Satan’s false prophets have been sowing his “weeds” (false doctrines) in the fertile ground of the Institutional Church for thousands of years. These “doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1) have successfully hidden the fact that there is only one “degree” (way) among the 360 spiritual degrees/ways that will lead the traveler into the presence of the Lord upon His return. The traveler can remain on that one way only by strict obedience to His Word. Satan is the master of the other 359 “degrees”–the hundreds of so-called “Christian” churches, denominations, faiths, etc., as well as all other false religions scattered across the world’s religious landscape. Those who seek the Biblical God are assured that they need only join one of the hundreds of “Christian” sects found in Satan’s religious holding company in order to be immediately saved. Once having joined “the church of your choice,” they need only stay the course (degree/way) in order to join God in heaven when they “fly away” on some future date. But what about that one degree/way that God declares repeatedly will actually bring the honest seeker into His presence? The unwitting God-seeker is warned to avoid those Scriptural passages (approx. 80% of the Bible) at all cost and to distance himself from those who speak and write about them. Why? “Because that’s not what we’ve always been taught.” For thousands of years everyone on earth was taught that the earth was flat. Anyone believing otherwise was deemed a Satan-controlled heretic and subject to being killed by those who “knew” that the earth was flat. How did the entire world come to “know” that the earth was flat? By believing what they had “always been taught.” In a similar way, most of what the Institutional Church has “always been taught” are lies from Satan who has deceived her into accepting his lies as God’s Truths. As always, God was right–religious man calls “good” “evil” and “evil” “good.” This heresy is actually a double sin in that, not only does the churchite reject Jesus by rejecting His Word, he/she also leads others to reject Him by rejecting His Word–which is Him in written form (1 Jn. 1:1-4,14). Let us return to the beginning of the salvation process to see where Satan begins to pull the unwitting God-seeker off track–the act of repentance.
Repentance without a total reversal of life-walk is false repentance which cannot lead to true conversion. Conversion without true repentance is false conversion which cannot lead to true salvation. The church declares that, sin being an integral and unavoidable part of the “Christian walk,” one need only repent following each of his/her inevitable sins in order to stay on the heavenly highway. However, God teaches that one who continues to sin following repentance has not truly repented, is not a “new creation,” remains in his/her sins, has not been converted, is not led by God’s Holy Spirit and is headed for destruction. True conversion means that one has affected a total reversal of life-walk–he/she is in fact and indeed a “NEW CREATION,” meaning that “OLD THINGS HAVE (ALL) PASSED AWAY, BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE MADE NEW” (2 Cor. 5:17). Nothing from one’s past life can be brought into his/her new life in that an old wineskin cannot hold new wine. “All things” means exactly that–nothing can be transferred into one’s new life no matter how religious he/she might have been previously. In fact, the more religious one has been in the past, the more religious baggage one has to leave behind in order to enter into his/her new life–true Christianity lived within the God-commanded parameters of His true church, which is His Temple (1 Cor. 3:16,17/2 Cor. 6:16). To be continued. L.J.
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