Number seven on the list of must-do’s in order to push a nation into Socialism/Marxism/Communism (S/M/C) is to minimize the Biblical God by 1) making Him one of several gods who will take the believer into the next life and 2) eventually eliminating the concept of God altogether. Throughout the United States there is a push toward Moral Equivalency–the belief that Islam, Hinduism, etc. are legitimate religions suitable for the still religion-prone American population. This Satanic movement has resulted in such God-rejecting activities as interfaith pulpit swaps, unity conferences, multi-faith prayer sessions, etc. Even the casual observer realizes that the liberal agenda is proceeding as designed. See The Ingathering: ….
The second phase of the agenda is to eliminate the concept of a higher power altogether. This is being accomplished as man becomes ever more his own god, using his own reasoning powers to determine right and wrong. Today, Christianity is being presented to an internet-worshiping, standardless, “It’s all about me” generation as the mindless invention of intellectual retardates. This began some years ago in the public schools when, due to the Federal Department of Education’s intrusion into public school education, Washington, D.C. began forcing local educators to teach Darwinism as a legitimate explanation of man’s existence while trivializing the teachings of the Bible. As a result of the Darwinian influence in public education, man is presented as nothing more than an evolved animal. Recently a group stated stated that an animal’s life was as important as a child’s life. As a result of liberalism’s pull away from the Biblical God and His Standard, many public schools have copies of Darwin’s Origin of the Species in their libraries. In some schools no mention of the Bible is allowed; all signs, etc. depicting the Scriptures have been removed. No symbols relative to Christianity can be displayed while Muslim students can wear their garbs and carry their Korans. Students are being forced to observe Muslim Appreciation activities (wearing the garbs, reading the Koran, etc.) but are not allowed to speak about or study God’s Word on campus. College and universities have become bastions of liberal atheism where conservatives are ridiculed and hated. Conservative speakers, if allowed on campus, are shouted down and threatened.
The next United States president will complete the God-defying, man-exalting Liberal Agenda established by her predecessor–the moral, social, political, economic destruction of the nation. Both Barach Obama and Hillary Clinton learned their S/M/C ideology from Saul Alinsky, a God-rejecting, freedom-hating globalist who advocated the destruction of America’s capitalist system by completing the above-mentioned agenda. Hillary wrote her university thesis on his ideology. Barach referenced him in his autobiographies. The current U.S. president has accomplished what he set out to do–make the Liberal Agenda the law of the land. His replacement will complete the work. If not, a declaration of economic martial law will erase personal freedom from American life forever.
Some 70% of American adults (voters) claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Only 51% of voters are required to elect politicians. It does not take a math whiz to see that THE CHURCH DETERMINES WHO RUNS THE COUNTRY. The church chose Barach Obama and will choose his S/M/C replacement. The rebellious Catholic/Protestant religious system has moved the nations of the Western World from the God-established, God-blessed Christian societies they once were into the pit of total apostasy in which she now wallows.
Because God gives man the government he deserves, the United States, along with the rest of the so-called “Christian World,” have been on an abyss-bound slippery slope for many years. Looking into the future, one can see only more of the same. In the Book of Revelation the Lord warns rebellious man of what is coming in the near future. Led by the apostasy-saturated church, the Western World, as did her spiritual ancestors, has sown the wind and must now reap the whirlwind (Hos. 8:7). For this reason I work diligently “while there is day, for night comes when no man can work” (Jn. 9:4). L.J.
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