There are two vitally important dimensions missing from the ministries of today’s religious leaders and, by extension, from the daily lives of their followers who believe and follow their examples. First and foremost is the lack of, and in many cases, the rejection of God’s Biblical Truth. There are no exceptions to this proven fact within the modern-day Catholic/Protestant Religious System that has assumed the title of “the church.”
This ministry, which the Almighty directs toward professing Christendom. has as its first and foremost mission the teaching of God’s Word which she began turning away from over 1900 years ago. Since the deaths of the Lord’s original apostles His Truth (Word-Jn. 17:17) has not been preached or taught anywhere on earth except in the case of a tiny group of true believers. Therefore, billions of people who own God’s Truth have neither heard it preached or witnessed its manifestation. Rather, they have heard sermons ABOUT HIS WORD AS INTERPRETED BY THEIR RESPECTIVE DENOMINATION. This in spite of the fact that it is a sin to interpret God’s Word (2 Pet. 1:20,21) or to change one jot or tittle (small mark) within it (Mat. 5:18). Billions of people have been led to do both by their leaders, I being one of them in the past. Due to self-inflicted ignorance of the Holy Scriptures, we followed them.
In spite of the church’s apostasy, the Lord has always had a “remnant”–a tiny group of true, Law-keeping saints who have clung to His Word while the other 99% of the church world has been turning away from it at an increasing rapid pace. This ministry has been appointed and anointed by God to make available to professing Christendom His true Gospel as it was spoken and written by Him through His holy prophets and apostles (2 Pet. 1:21/ Eph. 2:20/ 1 Cor. 10:11). I ask only that the reader study the Scriptures with an open mind (heart).
The Truth of God will “make us wise unto salvation.” In its entirety His Word was given by inspiration (by His Holy Spirit) and is therefore: “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:14-17). Read the entire passage carefully to grasp exactly how powerful and how essential is the Word of God. Note the connection between RIGHTEOUSNESS and SALVATION–THEY ARE INSEPARABLE.
This website’s 2700+ postings relating to the 350+ series covering that many Biblical subjects have been available for a dozen+ years. It has served to declare to professing Christendom the Truth of God which exposes the devil’s lies, half-truths and deceptions that have been and continue to be presented as “thus says the Lord.” Since I have written so much about the Scriptures themselves (read Psalm 119), I will write no more about them in this posting. An index of series titles can be received free of charge by emailing me at my email address: We will now proceed to the second missing dimension relative to church ministry which has caused the religious establishment to fall far short of God’s expressed will. That dimension involves miracles, signs and wonders.
In Matthew 10:1-8 Jesus sets the ministerial standard for the ministry He intended to remain in operation unchanged until His Second Advent. Here we find Him giving His messengers power to cast out demonic spirits and power to heal all types of sickness and disease throughout the world where He was sending them. Here He commands them to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God/Heaven as He Himself preached it (Mk. 1:14) and to: “… heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils ….” With the exception of healing a leper, I have done all of those things and more through the power of the Holy Spirit. However, in the area where I have lived for the past 29 years there have been only six people who have joined me in the study of God’s Truth and the ministry of it.
Why? He has given us the answer: BECAUSE CHURCH PEOPLE HATE HIS WORD (Deut. 5:6-21) AND THEREFORE HATE BOTH GOD AND CHRIST (Lk. 10:16/ Deut. 5:6-21, 29–notice vs 9). In this area I have also spoken God’s Truth through radio and in newsprint. Through God’s power I have healed the sick and cast out demons, YET SALVATION SEEKERS REFUSE TO HEAR GOD’S WORD. As did Jesus and His apostles, I find that people love His miracles, but despise His message. One bastion of “the church” whom the Lord healed through me accused me of using witchcraft, thereby blaspheming the Holy Spirit which does all of the healing, delivering, etc. She died in her sleep two months later for no medical reason. Two other “Christians” suffered the same fate and for the same reason–REJECTION OF GOD’S HOLY WORD.
Scripture tells us that Jesus and the apostles faced the same love-the-miracles/hate-the-message reaction during their earthly ministries. People flocked to them to be fed, healed of their diseases and delivered from their demons. But let us remember that the Lord and His apostles were put to death because of their words. Jesus, Who had fed, healed and delivered masses of people, only had about 120 true followers at the time of His death. He had warned that this would be the situation in the final days of the world (Mat. 7:13,14). He prophesied that only a FEW salvation seekers would embrace His Words and obey them unto eternal life while many would embrace Satan’s words and follow him to their deaths. The ultimate irony is that as they marched to Satan’s religious drumbeat they were (are) absolutely certain that they were (are) following God on the path to heaven. The cause of this travesty is summed up in the missing dimension discussed in the first paragraph of this teaching. A short explanation for the church’s apostasy (falling away from God) is: FALSE TEACHING BY FALSE PROPHETS WHOM GOD DID NOT CALL. As He said about such “ministers”: “I HAVE NOT SENT THEM.”
