One example of the return of the Harlot Daughters to the Mother Whore is exemplified by the return of the Anglican Church (Church of England) to Catholic doctrines, rituals and forms. Also, the Methodist Church now routinely pays homage to the “Mother Catholic Church.” Other religious bodies, faiths, churches, denominations, etc. are looking to the Vatican for religious leadership. This was graphically brought out by the leaders of those groups following the death of Pope John Paul II. The following are a few examples of the world-wide appeal of Catholicism’s leadership.
During the days surrounding the pope’s funeral world leaders tried to out-gush each other in praise of the deceased pontiff. Frances’ president, England’s prime minister and California’s governor all voiced their accolades for him, calling him, among other things “… a beacon of VIRTUE, strength and GOODNESS.” Bill Clinton called him “… a MAN OF GOD,” while George Bush I referred to him as “… the peoples’ anchor.” Russian President Putin praised his spiritual legacy while Billy Graham called him “… the most influential voice for MORALITY in the world over the past 100 years. Virtue, man of God, morality? Obviously these people are totally deceived by Satan. But the thing that disgusted me the most ab out this display of religious paganism was when our president was seen kneeling beside the casket of the deceased heathen leader. When my mind wanders to this display of political correctness and Biblical ignorance I envision Aaron kneeling before the golden calf. To be continued. L.J.
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