What was once “supernatural” is rapidly becoming “natural.” Thanks to television and other, more sophisticated means of social communication, what was once considered totally imaginary is rapidly becoming everyday reality. I saw this trend developing half a century ago when television took over the minds of the masses, particularly in the United States where even the poorest of her citizens had an antenne pointing skyward from their roofs. I know because I was part of that economic demographic.
With the advent of home television in the 1950’s a world we had only heard about through books, movies and magazines began to materialize before our eyes. Within a few years, watching the tube became THE nightly ritual for much of the world’s population. According to a poll conducted during the height of television viewership, a book called The T.V. Guide was the most-read printed material on earth. People knew more about the t.v. schedule than about the Holy Scriptures. On a daily basis, the “big eye” garnered many more hours of attention than did the Holy Bible. People watched hours of t.v. programming while giving God only minutes of their free time. The only thing that has changed is that now one can carry his/her “little screen” around in one’s hand. One renowned preacher told a national newspaper audience that God turned on his t.v. set for him. This declaration was accompanied by an 8X10-inch family portrait. That picture, along with the cold, evil feeling it gave me is as real today in my memory as it was so many years ago when I looked into that false prophet’s eyes and saw Satan staring back at me.
In its beginning, television programming was the essence of innocence. There was no cursing, no suggestive dialogue, no nudity, etc. There was no need to protect children from its productions. Networks shut down at 10:00 P.M. with a prayer. In some cases, the day’s final offering included a sermonette. Shows like Father Knows Best and Our Miss Brooks ruled the ratings. In the early days, the nearest thing to the supernatural found on “the tube” was “Casper the friendly ghost,” a Saturday morning children’s program in the same genre as “Francis the talking mule.”
Following the sex-obsessed 1960’s, things began to change within the American, and therefore the world’s collective psyche. To keep up with the times, television programming evolved into something entirely different from its innocent beginnings. I first noticed the change when advertising began to take on more openly supernatural themes. I knew at that time that Satan would eventually rule the airwaves. I was not smart enough to realize that truth using my own mentality. God had spoken to me, warning me of what was coming. He was preparing me for the ministry to which He had called me. Not to my surprise, He was right. Advertisements, program themes, movies, etc., almost everything now has an otherworldly theme embedded within its content. What we must realize is that the “crazy stuff” we see on t.v. and in the movies is REAL. That which has been kept somewhat under wraps for thousands of years is rapidly becoming part of daily life. What we are seeing today is only a taste of what is coming upon the world in these final days of the world as we know it. The world, including the religious world, will be helpless to resist the powers that Satan will use against mankind.
Using modern communication technology, the devil now dominates the mental processes and physical activities of all but a few of the world’s citizens. Some three-year-olds have their own “idiot boxes” whose content has them already addicted. Surprisingly, that statement, accompanied by three-year-old addicts, were shown on national television. Make no mistake about it, SOCIAL MEDIA HAS BECOME AS ADDICTIVE, POSSESSIVE AND CONTROLLING AS THE HARDEST OF CHEMICAL DRUGS. One of the characteristics of a drug is that it turns what was once irrational into the most rational of current thoughts and behavioral patterns. That mental drug has turned what was once labeled mental illness into the newest social force that, according to its worshippers, only the most intelligent and socially astute can grasp and appreciate. I am happy to announce that, according to their evaluation, I am retarded, and plan to remain in that most unpopular condition.
