“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (singular), and the Word was (a) God. The same (Word) was with God (singular) in the beginning.” The “Word” in Greek is “Logos,” meaning “Spokesman.” He was, is and forever will be the One Who speaks to man what God wants man to hear. In John 1:18 and First John 4:12 we are told that no man has ever seen God. In John 5:37 Jesus said that no man has ever heard God’s voice. The man Jesus of Nazareth said that He had both seen God and heard His voice (Jn. 8:26,40,49; 12:44-50). Because Jesus could not lie, this means that before He came to earth as Jesus, while He was the Word–one of the Gods present “in the beginning” of creation–He had both seen God, Who is a spirit (Jn. 4:24), and had heard His voice. The Holy Bible is called the Word of God, every Word of which was spoken by Him to the Word/Jesus …. How does this work?
To understand how God’s Word gets to man without man hearing Him, we must understand the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a third God in a supposed trinity. Read The Trinity. Key word–Trinity. First, we must understand that the Holy Spirit is the shared Spirit (singular) of both God (Rom. 8:9) and Jesus (Phil. 1:19). The Holy Spirit is the POWER OF THE GODHEAD (Lk. 1:35)–notice that the “Holy Spirit” and the “power of the Highest” are one and the same.
In the beginning the Godhead consisted of God and the Word (Logos). Then the Word came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth. Having become a man, having died, having been born again (changed from flesh to spirit) and having returned to God AS A MAN, the Godhead now consists of God and His Son–“THE MAN JESUS CHRIST” (1 Tim. 2:5) Who sits beside Him and intercedes for His true saints. Note this: THE TRUE SAINT WILL BE BORN AGAIN AS WAS JESUS AND WILL SIT WITH HIM ON HIS THRONE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD (REV. 3:21). Read Born Again. Key word–Again.
As stated by Christ Himself, no man has heard the voice of God. As the Word, Jesus heard God’s voice and spoke what He (Jesus) heard (God’s Words) and spoke to his prophets THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT. Upon coming to earth, Jesus (a man) heard God’s voice through His (God’s) Holy Spirit. He then spoke to the apostles what He Heard from God (Jn. 5:30; 7:16). The writings of what God said to His prophets and apostles were recorded and preserved for us in the form of the Holy Bible. Because of this we have the “voice” of God which “speaks” to us through the written Word. There is only one spiritual Truth–the Holy Bible. Note that Jesus called Himself “the way, the TRUTH and the life.” The Bible is Jesus (the Word/Truth) in print. Therefore, the voice of the Holy Spirit will always align with God’s printed Word. Religious people get into trouble when they “hear” God tell them something and go with it without first confirming it by His Word. The problem is that people either do not know His Word or do not believe it. Also, one can desire something so deeply that one cannot hear God say “Check my Word; this is not Me speaking to you.” When such a person is shown God’s Word, he usually rejects it. Such is the power of Satan over the lives of church people, just as he controlled the thoughts and actions of Adam and Eve.
A perfect example of this phenomenon is found in Matthew 16:21-23. Here we find Jesus telling His disciples about his soon-coming death. Peter, wanting desperately for Jesus to live, “knew” He was wrong and rebuked Him. Though well-meaning, Peter was voicing what he had heard–supposedly from God–and liked what he heard. Jesus looked at Peter and spoke directly to the source of Peter’s words: “Get behind Me, SATAN, for you are not interested in the things of God, but in the THINGS OF MAN.” Satan’s voice will sound like the voice of God because he tells man what man wants to hear, Adam and Eve being prime examples. Years ago God sent me to witness to a friend concerning His Sabbath. When I proved beyond a doubt that God commands us to keep His Saturday Sabbath, she ignored God’s Word and sought a second opinion–her pastor–who said to five words that, because she believed him, sealed her fate. He said to her: “There is nothing to it.” She chose Satan’s words spoken through his false prophet and rejected God’s Word written in her Bible and spoken through His true apostle. She was dead within two months, just as He had shown me in a vision. With the vision came His Words spoken through the Holy Spirit: “She will not believe your words.” The same thing happened again a short time later. I witnessed to a couple about the Sabbath; the woman rejected God’s Word; she died shortly thereafter. In both cases relatives of the deceased told me that the doctors could find no medical reason for their deaths. The same was true in the case of a man God sent me to. He ignored my words concerning his addiction to alcohol and dropped dead a week or so later.
God is perfect as are His ways. He spoke to man anciently and continues to do so today. As in days of old, He speaks through His Holy Spirit directly as He did to the man Jesus (Mat. 16:13-17. Here Jesus has asked the disciples whom they believed Him to be. Peter answered correctly. Jesus then said to him: “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood (man) has not revealed this to you, but My Father in heaven,” Who spoke to him through the Holy Spirit. Today God speaks directly to His Very Elect through His Holy Spirit. I have heard His “voice” many times. The Apostle Paul states in Romans 8:14 that only those who are led by the (“voice” of) the Spirit of God are sons of God. These are they who hear His voice through His Holy Spirit, check it against His Holy Word, and obey it. While the Word was walking the earth as a man, God spoke to Him through the Holy Spirit (Jn. 12:44-50). God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). He will speak to those who have ears to hear His spiritual “voice.” However, He will not normally communicate with those who do not believe and obey His written Word, making them the servants of Satan. He will not share His Temple (the true saint) with Satan. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
As a man Jesus was the Word of God in human form. He was the light of the world in human form. His light was and is the Word of God. He brings this out in John 12:44-50. His light is God’s Truth/Word/Truth/Gospel/Light. We must walk (live) in His light in this life in order to be saved upon His return to earth. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. Just as Jesus was the light of the world while He was in the world, his apostles are the light of the world now (Jn. 8:12/ Mat. 5:14). As we live His Light we become children of Light (Jn. 12:36). As true children of God, His apostles are His Light–the Word of God made flesh. They spread His life-giving Light throughout the world through the information media. We who are spreading that Word/Light/Truth/Gospel are working diligently while there is day, for spiritual darkness is coming when we will not be allowed to work for the Lord. Many of those reading this message will live to see that day. Bibles will be burned publicly. Men will not be allowed to speak God’s Word publicly. I advise everyone to memorize Scriptures. Though our liberal, Satan-led, sin-saturated government will try, it cannot control what we think. Place the Logos in your hearts and dwell on it whenever possible. Sanctify (set aside) the Word of God in your mind. Sanctify your bodies and minds unto the Lord. Let the world have the world, let us cling to Jesus–THE WORD OF GOD MADE FLESH. After all, what else is there? Does anything else matter? This life is simply a training ground, a boot camp designed to separate sheep from goats. Let us cling to the Good Shepherd and not listen to the voice of false shepherds. Let us live God’s Light in word, thought and deed and EARN the right to spend eternity basking in His glory. L.J.
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