Violence is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as physical force exercised to injure, damage or destroy. We see that kind of violence every day on television newscasts as the United States appears to be turning on itself, its people seemingly hell-bent on destroying each other, often for no reason. Strangers randomly shooting each other and attacking each other has become the order of the day. People casually watch these things taking place and do nothing to stop it. Those with phones sometimes film it for future reference. The majority of the American population condemn the acts and wish for a better day when common sense would once again dictate the actions of men.
But there is another type of violence which is much more wide-spread than that mentioned above. This violence is not recognized as violence by the masses. It is not shown on the nightly news. It does not involve physical destruction. To the contrary, its perpetrators are careful to prevent any physical damage. People do not physically attack the singular object of their hostility, hatred and rejection. Their attacks are both spiritual and continuous. Some three billion of the world’s citizens directly involve themselves in this violence on a regular basis and support those who lead it, some of whom becoming global celebrities. Billions of dollars are spent to spread this violence throughout the world through the information media. In America, ground zero of the anti-enemy effort that traverses the world, ninety-nine point 99 percent of the population is involved in such “violence” either by direct participation (part of the three billion mentioned above) or indirectly by dismissing it outright, counting it unworthy of their attention. What is the object of this world-wide violence? THE VIOLENCE IS AGAINST ALMIGHTY GOD AND HIS WORD–THE HOLY BIBLE. And who are the violent who rebel against God by rejecting His Holy Word? The Catholic/Protestant Church System. Such a coordinated and wide-spread attack on Him and His message requires a central figure in control. And who is behind this assault on the God of the Holy Scriptures and His message of love to mankind? Satan.
But this series is not about that type of violence which I have written about in over 2000 postings. Therefore, I will not address it at this time. Instead, I will address another type of violence, one which Almighty God smiles upon and in which He urges His Very Elect to involve themselves whenever possible. Let us now learn about that type of violence known and practiced by only a fraction of a percent of the world’s population. These people are known as God’s Very Elect saints. I consider myself one of the most “violent” attackers of the devil’s false religion apparatus which consists of false Christianity, Mohammadism, Hinduism and all of the other “isms” he has provided for those who hate God and His Law.
In Matthew 11:7-12 we find Jesus speaking to a multitude of people about John the Baptist and the part he was playing in God’s plan for mankind. John had been instrumental in turning the eyes of the Jews toward the coming Messiah, the establishing of the Church of God and the manner of life one must manifest in order to enter it. In verse 12 Jesus takes His listeners back in time to the beginning of John’s ministry, saying: “And from the (early) days of John (his ministry) until now the Kingdom of Heaven (the church) SUFFERS VIOLENCE AND THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE.” From the beginning of John’s ministry the Church of God, though not yet formed, was taking shape. John was instrumental in dealing with those early holiness seekers who would become the original members of the Church of God on earth, also known as the Kingdom of Heaven. It was John who told the people coming to him for baptism that there was One Who was coming Who would teach them in word and action how to live (“walk”) in order to be a part of that church. Over the next 3 1/2 years thousands would follow that One, hear His message, receive healing and deliverance, and in some cases, food from Him.
However, at the time of the establishment of the Church of God on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D., only about 120 of them had proven themselves worthy of membership. As Jesus had warned, only a few of the world’s masses would follow Him into His church and walk as He walked (Mat. 7:13,14). He noted that, though many would be called to do so, only a few would answer His call (Mat. 20:16). Many would choose to taking another, less demanding, route–they would join Satan’s church and walk according to his rules. By keeping them ignorant of God’s Word, he and his ministers would deceive them into believing that they were walking with the Biblical God. And woe to anyone who pointed out their error. Which is what this posting is about. I rarely write or peak about myself. However, I believe the Lord has told me to do so. The reason will be obvious.
I was born into a family of dirt-poor share-croppers in southern Missouri. Life was extremely hard and totally physical. We did not have electricity for the first ten years or so of my life. Everything was done by hand. Life was whatever one could force out of nature by strength of muscle–doing “violence” to that which one was “attacking.”
