As an indication of the direction Catholic leaders are leading the hearts of religious people world-wide, Pope John Paul II had noted on a trip to Los Angeles that “… EVERYONE SERVES THE SAME GOD, NO MATTER THEIR RELIGION.” According to him, and I assume Catholics everywhere, the Biblical God, Alla’, the sun, animals, fire, serpents, etc. are in reality the same deity. Accordingly, one can worship whatever entity one wants–even those created by man himself–and all is well in that they are actually all the same deity. However, the late pontiff was quick to point out that not all deities are equal. That Catholicism is at the top of the religion food chain was brought out when he said: “There will be no international unity until ALL RELIGIONS ARE SUBJECT TO ROME.” In other words, all religions are equal, but one is more equal than all the others. And as the following will attest, the world is listening. The reader will now see for himself that the Satanic lure of Catholicism is drawing all segments of the religious world to herself, and therefore to him (Rev. 12:9). This does not surprise the seeker of Truth, for God has told us this would happen as the end of the era approaches. Let us now see how those outside of Catholicism view the late pope and his pagan religion which he put forth as the only path to salvation.
Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel told CNN that John Paul II “… will have a very important place in JEWISH HISTORY.” This in spite of the Vatican’s refusal to help the Jews during the Nazi purges when they had many opportunities to do so; in spite of the well-documented fact that the Vatican helped thousands of Jew-hating Nazis escape to South America following World War II through her well-organized “rat lines,” facts which John Paul II was finally forced to publicly admit, but for which he refused to apologize. Wiesel lauded the dead pope in spite of the fact that he called Jew-hating Yasser Araphat “your excellency;” in spite of the fact that, following John Paul’s rejection of Israel’s claim to sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem, he then awarded the PLO–the avowed enemy of the nation of Israel and Jews everywhere–a permanent office in the Vatican. Incredibly, Wiesel was not alone. Other world leaders were quick to exalt the former pagan leader.
Mark Oestreicher, President of Youth Specialties characterized the pope’s death as “… a key point in history where we have the opportunity to embrace Catholics AS FELLOW CHILDREN OF GOD.” Richard Ostling, Senior Religion correspondent for TIME magazine noted that the dead pope was “… probably the most popular pope ever among AMERICA’S EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS.” Dan Betzar, Pastor of Fort Myers First Assembly of God Church said, “I have long been an admirer of the pope. HIS PRAYER LIFE IS AN EXAMPLE TO US ALL. He has lived a GODLY LIFE. His death WILL LEAVE A GREAT VOID IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” This in spite of the fact that he publicly prayed to MARY–an act of idolatry–asking her to “… comfort, guide, strengthen and protect the whole of humanity.” The heathen leader publicly proclaimed that “… MARY IS THE PATH THAT LEADS TO CHRIST,” and that “… victory in life comes through MARIA (MARY).” Betzar and other false prophets praised the dead pope for his Mary-worshiping life. Pat Robertson, another admirer, said that “… the most beloved religious leader of our age has passed from this world to his MUCH DESERVED ETERNAL REWARD.” Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission believes that “… any disagreements Protestants may have had with John Paul II are irrelevant to THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE FAITH.” Land went on to praise the pope’s “… staunch defense of TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN FAITH.” True Bible believers know that it was not BIBLICAL FAITH to which he was referring. As John said, “… this is the spirit of Antichrist … which is even now in the world.” Those quoted above reveal that it is that same spirit that holds sway over the whole of Christendom. This is revealed in the fact that they all have retained their jobs. What does the reader believe would have been the reaction of the apostles upon hearing the above statements coming from supposed church leaders? Can you imagine Paul voicing such religious garbage?
These supposed “men of God,” whom the Lord calls false prophets, lauded the deceased pope in spite of the fact that on several occasions he gathered together for prayer witch doctors, spiritists, animists,snake worshipers, fire worshipers, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Muslims and leaders of other world “‘isims,” declaring that they were all “… praying to the same God,” and while doing so, were “… generating profound spiritual energies.” True believers know that it was Satan’s energies they were generating. To be continued. L.J.
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