The miracle ministry exhibited by Jesus and His apostles was as much a part of their ministries as was the preaching of the Gospel. Jesus routinely chastised the disciples for not having the faith to do what was expected of them, leaving Jesus Himself to do their jobs for them. For example, a man asked them to cast a demon out of his son. Though they tried, they could not cast it out. Jesus cast it out then shamed them for their lack of faith. I once cast 33 demons out of a woman. They had told me that they would not coime out. But both they and I knew that they had no choice but to obey me.
In another case Jesus had to still a storm on the sea of Galilee because His disciples could not do so. In both cases He voiced his disappointment with them. I once made a storm cloud stop moving away from me, reverse course and come to where I stood where it drenched the area that was undergoing a severe drought. In once instance Jesus expected them to multiply a few fish and pieces of bread in order to feed 5000 men. Note that He expected them to multiply the food themselves (Mk. 6:35-44). Peter walked on water, then lost his faith and went under. Jesus accused him of having LITTLE FAITH–AND HE HAD WALKED ON WATER. GOD DEMANDS THAT HIS CHOSEN MESSENGERS DO THE MIRACULOUS THINGS HE DID, AND MORE. In John 14:12 He said that the man who believes in (and obeys) Him (as He obeyed God) would do everything He had done and even greater things. True obedient believers are filled with the same Holy Spirit and to the same measure as was He while he was on earth. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). What He does through one He will do through others.
As I have prophesied on this website, a time is coming, and soon, when miracles will be as common as speaking the Word among those whom God has chosen to preach and manifest His Holy Word/Law/Truth. The unknown few who are now following in His ministerial footsteps will soon be known globally. Due to television and the internet, such acts as raising the dead, casting out demons, walking on water, multiplying food, controlling nature, etc. will be seen by the world’s masses. AND YET THEY WILL NOT BELIEVE. Why?
There is a saying that addresses much of what takes place among the human population in the social realm: “What goes around, comes around.” This truth applies to the spiritual world as well. The ministry of Jesus Christ and the apostles as described in the four Gospels and the Book of Acts shows us what God’s ministry was like in the early days of the New Testament Church. However, following the death of the Lord and His apostles Satan caused the holy fire that once glowed mightily within the church’s ministry to go out, causing her light to become darkness and the faith of the people to become miniscule. As a result, the Lord’s faith along with His power-based Gospel were discarded and replaced by man-formulated church doctrine preached by self-called, man-controlled hirelings. The result is the mongrelized religious system that today calls itself “Christianity.” God calls it abomination.
As a result of the wholesale apostasy of salvation-seekers world-wide, the tiny, mustard seed-sized church that believed and obeyed God has grown into a tree where birds make their nests (Mat. 13:31). We all know what birds do to trees–they cover everything with poop. God’s tiny church is the mustard seed. Professing Christianity is the tree. The birds are the church’s hirelings. The birds’ hatchlings are their followers who choose to feed upon the offerings of the hirelings. The poop is the perverted gospel the hirelings feed them. Excuse the terminology. But remember that Jesus compares those in the end-time (Laodicean) church to “vomit” whom He will spew out of His mouth come Judgment Day (Rev. 3:14-20).
But all is not lost. As I have often said, God has always had a remnant of true believers. They are His chosen generation, His royal priesthood, His holy nation, His peculiar people (1 Pet. 2:9). Jesus warned that His “little flock” would be very small in the final days of this world. Why? Because the laity is not encouraged to study the Holy Scriptures so as to dine at the Master’s Truth table. They are instructed to ingest only what is taught them by their leaders. Therefore: AS GOES THE LEADERSHIP–SO GOES THE CHURCH. GOD WARNS THAT WHEN THE BLIND LEAD THE BLIND THEY BOTH FALL INTO THE DITCH (Mat. 15:14).
Those within and without the church are controlled by Satan through his fallen angels (demons) who live inside them and direct their spiritual and social lives. Demons (devils–1 Tim. 4:1) also afflict them with physical and psychological infirmities. Church people, being controlled by the same demonic powers, are no different from people outside the church. The lack of spiritual discernment and Holy Spirit power on the part church leaders allows the demons to remain within their hosts from whence they direct and afflict them in a wide variety of ways. By keeping their hosts ignorant of God’s Word, the demons are not exposed for what they are.
As for the people they control and afflict, their only hope is deliverance–a totally rejected, though totally necessary part of God’s ministry. Due to a lack of Biblical knowledge, salvation seekers live their lives in the ditch while “knowing” that they are on the Lord’s mountaintop. Though in some Pentecostal Churches miracles do take place, the people continue to rebel against God in many other ways such as observing the Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, etc. Read the introduction to this website for other examples. Never underestimate the control that Satan and his fallen angels have over professing Christendom. As the people slide ever farther into apostasy, the enemy’s control grows ever more powerful. L.J.
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