The end result of the spiritual rot taking place world-wide is a real supernatural wave that is beginning to sweep across America. The rest of the world is not far behind. For proof, let us delve into some recent mental absurdities that have played out on television screens during the evening news programs. Such activities have evolved from what was once childish make-believe into in-your-face reality that is being not merely accepted, but is becoming exalted and even celebrated. I am referring to real, factual demonic activity being displayed before people of all ages. How, in this supposed “One Nation Under God,” is this possible when the Bible so explicitly condemns it? BECAUSE THE BIBLE IS NOW CONSIDERED OLD FASHIONED AND UNSUITABLE FOR A MORE ENLIGHTENED CHRISTIAN MIND-SET. I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN EXPOSING AND COMBATING THIS EVOLVING REALITY FOR YEARS. I have continually warned that what we are being visually bombarded with now is merely the beginning of a world-wide infection of demonism that will, over time, involve all forms of supernatural behavior, and not only on television and in the movies. Open demonic activity and its resultant physical and mental effects will soon be part of our daily lives. Only those who walk with the Lord in His spiritual reality will be able to defeat the demonic forces that will be as real as their next door neighbor, not to mention their relatives, who will view them as being mentally “out of touch with the real world.” You have just been introduced to my current reality. Join God and you will quickly know what I am talking about. Or you can remain in the Institutional Church and never know the joy of victory over the forces of evil.
In Scripture, Jesus was not surprised when He found Himself facing demon-possessed people. And that was in a time when such activity was relatively rare. Increase that scenario by billions and you will foresee what is coming in the future. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES WARNED US THAT SUCH SATANIC ACTIVITIES WOULD, IN THE LAST DAYS, GAIN ACCEPTANCE AS GOD AND HIS WORD WOULD BE PUSHED OUT OF THE MINDSET OF THE MASSES–INCLUDING THE SO-CALLED “CHRISTIAN” MASSES. THE BOOK OF REVELATION WARNED US ABOUT WHAT WE ARE SEEING THE BEGINNINGS OF NOW. JESUS CALLED WHAT WE ARE SEEING “THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS” IN MATTHEW 24:8.
Movies and video games involving demonic themes have been around for years. Of late they have become mainstream entertainment. After school “Satan clubs” are becoming the “in” thing for grade school children. They are considered “cool” and glamorous. TikTok is featuring people with multiple personalities who change personas while the cameras are rolling. These people have become media stars as their “likes” reveal. What was a few years ago viewed as mental derangement is now en vogue. If you come against such Satanic doings, you are mentally deranged. I gladly wear that label.
Satan and demonism are rapidly becoming an important part of the world’s entertainment and news cycles. These seemingly innocent presentations increasingly bombard the senses with advertisements and story themes that feature demonic personages and situations. The rise of demonic content has led people to ask: Are demons real? I can tell you from personal experience, backed by Bible Truth, that they are indeed real.
The Holy Bible tells us repeatedly that demons are as real as those who harbor them. However, studies reveal that those who identify as Christians are evenly split as to whether demons are in fact real. This reveals either a lack of Biblical knowledge or a lack of faith in the Truths the Bible presents. Such Biblical ignorance and/or unbelief tells us why Jesus said that many would call Him their Lord while refusing to obey His Words. In Luke 6:46 and Matthew 15:9 Jesus condemns those who call Him their Lord and spend decades attending church, reading the Bible, praying, etc., then refuse to obey Him. Because of their rebellion against His Him and His Word, these church people will not rise to meet Him in the air upon His return to earth to join His saints. See the home page of this website for a list of ways in which church people reject His message, thereby disqualifying themselves from rising in the first resurrection and joining Him in the earthly Kingdom of God. Read The Three Resurrections and The Kingdom of God. Key Words–Three and Kingdom respectively.
The Gospels record Jesus Christ regularly being confronted by demons which, in every instance, He cast out. The reader can learn about these episodes by reading Matthew 4:24; 8:16; Mark 1:32,34,39 and Luke 4:41. He delegated the authority to cast out demons to his apostles then and continues to do so today. The deliverance ministry is a major part of His commission to those whom He has called to serve Him in ministry. Examples of this delegated authority are found in Matthew 10:8; Mark 3:15; 6:13; 10:17 and Luke 10:17. The Book of Acts is filled with episodes where God’s apostles cast out demons. The spirit world has not changed; it has only become more open in its activities and more acceptable in the eyes of the public. Familiarity results in acceptance. I am reminded of this when I see pictures of queer flags waving beside crosses on church lawns. The federal government pushes the nation’s love affair with all things demonic by requiring the flying of the rainbow flag alongside the American flag in front of every foreign embassy. Unfortunately, in the spiritual realm, as goes America, so goes the world. America’s social, spiritual and governmental decay is the result of her open-arms welcome to Satan and his fallen angels. With the forced evacuation of God, they were quick to fill the spiritual void. The counterfeit church reflects the world around her in their combined infatuation with Satan and his legions of helpers.
