Over the past 1800 years or so much has been spoken and written concerning the prophesied end-time falling away (apostasy) of the religious institution known as” the church” (2 Thes. 2:3). Though there are dual (general and specific) applications relative to this subject, at this time we will deal with the general falling away of the New Covenant Church from the God Who birthed her. As the reader will see, her demise has been so gradual, so stealthy that only a few of her multiplied millions of adherents have realized what was happening and have spoken out. Because the church’s separation form God has been viewed by those involved as a good thing, those who have opposed and exposed it have been routinely “shouted down.” What took place in the early days of the church–exemplified by Stephen being “shouted down” by the religious leaders of his day–has been going on for generations, the difference being that social law no longer allows those exposing false religion to be executed. That will change.
Satan’s assault on the New Covenant Church began during the days of the original apostles. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse began to ride as soon as men began to revert back to their wicked, pre-conversion ways. Remember, the rider on the white horse–false religion–was the first to appear on the world scene. Because men (including church men) embraced him (Satan) en masse, the other horsemen soon began their ride. As the postings relative to the Apocalypse revealed, they will continue to ride until the return of Jesus Christ to clean up the mess men have made, many of whom will have been the most religious among us. It is the fall of these uber-religious people that this series of postings will highlight.
Because Satan and his prophets began to attack the New Covenant Church immediately after her founding, the original apostles spoke and wrote extensively, warning the church to beware of those bringing “another gospel,” which, as Paul points out, is actually a corruption of God’s gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). Knowing that those who come with a false Word will always be well-spoken and persuasive, he warned that if one of the apostles, or even an angel from heaven came with WORDS OTHER THAN THOSE GOD HAD PROVIDED, they–men or angels–would be cursed by Him. In an attempt to gain acceptance of their “better way,” many false prophets present their corrupted gospel as “another witness about Jesus Christ.” In this way they deceive the Biblically challenged into believing that what they are putting forth is from the Lord, even though the Bible refutes what they are saying. Note that God does not distinguish between the Words “gospel” and “witness.” He uses them interchangeably as we see in His Great Commission found in Matthew 24:14: “… this GOSPEL of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a WITNESS to all nations, then the end shall come.” Notice that His gospel IS His witness. When asked when He would return to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus answered initially with words of warning: “Beware lest any man deceive you.” He then went on to detail the rides of the four horsemen, ending with His commission to preach His GOSPEL/WITNESS globally until His second advent. Though the apostles wrote extensively about the spirit of Antichrist (apostasy) that was already evident in the early church (Mat. 24:12/1 Jn. 2:18;4:3), not much has been written since about the spiritual and physical make-up of the religious organization that will be the end result of the great falling away of the church just before Jesus returns. This study sheds light on the religious conglomerate that will evolve into the global-ruling, Satan-dominated church that will arise during the days leading up to the Messiah’s return to earth. This all-powerful “church” will rule her subjects with an iron hand. What is universally recognized in today’s world as “the church” is the disjointed, multi-bodied forerunner of an end-time entity which God describes in Revelation 17:1-6 as a woman (whore church) riding (controlling) an all-powerful beast (government). Note that the woman is “drunk” with (takes pleasure in shedding) the blood of the Lord’s people. This blood-lusting whore church will be a singular, one-world religious entity controlled by a singular, world-ruling government (first beast) and a singular, dictatorial prophet (second beast).
The Institutional Church, however, believes that her system of sects, organizations and orders will grow stronger and larger for the infinite future until Christ returns to take his Bride to heaven in a secret rapture just before the Whore rides the Beast onto the world scene. As is always practiced by those who seek God’s Truth, let us study His Word in order to discern His Truth on the matter. To be continued. L.J.
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