What was seen and heard during the interview with the scout leader left all who viewed it with the correct impression that the man was an upstanding citizen worthy of the public’s acceptance on the social level. But it was what was neither spoken during the interview nor afterwards that once again revealed how far this nation has fallen spiritually–how low recent generations have set the moral bar for those seeking positions in the social realm. I immediately recalled that when this country was beginning to form, many emerging states had as part of their charter the rule that no one could assume a position of political leadership who was not a professing Christian and who would not publicly pledge allegiance to the Biblical God.
How far this nation created by Him to be His light to the world has fallen. Not only have the past two generations abandoned the God of the Scriptures, they have allowed the generation now coming on the scene to be destroyed by Satan before it has a chance to hear the Lord’s side of the story. During the televised interview the scout leader’s teen-aged son looked into the camera and wondered aloud why anyone would not want his father to lead them. Recent polls reveal that the majority of Americans agree with him. So what was it that was not mentioned by the interviewer, an omission that spells doom for current and future generations? The Word of God.
The very Word by which we will all be judged has much to say about the abomination that is homosexuality. See Satan’s Sex Saturation. But throughout the interview there was not one mention of God’s written condemnation of the Satanic lifestyle that is now en vogue, even among many religious organizations. Why the obvious omission? Why was the One Who defines homosexuality and condemns it not heard from? Because God has been reasoned out of the lives of the generations in question. The Biblical God has no place in the era of religious correctness. See the posting by that name. Their “religion” having become an open-ended system designed to satisfy their self-serving motives, the previous two generations have left to their descendants a spiritual blank sheet upon which to write their present and future lifestyles, neither of which will include the expressed will of God.
As a result of the nation’s rejection of all things Biblical, future generations, including the one now coming on the scene, will grow up in a Godless society in which the only standard of right and wrong will be one’s immediate desire–what will satisfy him/her at the moment–which will change with each situational change. Years ago when moral decline began to affect the life of the nation as a whole, someone coined a term for it. It became known as “Situational Ethics.” Today the phenomenon is called “Political Correctness,” which I have labeled “Religious Correctness” when it concerns the church system. See the posting by that name. With the marriage of professing Christendom and the world the term could now be expressed as “Political/Religious/Situational Ethical Correctness.”
Regardless of the terms used to characterize the future life of the United States, they will not include words such as God, the Bible, etc. Another word one will not hear is “sin,” which will have been relegated to the distant past. Each person will do what is right in his/her own eyes, which God predicted would happen as mankind pushed Him farther and farther away. By rejecting God and His Word, the last two generations have paved the path to Satan’s spiritual abyss–the “broad way” on which the generation now coming on the scene blindly treads. To be continued. L.J.
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