Satan has come out of the darkness and into the light for all the world to see–AND LOVE. What was for generations the domain of the delusional and the product of backrooms and forest-surrounded shacks has recently come out of the closet and into the minds of billions of people.
The majority of the world’s people do not believe in the devil, demons, etc., yet there is an insatiable interest in demons, demon possession, supernatural powers, magic, witchcraft, vampires and zombies. For example, the t.v. series titled The Walking Dead drew over 16 million viewers for the season four premiere. The program is ranked #1 among those between the ages of 18 and 49 and has garnered 61 award nominations so far. Occult themes rule prime time t.v. and young adult literature. From astrological charts to tarot readings, from seances to full-moon ceremonies, from necromancy to animal sacrifice–humanity has fallen in love with the supernatural. Police authorities in Henderson County where I live tell us that this area is alive with witchcraft. According to those in the know, it is not unusual to find evidence of animal sacrifice in the wooded areas surrounding Athens, and that from the air at night one can see numerous outdoor fires that indicate occult activity. I live within sight of the area’s governing witch. I have seen this woman who gave off a visual and spiritual aura that only Satan could produce. In a previous posting I told about a woman who confessed that she had been consulting a Ouija board for information. When I cast the demon out of her the demon sent her into a physical frenzy that had her spinning around in circles until she finally collapsed on the floor. In another instance I was asked to deal with a woman who was having mental problems. The Lord showed me that she had been using Tarot cards for guidance. I confronted her about it and she admitted that I was right. In reality, or God was right and let me in on the Truth. Occultic items, chants, activities, etc. work because the demons behind them make them work.
Contrary to popular opinion, THERE IS POWER BEHIND THE OCCULT. Not only are Satan and his demons real, they have an overwhelming hatred for all people and the God Who created them (Isa. 14:12-14/Rev. 12:12). Being extremely intelligent, they have convinced most of mankind that they do not exist (Rev. 12:9). Afflicting them is child’s play for the devil.
Though dismissed by most people, especially those of a religious bent, people who believe God know that THE OCCULT IS IN FACT A RELIGION WHOSE GOD IS SATAN–the “God of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). All of man’s individual problems, along with all national and international problems, can be traced to one singular causative factor–the devil. In Ephesians 6:12 we are told that God’s saints wrestle (contend) with “the rulers of the darkness of this world.” These rulers are Satan and his fallen angels. The world in general does not believe in the devil and evil spirits and do not realize that most of their physical, mental and emotional problems are caused by these unseen powers which enter and affect their victims due to their sins which, as the Lord tells us, separate them from God (Isa. 59:2). Separation from God leaves the person helpless before Satan. Those outside of God’s true church, not realizing that the bulk of their problems are caused by sin-enabled demons, believe that their physical, mental, emotional, familial, social, economic problems are simply the way life is. They believe that, because they are supposedly saved, that Satan and his demons can have no effect on their lives. A careful reading of Deuteronomy 28 will dispel this error.
Though most people do not believe in the supernatural, over the past two decades the bulk of humanity has openly embraced Satan, meaning that they worship and serve him. Jesus said that man can worship and serve only one master, that one is either for Him or against Him, is either gathering with Him or scattering abroad (Mat. 12:30). Those who do not believe in and continually war against Satan are unknowingly worshiping and serving him, which describes most of humankind. How did this happen? To be continued. L.J.
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