The expression “perfect storm” is used to describe an event in which several similar factors combine to create something outside the norm–an unnatural entity that none of the elements could produce in isolation. On October 28, 1991 what would evolve into a literal “perfect storm” formed off the coast of Nova Scotia as westward bound Hurricane Grace united with two storm systems traveling east from the mainland to form one colossal weather-based beast. A local meteorologist publicly labeled the phenomenon “the perfect storm.” So devastating was its effect that a movie was made about it. The damage caused by this rain and wind freak of nature became the stuff of legend as 13 people died, boats were sunk, a helicopter crashed at sea and tens of thousands were left without electrical power. Thirty foot waves were common, the tallest measuring 100.7 feet. From a weather perspective, this was indeed a “perfect storm.” With the scene being transmitted globally by satellite, the entire world looked on in fascination as nature ravaged the eastern boundary of the United States.
But what few of those billions of viewers understood was that Satan has been conducting a spiritual “perfect storm” since losing his war with God over universal supremacy. The result of that conflict was that he and his fallen angels, called demons, were cast to the earth where they have become uber successful at deceiving mankind into following their leader and rejecting their Creator.
Unlike the storm that decimated the East Coast of the United States, Satan’s storm did not gradually phase out due to the loss of power. To the contrary, his storm continued to gather strength as the world became more and more inhabited by God’s most important creation–man. As mankind multiplied, so did the number and enthusiasm of the devil’s followers. In the same way that nature’s perfect physical storm utilized the forces of three weather systems to do its damage, Satan’s perfect spiritual storm features the coming together of several spiritual “storms”–beliefs and practices that have brought untold disaster into the lives of both the churched and the unchurched. Unlike hurricane Grace which was globally acknowledged, hurricane Satan has remained unrecognized by earth’s inhabitants. Though nature’s devastation was known world-wide for what it was, Satan’s destruction has been accepted as “the way of the Lord” and incorporated into church doctrine.
Throughout the Bible and secular history man has borne witness of the gradual rise of the devil’s power and the decline of the Lord’s power in the lives of both the religious and the irreligious. This was initially caused by various spiritual elements being combined by Satan into a singular power consortium then unleashed on unsuspecting mankind. The question now becomes, what were those elements?
God gives us the answer in His Word where He condemns them in writing. They include: belief in and observance of such Satanic offerings as the Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, the trinity, Christ’s one day and two night stay in the tomb, immediate entrance into heaven or hell at death, denominations, the death of the Law, salvation based on faith alone, all grace and no works, all faith and no Law, automatic forgiveness of sin, original sin, the rapture, replacement theology, the substitution of Baal’s holidays for God’s Holy Days, to mention a few.
What nature’s perfect storm did physically to the East Coast of the United States, Satan’s perfect storm has done spiritually to mankind. Due to mankind’s ever-increasing infatuation with himself, the effects of Satan’s efforts have begun to multiply exponentially. This self-worship has resulted in the loss of the last two generations, and they will not be the last. As will be pointed out, the generation now forming is headed into the abyss even faster than its predecessors. To be continued. L.J.
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