The world will soon experience the most powerful spiritual move in the history of mankind. Inexplicable signs, wonders and miracles will explode on t.v. and the internet as the various religions come together to form one all-powerful, global organization with the reigning pope at its head. For those who know that this is an impossibility, let me remind you that your religious ancestors “knew” that a Catholic could never be elected President of the United States, that a Muslim would never occupy the White House, that abortion would never be accepted as a constitutional right, that homosexuality would never go mainstream and be accepted as legitimate by the church, that gay marriage would never be performed by ordained, in some cases gay ministers, that Catholicism and Protestantism would never unite, that the church and Islamists would never engage in “pulpit exchanges,” that the public schools would never forbid the Bible from being read on their premises but would enforce the reading of the Koran, that boys and girls would never be allowed to use the bathrooms and showers of the opposite sex. BUT ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKING PLACE. Just as these “impossibilities” are all becoming commonplace, a global church consisting of every kind of religion known to man will one day be the unified and dominating force on earth. For simplicity’s sake we will call this religious monstrosity “the church.” This church will experience near universal acceptance. Only God’s tiny remnant will refuse to go with the religious flow. The church will know the joy of having billions of believers flood through her doors and fill her pews where they will experience the most prolific display of the miraculous the world has ever seen.
However, this much-anticipated world revival/awakening will not feature the workings of God’s Holy Spirit. It will instead take place under the direction of one man–the False Prophet God warns about in Revelation 16,19,20–who will introduce the Beast/Antichrist who will be hailed by the world as the promised Biblical Messiah. The False Prophet will perform such mighty miracles, signs and wonders that even the elect will be subject to seduction (Mat. 24:24). Only the minutely few who know their God (Mat. 7:13,14) will not be seduced by his displays of power. The masses will flock to the False Prophet and the Beast he represents. The mighty spiritual move they affect will be heralded as God’s final ingathering of souls.
As stated in previous postings, Satan is preparing the world for these end time events. New Agers are conditioning humankind to embrace a man, along with mankind itself as the answer to earth’s problems. The entertainment media is preparing earth’s inhabitants to accept the supernatural as natural by flooding t.v. and movie screens with other-worldly themes. Occultists are supposedly communicating with the dead. The temporarily dead are supposedly visiting heaven and hell, then returning to earth to tell about it. The rapture doctrine has millions of Biblically ignorant parishioners anticipating an instant departure to heaven. Satan is setting the stage for a final all-out soul-winning blitz designed to harvest billions of souls. HE IS SUCCEEDING AND WILL CONTINUE TO SUCCEED.
The Bible/God-rejecting world, including the Counterfeit Church, will bow before Satan’s messiah (the Beast/Antichrist) and his minister (the False Prophet). Only those who have “tried the spirits” of his “minister of God” in the days leading up to the final onslaught will recognize the False Prophet and the Antichrist. The sole purpose for which God raised up this ministry is to expose the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism), her master (Satan) and her false prophets (ministers) for what they are. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will do so. L.J.
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