Having realized many years ago that my beloved country was on her way down and out, I wanted to be around to witness and experience her demise. God is answering my unspoken prayer. Being a student of history and an observer of the present, I thought I had my nation’s future fall into the abyss figured out. Though I knew WHAT was going to happen, I was wrong on the HOW issue. The two things that are proving to be her downfall has taken me totally by surprise. On the social level Political Correctness is the culprit. On the spiritual level Religious Correctness is the enemy. This is not to say that our national rot is a new phenomenon. America’s demise began many years ago with the liberalization of the church as man replaced God as her head and man’s word replaced His Word as Truth. As is always the case, the nation quickly followed the church’s lead. Once having stepped onto those two slippery slopes, the end became just a matter of time. Many of us in my generation (I am 74) will live to see the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ. For a number of years God has used me to warn those with ears to hear and eyes to see that we are headed for destruction on a fast-moving spiritual vehicle called SELF. Though man’s infatuation with himself is not a new phenomenon, it has of late reached the level of idolatry. Truly, in the eyes of mankind in general and the U.S in particular, it is all about ME. Nothing else matters–I am the center of my universe. Everything else is merely cannon fodder which I can do without. The first casualty of “MEism” was God.
Recently an edition of the t.v. evening news reminded me yet again that my country has offered up the last two generations of her people on the alter of self-gratification, resulting in the deification of man– an act of idolatry known as “apotheosis.” See the posting by that name. The televised segment I am referring to involved an interview in which the public saw first hand an example of how modern man has replaced God’s expressed Way with his common sense (read politically correct) way. As the interview unfolded I was reassured that what I have been warning people about for several years is rapidly coming to fruition–the moral fabric of the nation is coming unraveled as man excludes his Creator from ever more aspects of his life.
This particular news segment focused on the Boy Scouts of America and the question of homosexual scout leaders, one of whom was the subject of the interview. What the viewer of the program saw and heard was a fantastic human being. His countenance clearly radiated kindness; his interest in young people was obvious; his affection for the scouting program and its virtues could not be challenged. The man was a virtual repository of human goodness. I have no doubt that he was a kind, gentle, caring, honest, helpful person. Which caused my spiritual stomach to turn. So what is wrong with you? others would undoubtedly ask me. Why would I deny such a specimen of human kindness, caring, etc. the right to lead young males? Did I not hear all the accolades used to describe him by various people who knew him personally? I did indeed; AND I AGREED WITH THEM. So what is your problem? my detractors would ask. I will answer these questions by posing a couple of questions.
How did Satan present himself to Adam and Eve? How does he present himself through his agents today? Let us understand that his goal is the eternal destruction of as many victims as possible. He cannot do this by presenting himself honestly and telling his prey what he has in mind for them. Because he must keep the deceived in a state of deception, he isn’t going to announce to the masses: “I hate you; I will take as many of you as possible with me into the Lake of Fire; I will lie to you and deceive you for the sole purpose of destroying you. I am your destroyer posing as your Savior. In order to entice you to follow me I will present my people as the epitomy of goodness. Many will come across as bastions of Christianity. I will give some of my more talented religionists leadership positions in the church for the purpose of luring you into it.” THIS IS NOT SATAN’S MODE OF OPERATION. Because he understands the mind of man, he has his people coming across as kind, loving, caring, etc. Some are among the most religious of the religious–the holiest of the holy. People say about Satan’s followers: “He/she is the nicest person you ever met. He/she is real need-meeter–always there when a need arises. His/her family life is exemplary. Why, I’ve seen him/her ….” (fill in the blanks with accolades). Ironically, these are the same things said about mass murders, serial killers, rapists, child molesters and other types of sociopaths by those who know them. And no wonder–they have the same god. SATAN IS NO FOOL; he knows how to deceive gullible man (Rev. 12:9), which explains the positive reactions to the man in the interview. To be continued. L.J.
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