As a result of the Lord’s decline in importance, sin will soon be viewed by the majority of the earth’s population as a relic of the distant past. As stated earlier, I predict that within 10 years the Bible, the age-old standard by which our ancestors evaluated themselves, will be removed from the public domain by force of law. The on-going court-ordered removal of all references to God and the Bible from public venues reveals that the process is already under way, even in the church. Today, the vast majority of churchites place church doctrine, human rights, personal freedom, the social gospel, religious correctness (tolerance, love, inclusion, diversity, etc.) ahead of God’s Word. Eradication of it is the next step. The reasoning behind its removal will be fear of offending those of other religions. I am not saying this to prompt readers to pray that God will intervene to stop the nation’s moral decay–that ship has sailed and sunk. The heavens of professing Christendom have turned to metal; her frequent and fervent prayers are not getting through. I write to prepare true God-seekers for what is coming.
As an aside, in an earlier series of postings I predicted that, due to the Supreme Court’s ruling that gay marriage is constitutional, such things as group marriage and human-animal marriage would be legalized. However, I failed to consider what has recently become a possibility–human-robot marriage. Man and machine united in matrimony–look for it.
Why should sex deviants not be allowed to lead young lives? Because those whom they lead will come to view deviance is normal, as just another life-style. Religious people will not be sheltered from this heresy. As ever more self-labeled churches are “seeing the light” relative to sin in their midst, it is only a matter of time before what is now considered sin will no longer be considered sin. Instead, sin will be viewed as merely one of a list of choices, all of which will be “approved of God.” Thanks to the past two generations, specifically the previous one, the process is well under way.
At this point we will play a game of “what if” to prove that God and His Word are no longer part of the lives of the majority of Americans. Fact: theft, as defined by the God of the Bible, is a sin. Question: would professing Christians allow a known, unrepentant thief to lead their children? Collective answer: No. That would be irresponsible. Fact: lying, as defined by the God of the Bible, is a sin. Question: would professing Christians want a known, unrepentant liar to lead their children? Collective answer: No. That would be irresponsible. Fact: homosexuality, as defined by the God of the Bible, is a sin. Question: would those same professing Christians want a known, unrepentant homosexual to lead their children? Collective answer: “Of course. Anyone who would not is a hater, a ….” (fill in the blanks with negative characterizations). At present the majority of professing Christendom would answer “no” to the last question. This will change as pressure from the sex deviant crowd and society in general continues to mount. Being called intolerant, divisive and unloving will cause the vast majority within “the church” to fold. Yes, your church will go with the religiously correct flow. Only individually will there be resistance to the apostasy that is dragging professing Christendom into Satan’s abyss.
The latest indication of the moral collapse of the past couple of generations is the fact that, according to several national political polls, the majority of Americans neither believe nor trust Hillary Clinton. Yet she enjoys a comfortable lead over all other presidential contenders in both parties. Question: if the majority of voters neither trust nor believe her, why is she leading in the polls? Because she promises to give them what they want and to approve of whatever they want to do no matter how Biblically evil what they want and what they do might be. Thanks to the past two generations, she and her ilk have lowered the moral bar to the point that it has, for all practical purposes, disappeared. The polls show that the American people know that Hillary Clinton will lie, cheat, deceive, blame others, etc. to get what she wants–power over them. YET THEY WANT HER TO BE THEIR NEXT PRESIDENT. And I predict that she will be.
Let us be clear. America, the so-called “Christian nation,” has brought her demise on herself. And we must not blame Satan for her downfall. As Pogo, a cartoon character from the distant past, once said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Indeed. America is her own worst enemy. Because she desires to commit spiritual suicide, God is providing the proverbial tree, rope and stool. Let us be clear: IT IS GOD WHO IS DESTROYING THIS NATION. America has made her choice–she has chosen Satan over the Biblical God. Because of her choice, she will be destroyed, defeated and enslaved. What we are seeing today is merely the “beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8). Due to her rejection of God, the sin, degradation, lawlessness, crime, rioting, destruction, defeat and enslavement I have predicted WILL COME TO PASS. The social upheavals we have seen of late are just the beginning. Race riots are on the way. Our cities will go up in flames. Soon the sexual degeneracy being played out on the nation’s t.v. screens, in her movies and in print will be routinely performed in public and will be met with shrugs, if noticed at all. Soon sexual deviancy will not merely be considered normal, but will be preferred. The nation’s people will become low hanging fruit for those who will bomb, invade, defeat and enslave her. Her industries will be carried off to the victorious nations along with those who survive the riots, bombings and military invasions. And it will all happen in two generations. L.J.
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