Like the people they inhabit and use, demons come in a variety of personality types. Some are violent and hostile (Mat. 8:28; Mk. 5:1,5; Lk . 8:27-29). Others present themselves as purveyors of Biblical Truth (Acts 16:16-18). This includes all Catholic and Protestant ministers who receive their “truths” from the devil by way of his demonic spirits who inhabit and control them.
Some people who are possessed by demons suffer from outward physical effects such as seizures and loss of control of bodily functions (Mat. 17:14-16). Some reveal their presence within a person by causing the victims to physically harm themselves. I have seen people with razor blades hanging from cords around their necks. Cutting of one’s flesh or mutilating oneself in other ways is a sure sign of demon possession (Mk. 5;5; Lk. 9:42). Others make loud such as screaming or groaning (Lk. 33-35). Some demons cause physical and/or mental problems (Mat. 9:32,33; 12:22; Lk. 11:14). In those cases the problems can be solved by casting out the demon that caused them. This applies to both physical and mental disorders.
As Jesus demonstrated, some people are possessed by multiple demons (Lk. 8:30; Mk. 16:9). I once cast 33 demons out of a woman. I know the exact number because, upon my command to come out of her, the lead spirit told me that THEY were not coming out. I asked him how many demons were inside the woman. He told me and I cast them all out. I had God-supplied power over them and they knew it. There is no one-size-fits-all method when dealing with demons. I never go into a situation with set actions in mind.
For example, I once cast out a demon using only thought. That is how powerful God’s Holy Spirit has proven to be. In this situation I was sitting in a booth in a crowded cafe across the table from a man who was totally drunk. God had placed him in my path so I knew I needed to help him. Not wanting to make a scene, I mentally “spoke” to the spirit, commanding it to come out of its host. The man was instantly sober. On another occasion I was speaking on the telephone to someone in another state whom I could tell was inebriated. I cast out the demon, much to her surprise. After overcoming the shock of instant sobriety, she was able to engage in a sensible conversation.
Anyone who believes the Biblical accounts of Jesus and His apostles knows that demons were real in their day and are just as real today. Christ’s command to His chosen apostles to cast out demons is still in effect. The only difference is that today demons are much more open with their activities. Look for more openness in the future for two basic reasons. First, church people are not as God-conscience as they were in the past. Having forced Him out of their lives, they are more open to the demonic influence than were their ancestors. As a result of their apostasy, church people have become low hanging fruit for Satan and his helpers. Secondly, demons recognize the “signs of the times” and know that Christ is coming soon. Realizing that their days of power and control over the masses are about over, they want to claim as many souls as possible before He returns to earth and casts them into the eternal fire created for them. This is the same flaming hell into which their followers will be cast (Mat. 25:41). Unlike the devil and his spirits who will burn forever, sinful humans will be burned to ash and walked upon by God’s true saints (Mal. 4:3). Are you loving His “fine print” yet?
The Holy Scriptures reveal that Satan’s fallen angels have profound influence on the vast majority of human beings for one reason: THE DO REFUSE TO OBEY GOD’S LAW. The size of the medical profession is one proof of the extent to which people are affected by Satan’s forces. The Lord tells us that God curses sinners (Lev. 26/ Deut. 28). He also tells us that there is no curse without a cause (Prov. 26:2). Initially, demons attack (tempt) their potential victim from outside. Sin allows them to enter their host from where they control him/her from within. Today their influence is growing ever stronger and is becoming ever more observable in the lives of their hosts. L.J.
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