God knows that when good and evil abide together, evil overcomes good–LEAVEN LEAVENS THE LOAF. The heathen will overcome their American hosts by first becoming tolerable to them, then acceptable to them, then equal to them. Whatever they believe and whatever they worship will become “right.” “Who am I to judge?” will become the church’s mantra. Right and wrong will become a matter of personal choice. RELIGION WILL BECOME RELATIVE. One who views all religions as “good” will be deemed “right.” One who claims the superiority of Christianity will be “wrong.” IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN. God asks: “Can two (Himself and the believer) walk together unless they agree (that He is right)?” Those who welcome the heathen into their midst believe that God is wrong, that “agree” means to believe that whatever anyone believes or worships is right for him. Christianity will no longer be THE religion, but will be one of many equal religions. The Biblical God will not be THE God, but merely one of many gods. THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING IN SOME RELIGIOUS CIRCLES. Soon, “Chrislam” will be the rage. Anyone who stands strong for the religion of the Biblical God will be labeled a hater, a racist, a bigot. This should sound familiar for we are already hearing it coming from some parts of the Institutional Church. Soon it will be coming from all quarters as she withers under the pressure to love, accept and include those of other religions. See Persecution. Get prepared to either succumb to Satan or stand for God. There is not now, nor will there ever be any other options. Light or darkness, good or evil, life or death–a choice will have to be made.
God commands those who profess Him to not become “UNEQUALLY YOKED WITH UNBELIEVERS.” “Unequal” (heterozygeo-=”mismatched”). This means that Christianity is superior to all other religions and is to remain segregated from them. The Lord forbids His people to associate with any other religion on any level, “… for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness? and what concord has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believes with an infidel?” (2 Cor. 6:14,15). Notice that we are to remain apart from those of other religions. Why does God command the segregation of His people? BECAUSE LEAVEN LEAVENS THE LOAF.
In Isaiah 5:20,21 God said: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who call darkness light and light darkness …. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes.” This perfectly describes those who pridefully rebel against the Words of the Biblical God they claim as their spiritual Father. He speaks about them in 8:20: “If they speak not this (My) Word it is because they have no LIGHT in them.” In 49:6 God tells His people that they are to be His LIGHT to the Gentile heathen. It is important that we identify that LIGHT God refers to numerous times in Scripture. We will do so by going to the New Testament.
In John 8:12 Jesus said of Himself: “I am the LIGHT OF THE WORLD; he who follows (obeys) Me will not walk in darkness, but shall have (possess) the LIGHT OF (ETERNAL) LIFE.” Note the sharp distinction between light (life) and darkness (death)–they cannot mix. Neither can a true Christian mix with an infidel. In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus tells the disciples that they, like Him, are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and that they are to show that light in order to glorify the Father while drawing Gentiles (heathen) to Him. Though both are called LIGHT, Jesus and the disciples were not the same. This means that each of them had to possess an element that made them equally THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. That common element was THE WORD OF GOD. Jesus noted that the Words He spoke were not His Words, but were the Words of the One Who sent Him (Jn. 7:16;14:24). The same was true of the disciples. Jesus was God’s Word in human form (Jn. 1:1-4,14). God calls Jesus the Word again in Revelation 19:13: “And His name shall be called the Word of God.” Like Jesus, the disciples were the Word of God in human form. That Word is God’s Light. Question: are the heathen masses coming here to embrace the Biblical God and His Word/light. No, they reject both Him, His Word and the Great Satan that proclaims to accept both–the United States. But their religious hosts see no problem with this. Unlike the Exodus strangers and Ruth, those being brought in by the administration have no intention of accepting the Biblical God, His Word or their host nation. THEY INTEND TO CHANGE AMERICA–AND THEY WILL SUCCEED. We are seeing the fulfillment of the promise to “fundamentally change the United States of America.” I have predicted that within 12 years America will elect a professing Muslim as her president.
Let us now examine what America has done to herself by allowing Muslims to enter. Though public school students are not allowed to carry a Bible or to speak about the Biblical God on school grounds, they are, however encouraged, and sometimes required to participate in Muslim religious practices, customs, holidays, etc. Muslims are demanding that they be allowed to practice Sharia law among themselves. This is coming. Law officials are not allowed to enter Muslim areas. Rapes, beatings and murders by Muslims are being ignored for fear of offending them. America is bowing to Satan and will bow even lower in the future as Muslims take control. Political correctness has replaced God’s Word. THIS PHENOMENON IS COMING TO YOUR COMMUNITY AND NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT. The heathen will devour America while Americans watch with governmental-enforced helplessness. Why? God has broken America’s power because she had broken His Law. We are witnessing the beginning of the beginning of sorrows. Catholicism/Protestantism is not the solution to the problem; the church is the problem. Help for true God-seekers will not be found within her walls, but rather outside them. The already-heathenized church will eventually sink into total apostasy due to a Satan-inspired concept of “love,” “acceptance” and “inclusion” relative to God’s enemies. Avoid Satan’s trap; come out of the Counterfeit Church and stay out. L.J.
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