In the first chapter of the Book of Romans the Apostle Paul uses the word “THE” numerous times in order to assure the seeker of God that there is only ONE of each of the essential factors that lead to eternal life. For example, the apostle speaks of “THE faith,” “THE Law,” “THE Truth,” “THE righteous judgment of God, “THE Gospel,” “THE righteousness of THE Law,” etc. Question: What Law, Truth, Gospel, faith, etc. is he referring to in this message? Answer: “THE” LAW, TRUTH, GOSPEL, FAITH, ETC. UPON WHICH THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH IS BUILT.
This Truth is brought out In Ephesians 2:20 where the Apostle Paul tells us that the church was, is and will forever be built upon THE WORDS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS AND THE NEW TESTAMENT APOSTLES, ALL OF WHICH WERE SPOKEN TO THEM BY THE GOD OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT. THESE WORDS WERE PRESERVED TO BE USED TO INSTRUCT GOD’S PEOPLE UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE (1 Cor. 10:11)–THE (LAODICEAN) AGE IN WHICH WE ARE NOW LIVING. In the series titled The God of the Old Testament I show that the God of the Old Testament was none other than the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14) Who came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth. Use the key word Old to download this very important series. In Second Timothy 3:14-16 Paul tells Timothy the evangelist that “THE OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES were inspired by the Holy Spirit and that they are to be used FOR “INSRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS” which would make one “WISE UNTO SALVATION”.
The importance of “THE’s” is brought out again in the third chapter of Romans where Paul tells the church why Jews had an advantage over the Gentiles relative to receiving eternal life: BECAUSE THEY ALREADY POSSESSED THE ORACLES OF GOD–the Word, the Truth, the Gospel, the Law which true saints study, learn, believe and obey which will qualify them to receive the gift of eternal life which Christ will bring with Him upon His return (1 Pet. 1:5). In this passage the apostle tells us that God’s true saints “are kept by the power of God through faith UNTO SALVATION WHICH WILL BE AWARDED THEM AT CHRIST’S REVELATION (APOCALYPSE–REVEALING TO THE WORLD) AT THE END OF THE AGE.”
In Romans 1:16,17 Paul confirms Peter’s promise concerning the relationship between salvation and the Gospel of Christ, noting that IT (the Gospel, Word, Truth, Law, Oracles) IS THE POWER OF GOD THAT, IF OBEYED, LEADS TRUE BELIEVERS TO SALVATION. Note that God’s Word reveals the righteousness of God which His Very Elect manifest by obeying (“walking”–1 Jn. 2:6) His Word, Truth, Gospel, Law, Oracles until the end of their lives (Mat. 10:22). Read Romans 5:21 and 6:22 where we are told that the END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS SALVATION. Nothing else, not faith, grace, Bible study, prayer, fasting, church attendance, smiling, witnessing, preaching, church building, etc., or a combination of all of the above, will result in salvation upon the return of Jesus Christ. The wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). Sin is the transgression of the Ten Commandment Law (1 Jn. 3:4) which separates the iniquitous (Gk.–Lawless) one from God (Isa. 59:2). Only those who “walk as Jesus walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and “overcome as He overcame” temptation to sin will sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21).
The importance of the word “THE” (meaning only) is brought out graphically in Ephesians 4:1-16 where the church is reminded of THE ONENESS OF ALL THINGS HOLY—ONE BODY OF CHRIST, ONE HOLY SPIRIT, ONE HOPE FOR SALVATION, ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL.
In order to keep all of His Very Elect in a state of ONENESS, the Lord gave to the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers “for THE perfecting of THE saints, for the work of THE ministry for THE unifying of THE Body of Christ “until we all come unto THE unity of THE faith and THE knowledge of THE Son of God, to a perfect man (individual).” Individually, we are commanded to grow in faith and righteousness until we individually and corporately “COME TO THE MEASURE OF THE STATUTE OF THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST” (Eph. 4:11-13). Where does this leave so-called “sinners saved by grace?” Jesus came to “save His people from (not in) their sins” (Mat. 1:21) by removing their sins then empowering them to live in holiness and righteousness. If they continue to sin they are like the sow that returns to the mire and the dog that returns to its vomit. These are described by Jesus in Revelation 3:14-20 where He describes the end-time church by comparing her to vomit.
Relative to their being only ONE CHURCH, Paul delivers the fatal blow to the idea of church denominations in verse 14. In Romans 10:17 he warns true believers to identify those in the church who cause divisions (denominations) within the body. There is to be NO SEPARATION WITHIN THE BODY OF CHRIST. He repeats this command in First Corinthians 1:10. He asks in First Corinthians 1:13: “Is Christ divided?” Only the Lord’s Very Elect obey God’s command for oneness. These are they who keep themselves separated from all others in “the church.” God’s Very Elect today make up a small percentage of that which calls itself “Christianity.” Jesus prophesied that this would be the condition of professing Christendom during the final days of the age. In Matthew 7:13,14 and 22:14 He warned that at the time of His return to earth His true church would be made up of only a “FEW” true believers while the counterfeit church would be comprised of “MANY” salvation seekers. The final (Laodicean–Catholic/Protestant) era/age of the church is characterized by Jesus in Revelation 3:14-20 where He perfectly describes those who have been lured into the modern Catholic/Protestant Religious System. These are the “MANY” who will have flowed through Satan’s wide (“come as you are”) gate and have walked his broad (“stay as you are”) way to destruction. Read Who Are God’s People? Key word–People. Many are called to be a part of God’s spiritual family on earth. Few, Jesus warned, would be chosen for having answered His call. Let us listen to His “voice” and answer His call to righteousness and holiness which, if maintained to the end of life, will result in eternal life (Mat. 10:22). L.J.
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