In the fourth chapter of John’s Gospel we find Jesus speaking to a woman who had come to a public well to draw water. He is telling her that, if she had asked it of Him, He would have given her “living water.” She tells Him that the Lord’s Messiah would one day come to earth to do exactly that. He tells her that He is the Messiah. In verse twenty-three the woman acknowledges that the living water the Messiah would bring them would be in the form of WORDS by which they could receive eternal life. Later, the woman’s friends proclaimed that Jesus was indeed the Christ, FOR THEY HAD HEARD HIM SPEAK (vss 41,42).
Within the first three chapters of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Rome we find Christ’s WORDS being identified as the source of salvation for all who would believe and obey His Words. We will now go there to confirm that Truth that could have been written only under the power of the Holy Spirit. First John 3:1-10 is another passage wielding that same spiritual power. If I could have only one Book of the Bible, it would be First John. If I could have only one chapter, it would be chapter three. If you read verses 1-10 you will understand why. These ten verses present God’s “fine print” in its most powerful and sword-level form. Here we can see what God meant by calling His Word the “sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17).
In the Book of Romans we find a number of statements concerning God’s Word and their eternal importance. As the following will confirm, God’s Word, stated using a variety of terms, carries the power of almighty God which is expressed and brought to fruition by His Holy Spirit. As this series will show, the Word, Gospel, Truth of THE LORD HIMSELF IN WRITTEN FORM.
In Romans 1:1 Paul states that he (and all apostles–“we”) had been “SEPARATED” unto the Gospel of God, meaning unto the ministry of Christ’s Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mat. 4:23). In verses five and six Paul makes a statement that is usually ignored in church circles. Here he states that “we” (all apostles) have been separated for the ministry in which they were to teach the people to obey THE FAITH among all nations on earth. In verse six he emphasizes that those in the Rome church are among those who were to obey THE ONE AND ONLY FAITH OF GOD.
Those who believe what God’s apostles teach are commanded to obey their words, thereby causing them to be SEPARATED from the world around them which rejects His Words. In Matthew chapter ten Jesus warns us to remain separated from the world in which we live. In Matthew 24:4,5 He warns about false prophets who will teach a self-determined false gospel that will enable believers to fit into the world around them and into the various version of God’s Gospel. However, Jesus teaches us the exact opposite. He tells us that those who obey Him will be rejected by both the churched and the nonchurched world. In my series titled Persecution I write about this grave error. Use the key word Persecution to download that series.
In verse seven those who are SEPARATED FROM THE WORLD BECAUSED OF THEIR OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH ARE CALLED “SAINTS” (HOLY ONES). Those in God’s true family are Biblically called His CHURCH (“CALLED OUT–SEPARATED– ONES”). In summary, God sends His apostles (“sent ones”) to those who will obey Him. These are those He calls SAINTS (“holy ones”) who, collectively, are called His CHURCH (“called out ones”). Notice that God’s people are called to SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. Historically, each time the Israelites mixed socially with the heathen around them they became heathen. Many of the religious beliefs and practices found in “the church” came from the heathen world. Read God is a Segregationist and Who Are God’s People. Key words–Segregationist and People respectively.
It is imperative that I emphasize the importance of word “THE” relative to the things of God. “THE” in the context of the following statements means “THE ONLY ….” In 1:12 Paul refers to THE MUTUAL FAITH,” meaning THE ONE AND ONLY FAITH SHARED BY ALL OF GOD’S TRUE SAINTS. FAITH IS TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD (Rom. 10:19). The type of faith God’s people must have is true, Christ-level faith which is entirely different from church faith. Church faith is based on church doctrine which consists of man’s word ABOUT God’s Word, or man’s interpretation of God’s Word as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.
Man is forbidden to interpret God’s Word (2 Pet. 1:20). By interpreting His Word one is assuming that God is in some way wrong and needs to be corrected. Who better to correct Him than man? Of course, Satan is the impetus behind man’s editing of God’s Word. Adam and Eve interpreted God’s Word at the urging of the Serpent who told them that God got it wrong (Gen. 3:3,4).
The focus of this ministry is the church and is designed by the Lord to bring out His “fine print” (my term) which must be believed and obeyed in order for His “headlines” (my term) to come to fruition. Those in the church love His “headlines” but hate His “fine print.” They also hate anyone who dares to proclaim His “fine print” to them. I understand why God calls His Word His “sword of the Spirit.” In fact, He says that it is “sharper than any two-edged sword” that man can create. A sword is designed to do only one thing–kill. God’s “fine print” spiritually kills those who reject it because it presents a caveat (condition) for receiving what God has promised. For example: If I ask who loves Jesus Christ for (supposedly) saving their souls, every hand will go up. But when I quote Him saying: “If you love me, keep My commandments” (including #4), I suddenly become their enemy. Why? Because they “know” that the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross. Their hirelings have convinced them that they only need to believe in Him to receive the promises of God, including salvation. The same reaction is exhibited when I tell people that in order to be saved they must obey God’s commands to “Be ye holy FOR your Father in heaven is holy” and “Be ye holy AS your Father in heaven is holy” (1 Pet. 1:15,16; 2:5,9). Their “Christian love” wanes even more when I introduce them to such passages as First John 2:6 and 3:3 and 3:1-10, which is the sharpest point of God’s sword of the Spirit. A couple of numbers will reveal how deeply runs the hatred of God’s “fine print” among church people in Athens, Texas. At last count I have had approximately 3.3 billion visits to my website. Yet not one time have I been invited to speak in a local church. As Jesus said would happen in the last days of this age, love for His Word has indeed turned cold. L.J.
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