Religion is in the air–again. The latest version began a few weeks ago at Asbury University. It began with a regular church session that did not end. Word spread. Other students caught the fever. People began to come in from the surrounding areas. Then the outbreak began to spread to other areas of the nation, then the world. Tulsa, Samford University, South Africa. Today another Jesus Revolution is in the air and popping up everywhere. The Savior is again popular and on the tongues of the masses. People are once again “into Jesus.”
Old timers have seen it before. I came along during the so-called “Full Gospel” movement which featured divine healing, casting out of demons and what came to be known as the “name it and claim it” craze. Those before me had seen several “moves of the Spirit” that swept certain areas of the world, and in some cases, the entire planet.
These movements have raised the spirits of religious people as the Holy Spirit touches the lives of those who claim to be God’s people. As He did during era in which I came to Him, we thought we had reached the apex of holiness, that we were then as high in His estimation as human beings are capable of being. We had reached step number two, just one step above the faith level. None of us had been converted, but we all thought we were “saved.” Read The Salvation Process. Key word–Salvation. Only later did I realize that I had only just begun to climb Jacob’s staircase to where God waited for me to join Him. Hopefully, some of those seeking the Lord today will see the error of their ways and start climbing that staircase. Hopefully, this “move of the Spirit” will result in a deeper dive into God’s Holy Scriptures where they can find His “fine print” that must be believed and obeyed in order to join Him in His walk of holiness.
Today’s version of “revival” features multitudes of people “sharing the Lord with others” in order to help them “recover their relationship with Him.” Therin lies the problem. One needs to have had a relationship with God in order to recover (return to) it. THE CATHOLIC/PROTESTANT CHURCH SYSTEM HAS NEVER HEARD GOD’S TRUTH AND, WHEN INTRODUCED IT, HAS REJECTED ITS MESSAGE ALONG WITH ITS MESSENGER. SHE HAS NEVER KNOWN GOD AND THEREFORE CANNOT RETURN TO HIM–BE “REVIVED.” I am one of those trying to tell the religious community what God actually said, which is the opposite of the “truths” Satan has been spreading abroad since the Garden of Eden.
The Prophet Amos asks: “Can two walk together unless they agree?” The answer is no. The Institutional Church has not walked with the Lord since approximately 50 A.D. Only over the past 80 years or so has God’s true church, which preaches His true Gospel, been in existence. During those lost centuries professing Christendom has not walked with the Lord due to the fact they she has not agreed with Him. Having rejected His message, she has proclaimed to the world that she despises both Father and Son (Lk. 10:16).
Today God’s Very Elect church numbers a few thousand globally. The other 99.99% have not, do not and will not hear God’s true Gospel. Their god will not allow them to do so. Therefore, what they will REVIVE AND RETURN TO relative to the current revival is the heathen organization that has called itself “the church” for the past 2000 years. That church has never heard God’s Truth and will refuse to hear it until it is too late to rise in the first resurrection. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
God’s men preaching to those who claim to be God’s people but who not only are ignorant of God’s Word, but also refused to hear God’s Word is not a new phenomenon. The prophets, Jesus and the apostles ran into the same problem during their respective times of ministry. They were given the near impossible task of telling religious people what their God had said. Like today, those to whom they were speaking and writing had their respective “truths” already formulated when God’s men came on the scene. It was the classic square-peg-into-round-hole problem.
The current revival is God’s attempt to get the church’s attention so that His apostles can tell them what He actually said. I predict, wrongly I hope, that Satan will do what he has always done. He will send the revivalists right back into the same religious quagmire that they have been in throughout their church lives. There they will hear the same religious swill that they have always heard, only louder and more often. Eventually the fever will abate and the revivalists will settle back into Satan’s religious abyss. Read Bait and Switch. Key word–Bait.
I have been predicting on this website for over two years that an end-time revival was coming. I also predicted that, in the end, it will amount to nothing more than religious business as usual. When the heat has dissipated and the Jesus people return to the religious ritual known as “church,” we will find that nothing has changed. Religionists will still be worshiping a false Jesus on Satan’s sabbath by refusing to obey God’s fourth commandment. They will still be rejoicing that the Law, especially the Sabbath command, was nailed to the cross. They will remain in their exclusive groups, each of which will still be known as “the church.” Each church, faith, denomination, congregation, etc. will continue to cling to its own Jesus, its own God, its own truth and its own plan of salvation. See Second Corinthians 11:4. A year from now the Jesus people will have returned to hearing well-worn sermons preached by their ear-scratching false prophets who promise them that they will be snatched up to heaven in a “rapture” just before all hell breaks loose on earth. They will be hearing that they are all saved, sanctified, born again and rapture-ready. The former revivalists will once again be told that the key to heaven’s gate is faith. “Only believe” will have retained its #1 place among the church’s “truths.” Sinners saved by grace will be reminded to repent of each sin so that Mary, aka “My lady,” can “take care of” their sins, as one Catholic told me. Not to be outdone relative to the “My lady’s got it covered” theme, the Protestants have their own female intercessor–her name is Grace. Having committed their inevitable sins the churchite need only to hit the spiritual auto-dial button, confess to his/her “lady” all sins committed since the previous Sunday or mass and, presto, one is “… good for another week,” as one woman said.
Does all this sound familiar? It should. This is what has gone on since the last revival took place. Nothing actually changes between revivals in that church life inevitably returns to normal as soon as the fire gets hosed down by everyday reality. The current movement is no exception. Soon the revivalists’ “itching ears” will once again be scratched by their “hirelings” who will tell them what I heard a local false prophet tell his local and t.v. audience: “Don’t even try to be holy; you’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” Sin, they will be told, is in. I will once again burden you with my theme song for the Counterfeit (Catholic/Protestant) Church: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end you still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you still get to fly.” What will scratch their itching ears will sound something like this: “You’re saved. All you need to do now is show up, fess up, pay up and get ready to go up. You couldn’t stop sinning if you wanted to. And thanks to Jesus, there’s no need to, after all, He accepts you the way you are.” Tho previous religious hold-outs who “saw the light” during “the revival” will have heard something like this that drew them into a church: “Come as you are, stay as you are. It’s all good and so are you. Jesus has made all the bad stuff go away. The fix is in.” And the congregation will have said, “Amen.”
I believe in revival. Revival means to RETURN to something that PREVIOUSLY EXISTED. In this case that “something” was the pure religion that was preached by Jesus and His original apostles. Sadly, that religion and the true church that was produced was long ago cast aside and replaced by Satan’s two-headed, multi-bodied, any-way-you-want-it heathen organization known as Christianity. That, ladies and gentlemen, will be what the newest revival will revive (return) to when the religious dust settles. This “revived” religion will remain in place until another “revival” takes place, if there is another one.
For 2000 years an on-going revival has been taking place throughout the world. Unlike the current movement, his one is rejected by the religious hierarchy. It is found, not in the church, not on t.v. and not on the internet, but rather in an individual’ prayer closet where a lone, God-seeking zealot seeks for new life that can only be received through obedience to the Bible he/she hungrily consumes each day. L.J.
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