As I grew into adulthood and life became easier, the Lord never allowed me to lose my appreciation for that which is wrung out of life through physical violence. For that reason I enjoy lifting weights. There is something uniquely satisfying in making large pieces of iron go where I want them to go–to “do violence” to them. As a child, one of my possessions was a punching bag. I made weights out of bricks and wood. I never saw a limb I did not want to chin myself on. I know seems a bit crazy for one who now serves the Lord.
I learned early on that there was a reason why I grew up in an atmosphere where “violence” was absolutely necessary if one was to survive. God made me “violent” for a reason: HE CALLED ME WHEN I WAS IN MY MOTHER’S WOMB TO DO BATTLE WITH THE FORCES OF SATAN WORKING AGAINST HIM–THE SELF-PROCLAIMED CHURCH.
Admittedly, I love the fight. Which brings us to the crux of the matter. I AM IN A WAR THAT WILL BE WON BY THE MOST VIOLENT. ONLY THE VIOLENT WILL JOIN THE CHURCH OF GOD AND REMAIN THERE. GOD HAS CALLED THE MEGA-VIOLENT TO LEAD THEM. ONLY THE VIOLENT WILL ENTER HIS STRAIT GATE AND WALK HIS NARROW WAY TO THE FINAL VICTORY. ONLY THE MEGA-VIOLENT WILL BECOME INVOLVED IN POSITIVE VIOLENCE which is violence against the devil himself as he and his workers try to pull God-seekers away from the true God. I have warred against the false church and enjoyed every minute of it.
Fellow warriors, we are in the ultimate war, one that involves eternal life or death. As a leader in that war, my job is to not just teach the way, but to lead the way. God has shown me that He has called me to be on the front line of this war. In military terms, this is known as the “point of the spear.” Note that the point is the smallest part of the spear. Though the influence of this ministry is small at present, that will soon change. It was prophesied about me by someone whom I had never met, “One day the world will hear him.” In another case a stranger told me that when he saw me he had a vision in which he saw me on television. They were both right. God has shown me that I will go forth in the absolute power of the Holy Spirit and do what the world, including the church world, does not believe is possible. The Almighty has told me this through His Spirit, in dreams, in visions and through experience. He has prepared me for a war that requires great spiritual “violence” in order to defeat the devil and his minions, both angelic and human. He has trained me and ushered me through the “preliminary bouts.” I am ready for “the main event.” Lord, let’s get it on. Beginning now.
If you have a physical or mental problem, God will heal you if you will place your hand on the screen. The Holy Spirit will flow through the screen and heal you. I have done this using a piece of paper, over the telephone and by the laying on of my hands. I once cast out a spirit of drunkenness using my thoughts. I mentally commanded the devil to come out of the man. He was instantly sober, and, as you might imagine, shocked and confused. I love God’s sense of humor.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to go forth and manifest His Word according to the promise of John 14:12 where Jesus said: “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these will he do.” God has told me “he” included me. All glory goes to God in the highest.
Please forgive me for writing about myself, but bear with me one more minute. Recently I dreamed that I was praying to some German people in the German language, which I do not speak. In the dream I was praying out loud in German. In reality I was praying so loud that I woke myself up! I went back to sleep and dreamed the exact same dream again!! And again I woke myself up. Fortunately, my dear wife is a sound sleeper. I have prophesied that I will not need an interpreter when speaking to people whose language I do not know. I speak only English (the Texas version). I will either speak to the people in their language, or I will speak to them in English and they will hear me in their language. I believe those dreams, among others, were given to me to assure me that I will not need an interpreter WHEN, NOT IF, if speak to foreign people in their lands. Again, all the glory goes to the One Who will make it happen.
In the following posting we will get into the personal, spiritual hand-to-hand warfare that pits the warrior against his eyeball-eyeball, life or death enemy where the battles are totally personal, both for the warrior and the victims. L.J.
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