It is important to know that something does not need to look evil in order to be evil. Satan presents himself as an “angel of light” and his demon-directed false prophets as “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:14). Jesus warned about such ministers in Matthew 24 where He tells Truth seekers that such men will rise up among them and declare that He, Jesus, is indeed the Christ and, having gained the confidence of the people, will deceive many of them. Professing Christendom is rife with men, and women, who claim that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah sent from God. They claim that they, too, have been sent by God to preach His Truth. Jesus was sent by the Biblical God and preached the Truth. False prophets were sent by the god of this world and preach what he tells then to preach. The homepage of this website provides some of his “truths” that his ministers declare to be “thus saith the Lord.”
Such are Satan’s spokespersons who appear to be one thing but are in reality the opposite. This description includes the vast majority of church ministers. An added dimension to this phenomenon is that they believe they are preaching God’s Truth. Due to a lack of either Biblical knowledge or faith–or both–these ministers have been deceived and in turn have deceived others. Both groups have “fallen into the ditch” that Satan has created for them (Mat. 15:14). Notice that Jesus warned about THE (single) ditch which symbolizes all of professing Christendom’s false doctrines.
An added problem relative to such people is that, through Satan’s help, many of them have become household names. Faith healers, mega-church pastors, globe-trotting evangelists, etc. have become religious rock stars whose followings number in the hundreds of thousands. I would remind those who look up to such ministers that Judas preached the Gospel, healed the sick, cast out demons, etc. while stealing from the group’s money purse and arranging to betray our Lord. AND JESUS KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING. Solomon led Israel into the height of world power and glory, all the while marrying heathen women and allowing them to bring their heathen gods, their beliefs and practices into God’s chosen nation. Solomon eventually led the Israelites to sacrifice their children to Molech and Baal. The lesson from the Scriptures is that All That Glitters is not gold. Read the series by that name. Key word–Glitters.
As stated earlier, in times past most of what Satan and his demons were doing was hidden from public view because people were more God-conscience than they are today. However, as man has pushed God out of his spiritual, social, educational and governmental life, there is no longer a need for Satan to keep his activities hidden in the shadows. As a result, Satanism is now on full display world-wide, including in so-called “Christian nations.” For example, there are over 1000 Muslim mosques in the United States, Hindu is her fastest growing religion and the queer flag waves in front of more churches every day. Today, the god referred to on American money refers to the god of this world–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4) who has “deceived the whole world” into bowing before him (Rev. 12:9). His most cherished conquest is that which calls itself “the church.”
In today’s world one of the most popular demonic manifestations involves multiple human personalities residing within an individual. Those who demonstrate this spiritual manifestation are involved in what they call the “multiplicity movement.” The various entities living within a human being make up a “multiplicity system” which can include non-human creatures such as birds and animals. One’s multiplicity system can consist of as few as two to as many as two hundred different people who share a “city” inside the mind of the victim. These “cities” sometimes join together to form groups such as the group that calls itself “Plural Activism.” So far, the number of Americans having multiple personalities are believed to be less than 1.5% of the population. Look for that number to rise as Satan and his angels become more socially demonstrative in their activities and those activities become more socially accepted. I predict that soon the expression “coming out” will include more than just homosexuals and transes who have exited the “closet.”
A few of those with multiple personalities have developed large followings on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. One M.P. claims to have over a million followers. Psychologists are reporting that they have experienced a sudden influx of people suffering from multiple personalities. Over 70% of their outpatients have attempted suicide. None of the psychological treatments known to man offers permanent help to those who have been afflicted. Only deliverance can permanently rid a victim of his/her “guests.” The general public readily accepts the psychological profession’s prescribed treatments for multiple personality disorders. Sadly, the Biblically proven solution to those problems is not acceptable because it cannot be controlled by the medical profession. The prevailing attitude is: If man can’t fix it, it cannot be fixed. Such is the power of Satan in today’s world.
Another type of demonic activity involves what is commonly known as “witchcraft.” Witchcraft is the stock and trade of paganism which has its roots in Babylonian Mystical Religion that is almost as old as mankind itself. Before his conversion to God’s way of life, the ancient Prophet Abram (Abraham) was a polytheist from the Middle Eastern region called Ur of the Chaldees whose capital city was Babylon.
As Biblical history reveals, Abraham’s Israelite descendants, having rejected their God, became totally paganized by associating with the heathen nations that bordered their nation. The Bible links those nations with witchcraft and other types of paganism. Warning: Never associate the work of the Holy Spirit with witchcraft. To do so is to blaspheme the Spirit. I have personal experience with that phenomenon and its effect on the blasphemer. A woman God healed instantly after I prayed for her claimed that I had done so using witchcraft. She died in her sleep for no medical reason shortly thereafter. Being a Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting pillar in a mainline Protestant Church she had no excuse for her blasphemy.
Those who deal in witchcraft and magic are in a demonic association known collectively as the “occult.” One of the more commonly known manifestation of accultism is to have “a familiar spirit” which enables its host to communicate with demons. The Lord warns against using such spiritual wizardry in Leviticus 19:31 to 20:6. In First Samuel 28 we find King Saul consulting the witch of Endore whose familiar spirit supposedly enabled her to speak with the dead. Saul had asked the witch to call up the Prophet Samuel from the dead so that he, Saul, could talk with him. The living cannot communicate with the dead who “know nothing” (Eccl. 9:5,10). The witch used a demon which pretended to be Samuel. Read Life After Death using the key word After.
In the New Testament the Apostle Paul stated that those involved in pagan religions are in fact worshiping devils (1 Cor. 10:20). Modern witchcraft–a form of demon worship–is real, is powerful and is on the rise in America and throughout much of the world. People make fun of the idea of “putting hexes” on people. True witches can do things to other people that the intellectual elites dismiss as “old wives tales.” Old–yes; tales–no. I can tell you from dealing with such demonic activities that the demonic world is both real and powerful. I will end this posting with a story of my dealings with a woman who had been using tarot cards to tell the future. When I cast the demon out of her she began to spin around like an ice skater, finally falling to the floor. As already mentioned, one woman vomited out her demon. I rarely know what to expect when doing battle with demons. But I do know who will win the battle. L.J.
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