My wife recently received a phone call that once again revealed the power of Satan to deceive those in the Institutional Church. A lifelong friend called to tell her that she had been miraculously healed of breast cancer as a result of prayer and fasting. She was scheduled to have both breasts removed on a certain date, but when she arrived for the procedure the medical staff could find no evidence of the cancer–it had simply vanished. This reminded me of an instance in which, after I had prayed for a woman, God miraculously restored two vertebra that had disintegrated and had healed a third that had been disintegrating. AND NEITHER OF US BELONGED TO HIM, though we both “knew” that we were saved, born again, etc. Understand this: GOD BLESSES BOTH THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE UNRIGHTEOUS; HE SENDS RAIN AND SUNSHINE ON BOTH, PERFORMS MIRACLES FOR BOTH AND ANSWERS PRAYERS FOR BOTH. As wonderful as this Truth is, be aware that Satan has perverted it and, due to a lack of Scriptural knowledge on the part of those involved, has turned it to his favor.
As we are warned in Revelation 12:9, the devil has deceived the whole world, including the church world–his ultimate coup de gras. Contrary to the opinion of professing Christendom, having received blessings and miracles from Him or having a prayer answered by Him does not prove that one is His child. Only one thing–BELIEF IN HIS WORD AND OBEDIENCE TO IT–proves that one is His own and is eligible for salvation which will be awarded at the return of His Son. YOU SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUIT, not by their religiosity or the miracles in their lives.
The caller told of another miracle in the family involving a child with an incurable disease. I praise God for His incredible grace and kindness, not only toward these precious friends, but for all whom He has helped. But I will not be deceived into believing that miracles in one’s life equate to oneness with the Lord. Bear in mind that Judas, who had been given the same ministry as the other disciples, preached the gospel, cast out demons and performed miracles (Lk. 10:1,8,17/Acts 1:15-17). Also keep in mind that Satan can perform mighty miracles. In Acts 8:9-11 we read about Simon of Samaria who, during his Babylonian priesthood days, so impressed the people with his miracles, signs and wonders that they said of him, “This is the great power of God.” They believed that he was God. See Simon Of Samaria.
Deceiving the earth’s unchurched masses has been relatively easy for the devil. Because they do not have the Bible, he has been able to lead them into worshiping a variety of false deities such as planets, the sun, animals, nature, various human beings, etc. But for the “Children of the Book,” as Israelites were called, Satan has had to resort to another tactic to win them and their descendants–the New Covenant Church–to himself. He has convinced them to believe a counterfeit version of the Book they have on their coffee table, in their purses and briefcases. This is the same Book they preach out of and point to as “the word of the Lord.” This is the same Book they reject and in so doing reject the Author of it. Why? Because Satan has convinced them that they do not need to study it, believe it and obey it. SATAN’S COUNTERFEIT GOSPEL–CHURCH DOCTRINE–HAS REPLACED GOD’S PURE GOSPEL–THE BIBLE–IN THE LIVES OF PROFESSING CHRISTIANS. Read with me what the Apostle Paul wrote concerning the counterfeiting process that was taking place in Galatia. “I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting the One Who called you by the grace of Christ BY TURNING TO ANOTHER GOSPEL, which in reality IS NOT ANOTHER (gospel). But there are some that DECEIVE YOU BY PERVERTING THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. But though we (apostles) or even and angel from heaven preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL to you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (rejected by God)” (1:6-9). Notice verse six where we are told that to accept any other gospel (church doctrine) is to abandon Christ and embrace Satan. Rejecting any Word or passage of the Lord’s gospel is to embrace ANOTHER GOSPEL AND ANOTHER JESUS (2 Cor. 211:4). To be continued. L.J.
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