In an earlier posting I related the story of a young man who, while attending a religious service, was asked where he would spend eternity if he died right then. “In hell” was his response. Less than five minutes later, having completed a prescribed ritual, he was supposedly saved, born again and heaven bound should death claim him before he could exit the stage. Ask 100 church members world-wide about this scenario and at least 98 of them would agree with him. Instant salvation is “The Lie” Satan has been perpetrating on religious people since the Garden of Eden. As stated earlier, the religious masses assume that conviction and repentance of past sins=conversion, followed by taking Jesus into one’s heart as one’s personal Savior=salvation and rebirth. Only a minutely “few” recognize the deadly nature of this ruse (Mat. 7:13,14) and reject it. The basic problem lies in the end result religious people are seeking–salvation. The Institutional Church is populated by salvation-seekers who readily accept Jesus as their Savior, but reject Him as their Lord. These are they who want what they can receive from Him but reject the path they must walk to qualify for it. Their goal is singular–to be saved. They are not at all interested in walking the walk of Jesus Christ that is necessary in order to receive a future salvation (1 Jn. 2:6). Their false prophets repeatedly point them to the Scriptural passages that satisfy their need for instant religious gratification (salvation) while warning them against the other 80% of the Bible which tells them what they must do to qualify for salvation upon the return of Jesus Christ. This smoke and mirrors deception is all part of the Lie. I once heard a world-famous pastor tell his congregation, “You’re saved, that is not in question.” This heresy, along with Satan’s words to Eve that she could sin and “… not surely die” constitute two of the most deadly statements known to man. This website is designed to show its readers what is required of them once they have been truly converted, words the Counterfeit Church rejects. Satan is trying desperately to keep this information from the public, which explains why his people have tried numerous times to hack into the website in an attempt to destroy it.
A passage of Scripture God’s messengers often use to explain the sinner-to-saint walk leading to eternal life is Romans 6:16-23. This passage explains God’s version of the PROCESS by which the Truth-seeker is converted and remains converted. It also serves to reveal the errors found in the church’s salvation-on-demand doctrine, Savior-not-Lord theology. The airways are filled with false prophets telling such parishioners the “smooth things, lies and deceits” they want them to hear while hiding from them the gospel Truth they do not want them to hear. It’s all about fame and fortune.
Romans 6:16 takes us to the beginning of the believer’s walk that, if continued to the end of one’s life or the return of the Lord, will result in the awarding of the “gift”–eternal life. Verse 16–That Paul is writing to God’s true church is revealed by the words “ye” and “you,” meaning those to whom Paul’s letter was addressed as noted in 1:6,7. These are those in Rome who had been called to God, known as saints, who had received grace from Him and His son Jesus Christ. That the people in the church at Rome were not yet saved is brought out in Paul’s repeated use of the word “yield” in his letter to them. “Yield ye” means that those in the Rome church had a choice of masters. The one we yield to (obey) is our master. Note that one yields to/obeys God UNTO righteousness, which is required for salvation. Simply accepting Jesus as Savior, believing God’s Words and promising to believe in Him does not make one righteous. Verse 17 shows that only by obeying Him (His Words) from the heart/mind makes the believer righteous as he/she becomes what he/she believes and obeys–God’s Word. “As (a man) thinketh (focuses on) in his heart (mind), so he is” (Prov. 23:7). As we concentrate on God’s Word in search of Truth we come to believe it. As we obey His Word we become what we obey (think about)–we become the walking, talking, breathing Word. We become like Jesus Who is called “the Word”: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was (a/another) God ….” (Jn. 1:1-4,14). To be continued. L.J.
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