Some three decades after the founding of the New Covenant Church we find Paul reminding the church in Rome (ch. 6) that believers were to continue to obey the “doctrine” that was delivered to them. This doctrine was the one spoken by God to His prophets and apostles and delivered to His church. What was delivered to her was the tome commonly called “the Bible” (2 Tim. 3:16/Eph. 2:20). This doctrine–gospel/Word–was not to be altered in any way because it was and continues to be the Truth (Eph. 1:6-9/Jn. 17:17). Verse 18 reveals that obeying the Bible from the heart (17) “makes” us free from sin, enabling us to “become servants of righteousness.” Notice that the words “makes” and “become” indicate a time element–righteousness is what one becomes/is made as a result of obeying God’s Word over time. Those who reject, ignore, change or eliminate His Word in whole or in part can never be righteous and therefore cannot inherit eternal life. A woman can “make” what becomes a cake–the end result of her doing certain things using certain ingredients in a certain way over a certain span of time. A cake does not automatically materialize simply because she believes in cakes, has the recipe and all the ingredients needed for one, claims that she has one, etc. The same applies to salvation. Believing in it, having the Scriptural road map to it, having faith for it, believing one has it, etc. does not make salvation a reality in one’s life. Faith, we are told by those in the Institutional Church, guarantees salvation. Is this Scriptural? God answers the question for those who seek the Truth. Others will continue to reject His Words.
Speaking through the apostle James (chapter 2) the Lord asks in verse 14: “What does it profit … if a man says he has faith and has not works (of faith)? CAN FAITH SAVE HIM?” He goes on to assure us that faith in God, His Word, the reality of salvation, the sacrifice of Jesus, etc. WILL NOT SAVE THE BELIEVER. FAITH, we are told in verses 17 & 20, if not accompanied by WORKS–obedience to God’s Word–is DEAD. WORKS, not faith alone we are told in verse 20, justifies a man and keeps him justified. This is reiterated in verse 17 as well as Romans 2:13 where we are told that man is justified by the type of faith that prompts him to obey God’s Law (10 Commandments). His obedience to the Law justifies him. “For it is not the hearers of the Law that are just(tified) by God, but the doers (workers/obeyers) of the Law shall be (remain) justified.” In verse 23 we are told that to disobey the Law/Word is to dishonor the Lord Himself, Who is the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14)–He is the Law in human form. Note: God sometimes uses the word “Law” to refer to the entire Bible. See Psalms 119 for the various words He uses to describe the Holy Scriptures–His Law. Every word God has spoken is a Law–a Commandment.
In Romans 6:19 the Lord, through Paul, reveals that righteousness (obedience to God) practiced over time results in holiness. Verse 22 tells us that holiness, if practiced until the end of life, results in salvation. Notice the word “unto” found in verses 16 & 19. “Unto” refers to something leading to something else. Thus, “obedience unto righteousness” and “righteousness unto holiness” reveal how obedience to God’s Word leads to righteousness which leads to holiness. In verse 22 we are told that the END RESULT OF THE PROCESS IS SALVATION. The Lie refutes this, putting forth that faith and church-joining produce instant salvation. Someone is indeed lying. The church points the accusative finger at God. We must each decide for him/herself who is the guilty party.
In Romans 6 God exposes The Lie. In this chapter He also reveals the process by which, and only by which one can be saved. The process is: conviction leads to confession, which leads to conversion, which leads to obedience, which leads to righteousness, which leads to holiness which, if practiced until the end of life, results in salvation. Notice that the Lord does not mention instant salvation/rebirth. See Hope and Salvation. Nor does He tell us anywhere in the Scriptures that faith is all that is needed to attain eternal life. An honest study of the Book of James will dispel all such church heresy. Faith, Bible study, prayer, fasting, witnessing, preaching, church-building, cross-wearing, perfect attendance, etc. are all for naught unless one comes out of the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) and embraces God by believing and obeying His Word (2 Cor. 6:17). Speaking to those who claim to be His but are not, Jesus said: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me. IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME (BY) TEACHING FOR (INSTEAD OF) MY DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN” (Mat. 15:8,9). Note it: THEIR WORSHIP OF HIM IS IN VAIN. He asks those who practice heathenism while calling themselves by His name: “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not what I say?” (Lk. 6:46). The answer: BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THE LIE. L.J.
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