Satan, the perpetrator of The Lie, has successfully deceived God-seekers into believing that conviction and repentance equate to conversion, and that conversion is the same as salvation. This deception is the most dangerous item in his large bag of tricks. This website is dedicated to exposing those tricks. The basic premise to serving the devil involves the belief that one is automatically saved and born again upon following a prescribed ritual and voicing a prescribed mantra. Having laid that foundation, he then convinced church people that they need only repent of their most recent sin(s) to make all things well between themselves and the Lord. Ignoring the Words of the Lord: “Go and sin no more,” the supposedly saved person is then free to sin and repent, sin and repent again and again and again ad infinitum. As Paul wrote to the Galatians (2:17) who were being wooed by Satan, the sin-repent cycle embraced by the church makes Jesus one’s “minister of sin”– one’s SIN ENABLER. Just as a drug addict is enabled by those who give him money, Jesus supposedly enables the “sinner saved by grace” to continue to sin repeatedly by repeatedly providing him with instant forgiveness. Not so. The Scriptures tell us that the judgment of God is according to Truth (His Word) against anyone who continues to sin, and that such repeated sins are treasured (stored) up “… against the day of wrath and the righteous judgment of God Who will render to every man according to his deeds … to them them that are contentious and do not obey the Truth (Word), but obey unrighteousness (sin), (they will receive) indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish” (Rom. 2:2-9). Notice that God is speaking to the church about the church. Remember also that God said through the Apostle Peter that judgment must begin IN THE CHURCH (1 Pet. 4:17). But Satan has drawn his congregations away from such passages of Scripture, convincing them that as soon as they finished the church’s prescribed ritual they were converted/saved/born again and on the sin-repent path which would take them straight to heaven. Convenient, but deadly wrong. Having been one such dead “Christian” and having learned God’s Truth, I know first hand of what I speak. But more importantly, I know of what God speaks.
True repentance is only the first step on the path to true conversion, which is as far along the path to salvation as one can travel in this life. See Hope and Salvation. When one realizes that he has sinned–broken God’s Law (1 Jn. 3:4)–and is headed for the Lake of Fire, the next step is to repent, not for having been caught, but for sinning against God by transgressing His Law. Sin separates us from God (Isa. 59:2); repentance simply tells Him that one recognizes what one has done and is sorry for having done so. Contrary to popular opinion, repentance does not solve the problem. From that point one must call upon the Lord to empower him to STOP SINNING, or as one spiritual giant said, one must “QUIT SIN UTTERLY.” Recognizing that one has broken God’s Law and having repented of having done so are merely the first two steps. Many steps and much time remain ahead of the believer before salvation can be received in the form of wages earned by overcoming Satan–obeying God. Salvation, God tells us, will be awarded at the appearing of Jesus Christ at the end of the age following the Great Tribulation. He also tells us that only those who endure to the end of the age with their righteousness intact will be saved at that time (Mat. 10:22). To be continued. L.J.
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