God created the nation of Israel to serve as a “light of the Gentiles”–heathen (Isa. 42:6;49:6). He later described His Israelite disciples as “… the light of the (Gentile/heathen) world” (Mat. 5:14). As long as the twelve-tribed nation of Israel, and later the Judahites (the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi– “Jews”) obeyed Him they remained a sovereign nation, living under His divine protection and provision. But when they rebelled His wrath came on them with surety and pain. The tribes of Samaria were the first to reject His rulership over them, forcing Him to raise up the Assyrians who made waste of the ten northern tribes, took the survivors captive and removed them from their homeland in Samaria. Several generations later He punished their “treacherous sister, Judah” (Jer. 3:7-10) by raising up the Babylonians who ravaged and killed great numbers of Jews, captured the survivors and removed them from the land of Judea. The Assyrian and Babylonian rulers to whom God subjected them were dictators who controlled every aspect of their lives. Eventually, all 12 tribes of Israel were scattered throughout the world. Though the Jews retained their identification as God’s people, kept the Law, etc., the northern tribes eventually lost all consciousness of their heritage and became one with the people among whom they settled, absorbing their religions, languages, cultures, etc. As a result, the Israelites in those nations have no knowledge of their heritage. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus commanded His apostles to teach His Words in all nations of the world, which is where the Israelites had settled. To make certain that the apostles knew exactly to whom they would go, He gave them their commission in no uncertain terms: “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying ‘Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans (heathen) enter ye not. But GO RATHER TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL'” (Mat. 10:5,6). See God’s Eternal Harvest. It is the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, now numbering in the hundreds of millions globally, that formed what came to be known as the “Christian nations” of the world. These are the nations upon whom God is now sending the Muslim hoards who will destroy them from within. Note what is happening in Sweden, England, France, Germany, Denmark, etc.–Israelite-populated, “Christian” nations all. The destruction of the Western nations of Europe serves as a harbinger of what will soon take place in the United States as voters elect another socialist/communist who will open the door to the heathen masses of Mexico, Central and South America as well as those from the Middle East and North Africa. What we are seeing take place globally is merely an introduction to the “… beginning of sorrows” God promised rebellious people. Note that the Lord is not sending the heathen to non-Christian nations, but only to those that call themselves by His name.
Today, the physical/spiritual descendants of ancient Israel are operating under the same set of principles and rules as did their ancient ancestors. As did their ancestors, they have rebelled against their Creator, and like them, will be defeated and destroyed, the survivors captured and taken to the lands of their captors as slaves. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34 )–what He did to Israel of old He will do to modern Israel–the Western “Christian” nations–and for the same reason–rejection of His Word, which is rejection of Him (Jn. 12:48-50). In the following postings the reader will note that the Lord is using the same method to destroy modern Israel as He used to destroy ancient Israel. But Satan has blinded the church by convincing her to allow his false prophets to direct their lives. As a result, uber-religious, self-serving, Satan-worshiping churchman simply ignores the Words of the God he claims to worship, serve and obey. To be continued. L.J.
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