As was noted in the first posting of this series, THE MESSAGE FROM GOD spoken and written by the apostles to salvation seekers is as follows: “IN HIM THERE IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL.” The passage (1 Jn. 3:1-10) from which this posting is being taken reveals God’s attitude toward that foundational Truth. First John, along with all of the writings of the prophets and apostles, was written by “holy men of old as they were led by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21). One of those holy men was John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” In this posting we will study the first ten verses of chapter 3 which will allow us to determine exactly where we stand in the eyes of God and exactly what we must do to correct any and all weaknesses in our “walk.” He commands that we walk with Him in total agreement with Him (Amos 3:3). This final segment will enable us to determine if are indeed walking THE ONE AND ONLY WALK that will enable us to spend eternity with Him. Let us begin by turning to the last verse of chapter 2.
Here John tells us that “IF we KNOW that JESUS IS RIGHTEOUS, then we KNOW that ONLY THE ONE WHO DOES RIGHTEOUSNESS IS BORN OF HIM.” All who claim to be “saved” readily admit that Jesus is righteous. However, that is the point where the believer and the Lord lose contact. I have never met a self-proclaimed Christian who professed to be righteous–to “do righteousness”–in spite of the Lord’s command to be righteous. In fact, the exact opposite is true in that every self-professing Christian claims to be a “saved,” “born again” SINNER. That is like claiming that water is dry. One problem is that church people confuse “Born of God” and “born again” which are two totally different acts of God.
To be “born of God” means that one has been converted (a total reversal of life’s “walk” from obeying Satan to obeying God). This is made possible by receiving the Holy Spirit which directs the convert’s walk of righteousness (obedience to God’s Law) and empowers him to walk that required walk. In Romans 8:14 the Apostle Paul tells us that only those who are led by (obey) the Holy Spirit are true sons of God–truly converted. Reminder: the Holy Spirit does NOT lead us to sin. In the human realm we call this process “conception.” Biblically it is known as “begettal.” Read the first chapter of Matthew for many examples of the begetting process. To the contrary, being “Born again” means that one is no longer composed of flesh but has become totally spirit in bodily composition. This change will take place upon being born again. Read the series titled Born Again. Key word–Born.
In verse 2 John describes how blessed true, SPIRIT-LED believers are to be called sons of God. Again, the Holy Spirit does not lead us to sin (break God’s Law–vs 4). So what does this say about SINNERS who claim to have already been SAVED by God’s grace? Answer: there is no such thing as a saved sinner. One is either a sinner or a convert. NO ONE IS SAVED OR BORN AGAIN IN THIS LIFE. John continues to identify true, Spirit-begotten saints as those whom the church world does not recognize as being God’s children. I have been accused of “falling from grace” and told that I need to get saved, etc. My offense? I take God at His Word and tell others exactly what He says in that Word. Those extremely few true saints who obey God’s Ten Commandment Law, including #4, are rejected by church people who, while calling us reprobates, are themselves breaking God’s entire Law, thereby condemning themselves. Read Sabbath Marks: Who Wears Which One? Key word–Marks.
In verse 2 John explains what I wrote above relative to being born again. Here he explains that true sons of God do not know exactly what they will look like after being born again upon Christ’s return. But when they are born again they will know how they appear, for they will look exactly like Jesus (totally spirit), for they will see Him as He is now.–totally spirit, having been born again upon being raised from the dead. Once being born again, God’s saints will be able to do everything He can do, such as disappear, go through walls, etc.
In verse 3 we are told that in this life WE HAVE ONLY THE HOPE OF SALVATION. Those having that hope PURIFY THEMSELVES (“by the washing by the water by the Word of God”–Eph. 5:26) so that they are AS PURE (HOLY) AS JESUS IS PURE. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. Only the spiritually holy will be allowed into the presence of God (Mat. 5:8). We are commanded in First Peter 1:15,16 to “BE YE HOLY AS (BECAUSE) YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IS HOLY.” That is neither a request nor an option, it is a COMMAND. Only those who obey that command will rise to meet Jesus in the clouds upon His return during the resurrection of His true saints. Read the Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. Read Romans 5:21 and 6:22. Notice that THE END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE.
Verse 4 is THE COMMAND which billions have rejected over the past 1900 years, thereby disqualifying themselves from being sons of God. Note the word “whosoever,” which includes church people. Notice God’s exact definition of sin–TRANSGRESSION (BREAKING) OF THE TEN COMMANDMENT LAW. In James 2:10 the apostle declares that to break even one of the commandments causes the sinner to break the entire Law. This makes “whosoever” guilty of “INIQUITY.” Read what Jesus said about those guilty of iniquity in Matthew 7:21-23. What does this say about sinners (“workers of iniquity”) who claim to be saved by grace, born again, rapture-ready, etc?
In verses 5 through 7 John reminds us that Jesus died to REMOVE ALL SIN FROM HIS PEOPLE which enables us to spiritually live “in Him” where there is absolutely no sin. Whoever lives in Him (a true Spirit-led son of God) DOES NOT SIN, FOR HE KNOWS HIM AND HAS SEEN HIM SPIRITUALLY IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.
John warns us not to be deceived by Satan’s false prophets who tell us that we cannot be righteous because we cannot obey God’s Law–the very Law God commands us to obey. They tell us that Jesus knew we could not obey the Law, so He became righteous for us–in our stead–thereby enabling us to be “saved, born again,” etc. while continuing to sin. His death supposedly gives believers a license to sin and get away with it. However, that same Jesus commands us to be as righteous as He is righteous. He never changes. Was He a sinner while on earth? Someone is lying.
Sin is of the devil–the father of sin and sinners. In verses 8 through 10 John makes it clear that “WHOSOEVER SINS IS OF THE DEVIL.” JESUS DIED TO DESTROY SIN IN (REMOVE SIN FROM WITHIN) GOD’S TRUE SONS. The true, Spirit-born (begotten) son “does not sin because God’s SEED remains in Him so that he CANNOT SIN. God’s SEED IS HIS HOLY WORD (SEE 2:14). The Word “CANNOT” (VS 9) needs some explanation. The English word “cannot” in Greek is comprised of two words: “can” (dynamai) meaning to have the power and ability to do, say, etc. The word “not” (ou) means never, no, under no circumstance, absolutely not. The true child of God CAN SIN, as 2:1 tells us, but absolutely REFUSES TO DO SO. Jesus had the same options and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, chose to make the right choice. He commands us to do as He did using the same Holy Spirit power which is awarded when one is truly converted. The true children of God are manifested (revealed to the world) as being the exact opposite of the children of Satan by being righteous in their every word, thought and deed–in their life’s “walk.”
Is it any wonder that the Lord characterizes His true saints as being peculiar, a holy generation, a nation of priests, a peculiar treasure, etc? Verse 24 sums up God’s description of His Very Elect saints by declaring that they know that they abide in Him and He in them because they keep (obey) His Ten Commandment Law, thereby proving that they love Him (Jn. 14:15,23/ Lk. 10:16). Only those who prove their love for Him by obeying His commandments will receive eternal life (Mat. 19:17/ Jn. 15:10).
Now we understand why Jesus said that few salvation seekers would enter His strait (difficult) gate and walk His narrow (restricted) way that leads to eternal life. He noted that the salvation-seeking masses would choose to enter Satan’s wide (come as you are) gate and walk his broad (stay as you are) way leading to eternal death. L.J.
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