For everything God does there is a purpose; for every miracle He performs a message is left in its wake. The message is: “Go and sin no more. Get sin out of your life. Abandon the life you have lived and join Me on My spiritual plane.” Invariably, His message falls on ears that refuse to hear. With extremely rare exception, those who have received a miracle from God, along with those involved with him/her, assume that, because He blessed them, they are right with Him. This is a false assumption based on a lack of Scriptural knowledge. This lack of knowledge concerning the Way and Will of God is caused by three factors: 1) a lack of study of the Scriptures, and 2) a reliance on ministers to tell them what is found in the Scriptures, and 3) the assumption that what they are told is true.
Having been deceived by Satan’s Bait and Switch ploy (see the postings by that name), they fail to hear the message of the miracle. Instead of delving further into God’s Word and seeking more of Him and His Way and Will, they simply stay the course, determined to do more of what they have been doing. They continue to listen to the same false gospel they have heard throughout their church lives. They continue to believe that they are saved, born again, rapture-ready, etc. Having embraced what their false prophets have told them, they fail to hear God calling them to “come up hither” (see the postings by that name) to where He resides spiritually. Ignoring His call to righteousness, they never learn how to “walk as He (Jesus) walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and thereby qualify for eternal life. “Knowing” that they are saved, they assume that the fix is in–next stop: Heaven.
I will end this posting series with a personal example of how Satan prevents people whom God has blessed from hearing His message of the miracle. One night several years ago I entered the local post office parking lot and headed to where I always park as it is near my P.O. box. But as I approached the area something prompted me to drive around to the front of the building and park. There I found a man standing in the gathering darkness looking about as dejected as a man can look. He asked me for help. He had fallen on hard times due to a robbery and needed money to buy medicine. I took him home and gave him some money for medicine. A week or so later I was visiting with him and told him what the Lord had shown me–that our “chance” meeting at the post office was no accident. God had arranged the meeting so that I could give him a message. I told him that he had to get his spiritual act together and get right with God. He agreed that I (actually God) was right. It turns out that he was an ordained minister who had made the mistake of accepting his church’s doctrines and customs as having come from on high. Having fallen for the devil’s Bait and Switch trick, he had grown farther and farther from the Lord over the years. He admitted that God had sent him to me to hear His Truth.
Long story short, he did not heed God’s message. Satan’s message was so much sweeter. Having embraced his sect’s “smooth things, lies and deceits” (Isa. 30:10), and “knowing” that he was “saved” and “born again,” he did not need to “come up hither” to where God could work with him. We soon parted company and I have not seen him since. A while back he called asking for money. I refused. He needed spiritual cleansing, not money. I would have helped him find his way to the Lord but, the fix being in, he was not interested.
As is normally the case with church people who have received a miracle from God, he immediately turned a deaf ear to His voice. Though deaf to the voice of the Lord, miracle recipients clearly hear the siren call of Satan telling them to stay the course, all is well, etc. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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