disciples concerning the last days of this age as recorded in Matthew 24 to what He said to John in Revelation 6 concerning that same time period.
Matthew 24:6,7– Jesus warns of wars and rumors of wars, nation fighting nation and kingdom fighting kingdom. “But the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3,4– The Lamb (Jesus) opens the second seal and there appears a red horse whose rider is given power to make war all over the earth.
Matthew 24:7– Jesus warns of famines world-wide, ending the statement with “and pestilences (diseases),” which always follow wars. Revelation 6:5,6– The opening of the third seal produces a black horse whose rider brings global food shortages and pestilences resulting in mass death. Jesus ends this statement with “All these (the four horsemen) are only THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS.” As bad as the world situation will be at that point, things are about to take a turn for the worse. Note that there is no mention of a rapture.
Matthew 24:9-13– At this point in the Great Tribulation God-haters will begin to deliver up His people to martyrdom. These are people who will have turned to the Lord during the tribulation, an act that will cost them their lives at the hands of the False Prophet and the Beast Government. In order to save their own lives, unbelievers will turn in family members and friends who have become believers (Mat. 10:32-36/ 24:12). With the opening of the sixth seal there will be a tremendous earthquake. The sun will turn black, the moon will turn red, stars will fall from heaven, islands will move and men will become terrified (Rev. 6:12-17). Still no mention of a rapture. Revelation 6:9-11– The Lamb opens the fifth seal and John sees under the alter the souls of those who have been killed in times past (the Inquisition/the early church as depicted in Hebrews 11, etc.) for the Word of God and the testimony (gospel/witness) which they held (believed and obeyed). They ask God to avenge their deaths, but are told to have patience, that many more had to die for the Lord before He would wreak tribulation on their killers. This statement refers to those who would die for turning to Him during the Great Tribulation. As stated before, some of the tribulation martyrs, having spent their lives in the Counterfeit Church, will realize that they have been deceived and will turn to the Lord. Their decision will result in their beheading (Rev. 20:4).
In spite of the delusion propagated by the footnote to First Corinthians 1:7 found in the Schofield Reverence Bible, nowhere in the Scriptures do we find reference to two future comings of Jesus Christ, first FOR His people (the rapture) to take them to heaven, then WITH His people seven years later (His advent) to retrieve those Jews who supposedly will have been converted during the Great Tribulation. Rapturists assert that the three Greek words–parousia, epiphaneia and apokalupsis–used in Scripture to describe Jesus’ return refer to either two different events or one event taking place in two stages. Neither of these theories hold up under strict Biblical scrutiny, for when Jesus comes “the second time without sin unto (bringing) salvation” (Heb. 9:28) it will be His ONLY RETURN TO EARTH, at which time He will award salvation to the faithful. At that time He will set up the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:51-55/1 Thes. 4:13-18/Zec. 14:4). Only the man Jesus has ever or will ever be taken to heaven for an extended stay. If, that is, the Bible is to be believed. On this issue, as with many others, the vast majority comprising the Institutional Church believe that, because the Scriptures are not reliable, man must make the final determination relative to Truth.
Jesus Himself, as well as His apostles, warned the Church of God about those whom Satan would use to deceive them relative to Christ’s second coming. He said in Matthew 24:26,27: “If they say unto you, ‘Look, He is in the desert,’ or ‘Behold, He is in the secret chambers,’ believe it not, for as the lightning comes out of the east and shines to the west, so will the coming (epiphaneia–visible manifestation) of the Son of man be.” That the disciples associated His second coming (parousia-arriving) with the end of the world is shown in Matthew 24:3 where they asked Him: “What will be the SIGN OF YOUR COMING (parousia) and THE END OF THE WORLD?” Rapturists believe that the two Greek words–“parousia” (coming) and “epiphaneia” (appearing) refer to two different events. Matthew 24:3 indicates that the disciples believed them to be two aspects of the same event. Note that Jesus did not correct them. The rapture and His second coming being such important matters, surely He would have done so. To be continued. L.J.
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