When God created Adam He gave him every physical and mental attribute he would need to succeed in life which he would have lived in the paradise God had created for him and his descendants. But as had been the case with the angels, the Lord had given him free moral agency, meaning that he had the right to choose whom he would serve–either His Creator or his wife and her new god, the serpent. Adam made the wrong choice. Why? Because he had been informed that he could defy God and “… not surely die.” Sound familiar? It should, for that is the message that same serpent (Satan) speaks to his congregations every sun god day through his false prophets.
God expected Adam and those who would descend from him to develop personal holiness, righteousness and godliness by doing what he had been commanded to do–OBEY HIS CREATOR. God had created him in His own image and likeness. The only thing Adam had to provide was OBEDIENCE TO HIS INSTRUCTIONS. Adam chose not to do so. Why? Because it is much easier, and usually more physically and materially pleasurable to please self rather than to please God.
We please ourselves for fleshly reasons; we please God for spiritual reasons. If we choose to please God we are His people who are called according to His purpose. If we choose to please self or Satan we are Satan’s people, called according to his purpose. As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 16:23, Satan controls man by giving man what he wants. In this way he controls his happy congregations which are allowed to do what they want to do because, as one woman said about sin and God: “God doesn’t like sin, but he won’t do anything about it.”
In Romans 8:28 we are told that all things work together for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. Sounds both easy and simple enough. However, one of the things the Lord calls us to do is to congregate in His honor on the 7th day of the week–SATURDAY–as part of His purpose for us. But therein lies a problem. Our families, friends, business associates, etc. go to church on SUNDAY. Only religious outcasts observe the Lord’s Sabbath. It’s so much easier to go with the religious flow like the other 99.99% of professing Christendom and thereby remain in good stead with them. No one wants to be different. This is especially true in the spiritual realm where different means alone. Believe me, I know what spiritual solitariness is like. I have lived it for many years. Though I would like to have my family, friends, etc. with me on the spiritual level, I would not trade the joy I receive for pleasing Christ for everything the world has to offer.
We either allow the Lord to fill us with His righteousness and keep us filled, or we give in to an occasional fleshly desire. At true conversion the Lord gives us His Holy Spirit to empower us to overcome the inevitable temptations Satan sends our way. We can use that power to resist him, or give in and satisfy our flesh, which means we have pleased the devil and displeased God.
Jesus, Who understood temptation and what it took to resist it, tells us in Revelation 3:21 that in order to join Him in the Kingdom of God we must “… overcome (Satan) even as I overcame (him) ….” In James 4:7 the apostle tells us that if we resist Satan “… he will FLEE FROM YOU.” Whether temptation comes from Satan or self, we must resist it in order to remain right with God. Isaiah 59:2 reminds us that sin separates us from God. We cannot walk with Him if we are separated from him. If we continue to resist the devil he will flee from US. We have control over whom we listen to and obey. The options are self, Satan and the Savior. We must listen to and obey the Lord, using the Holy Spirit within us to win each battle. There will always be battles. “All who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12).
A major problem lies in the fact that only a minutely few people have God’s Holy Spirit within them. This is the result of repeatedly being told that holiness and righteousness are impossible for human beings to attain. The explanation is that we have no choice but to sin because of Adam’s sin gene transferal miracle. This in spite of being told that “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 Jn. 4:4). The problem with this Truth is that John was writing to actual Christians who had successfully used the power of the Holy Spirit to resist Satan. Another part of that problem is that 99.99% of believers unknowingly live in sin by doing such things as observing the Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, etc., being part of a denomination, believing that God’s Law was nailed to Christ’s cross, etc. Read the homepage of this website to learn of other sins those in the Institutional Church unknowingly commit. So indoctrinated are they that, when informed about what God says about what they believe and do, they refuse to believe Him. Being separated from God and therefore having no power to resist Satan’s temptations, they become low-hanging fruit for his ministers.
The vast majority of “saved” people have never been justified (had all past sins forgiven) because they believe that Jesus died so that they can sin and get away with it, which is what they hear from their false prophets ever sun god worship day. Therefore, their so-called “salvation experience” is nothing more than a false conversion. Being told repeatedly by their hirelings that obeying God’s Law is impossible, they see no need to try. And the cycle continues. But all is well because Jesus, they are told, obeyed God for them. Therefore, in order to remain in good stead with both Father and Son, believers need only to 1) believe He has saved them and 2) remember to repent after each inevitable sin. They are told repeatedly that what Jesus and His apostles wrote is actually wishful thinking.
Pope Francis amens that popular belief by telling the church world that they have the power to decide for themselves what is right and wrong. We heard that before in the Garden of Eden. We all know how that turned out. The most telling statement directed toward me relative to sin and obedience was uttered by an ex-missionary and current church pillar who, upon hearing my message relative to sin,said: “It’s just too much trouble to obey God.” She unknowingly voiced the collective attitude of professing Christendom. Apparently it is not only too much trouble, it is also impossible. L.J.
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