Adolf Hitler, the master of psychological manipulation, wrote that, no matter how big or incredible the lie, if it is repeated often enough the masses will believe it. The horrors of World War II proved him to be right. But Der Fuhrer was an amateur liar compared to his mentor–Satan. Generations before the Nazi regime came on the scene, the devil had conquered the heart and soul of mankind through a type of mental gymnastics commonly known as “religion.” He not only continues his ploy to this day, but has morphed it into a multi-headed system by which he has lured billions of Biblically-challenged souls into his religious holding company.
Like everything else God’s arch enemy does, his counterfeit religion is designed to mimic God’s pure religion which is based solely on His unadulterated Word as recorded in James 1:17-27. Here James emphasizes God’s Word, stating that in God (and His Word) there is NO VARIABLENESS (CHANGE), NOT SO MUCH AS A SHADOW (HINT) OF TURNING (AWAY FROM HIS STATED WAY AND WILL). God commands that we ENGRAFT (root) His Word in our hearts (minds) which is ABLE TO SAVE OUR SOUL. Notice that having God’s Word/Truth (Jn. 17:17) rooted in our hearts does not save us–it simply ENABLES US TO BE SAVED. How? By being DOERS OF THE WORD/WORK AND NOT HEARERS ONLY. Being a hearer, possessor and believer of God’s Word without obedience to that Word causes us to DECEIVE OURSELVES (into believing The Lie). The Lord then tells us that PURE RELIGION that is UNDEFILED (unchanged) will result in our keeping ourselves unspotted (sanctified) from the world. By so doing we will qualify for eternal life at the return of Jesus Christ to earth to set up His Father’s kingdom (Mat. 6:10). Jesus said that only those who remain unspotted and endure the consequences for doing so “UNTIL THE END SHALL BE (THEN) SAVED” (Mat. 10:22).
Every Satanic trick brought to light by this website is founded on his “lie.” Using a fishing metaphor, he only needs to sell a God-seeker on this lie to “set the hook” of deception. The seeker, having swallowed his bait (false salvation) and run with it (obeyed church doctrine), having limited his Bible knowledge to those few passages that seemingly confirm that doctrine, never realizes that the bait is merely a fake–a lure designed to draw him into Satan’s trap and keep him there through ignorance of the real thing. Whether he be Christian, Muslim, Hindu or part of one of the hundreds of other “ways” Satan has to offer, God-seekers are trapped. Only those minutely few who, through diligent, open-hearted Bible study find their way out of his trap will escape the inevitable consequences of having believed his “lie.” Satan’s universally popular, soul-damning lie is the subject of this series of postings. To be continued. L.J.
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