That in the final days leading up to Christ’s second coming the various religions of the world will come together to form one global religious organization is evidenced by the fact that the False Prophet of Revelation 16:13;19:20 and 20:10, whom I believe will be the reigning pope of that day, will have the power to force all people on earth to worship the Beast of Daniel and Revelation. Such a PROPHET (religiously-affiliated man) will of necessity have total control over all religious activity world-wide. This will necessitate his having an all-powerful government behind him to enforce his dictates. Otherwise, he would have neither the authority nor the power to force the masses to worship anyone or anything. The prophet will operate under the power of the BEAST–a world-ruling government. As in the days of Roman Emperor Constantine, the pope will depend on the government to implement his religious policies. Scripture reveals that in order to remain in good standing with the powers that be, one will have to obey their dictates, specifically mentioning what can and cannot be done (buying, selling, etc.-Rev. 13:17) on the church’s dictated sabbath–Saturday. Does this sound familiar? It should, for that is exactly what took place in the fourth century when the Catholic Pope and Roman Emperor Constantine teamed up to force a change in the observance of the Sabbath day, then forced the people to adhere to their dictates under threat of death. Needless to say, the pews filled up quickly. Could this happen again? Could people of all religions be forced to become part of a government-backed religious body under threat of death–again? And could that religious body be the Catholic Church–again? And could that governing body be the Roman Empire–again?
That the process of drawing all religions into the Catholic Church has already begun is evidenced by recent events. The following information will reveal that, unlike the ingathering directed by Constantine, this one is being carried out on a voluntary basis, at least for the time being. That, as Revelation reveals, will change. More on this posting later today. L.J.
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