The downfall of a free nation normally takes a well-established path. First comes a breakdown on the spiritual level. This is followed by the election of public officials who legalize what the church no longer fights against. Then comes the social and governmental debasement of what the church once stood for. At this point internal rot has consumed what was once the nation’s strength. The nation’s weakened condition invites invasion from without, defeat, destruction and enslavement either on-site or, as in days of old, transport to the victor’s location of choice.
The key element in the downfall of a nation concerns the quality of its leadership. There are always leaders who seek a following. This was true even in the church established in 31 A.D. on the Day of Pentecost. The apostles warned about wolves who would enter the church, “not sparing the flock.” A failure in leadership in the spiritual realm is normally followed by a display of weakness in both the social and political realms. Which brings us to the present condition of the United States of America which, due to the leadership failures mentioned above, finds herself, by public choice, being led by a Muslim communist wannabe with two real communists waiting in the wings to replace him. But, one may ask, aren’t all three of them socialists, not communists? There is an expression which addresses the use of names: “A rose by any other name is still a rose.” Let us use that expression to address the political situation America finds herself in and into which she is about to plunge even further.
The current administration prides itself on being quasi-socialist (distribution of wealth, mass dependence on government, etc.). Under the next democratic government the nation will evolve into pure socialism. This website has shown the reader why we are headed in that direction–personal and national sin. Now let us gaze into the future to see exactly where we are going.
Socialism (Communism minus forced communal living) is a god-hating, dictatorial, central-control ideology. At the present time two socialists are competing for the democratic nomination for president. One of the contestants is a closet communist while the other claims to be a socialist, but is in fact an equally died-in-the-wool communist. Both are lying to the public about their true agendas. Both are vying for the opportunity to complete Barach Obama’s program designed to “fundamentally change” the God-established, God-blessed United States into a Satan-dominated, freedom-destroying dictatorship. In order to do this all three have been working for over a decade to implement eight rules that have been deemed necessary for the creation of a socialist/communist society. According to communist/socialist/ Marxist thinkers such as Nicoli Lenin and Karl Marx, several changes must be accomplished in order to move a nation from capitalism to communism, from personal freedom to a dictatorship, from God-centered to man-centered government. They are:
- All healthcare must be federalized. A basic tenant of human relationships is that control of the medical profession results in control of the people. Without good health, nothing else matters. 2) All firearms must be in the possession of the government. Thomas Jefferson was instrumental in placing the Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution because, as he noted, the people must be able to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. At the beginning of his administration the current president announced his plan to establish a Civil Police Force that would be larger and better equipped than the U.S. military. By providing local police forces with military armaments he has begun the process of building such a force. The next president will complete the plan. Question: Why does the government need such power? Answer: To control the population after socialism/communism is forced on them by the federal government. While building up the civil police departments one must shrink the size of the military, which might rise up against the government. This has happened during every democratic administration since the end of World War II. This is why all democratic administrations have vowed to do away with the Second Amendment. Hillary Clinton has publically proclaimed her intention to do this after her election to the presidency. Why? Because no dictatorship can exist when the people are armed. Remember, the fiasco in which we, along with the entire Western World, find ourselves has one central cause–SIN. To be continued. L.J.
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