How many times have I sung the age-old church hymn which tells about heaven, “where the soul of man never dies.” The answer is: many times, in spite of the Biblical fact that 1) no one is going to heaven at any time (Acts 2:29,34) and 2) every soul (man) will die (Eze. 18:20). These Truths lead us to the subject of this series–the resurrection of man from the dead. The question is not IF every human being ever born will die and be resurrected, but WHEN he/she will be resurrected. As we are told in First Corinthians 15:22,23: “For in Adam all will die; even so in Christ all will be made alive, every man in his own order (time).” I have written extensively on this subject in the past (key words–Resurrection or Resurrections), but for reasons known only by the Almighty, I have felt for several days the need to do so yet again. So let us begin.
Throughout history mankind has been fascinated with the subject of death and the possibility of life following death. During the time of Christ and the original disciples some of their early converts had been followers of the Sadducees who did not believe in life after death. The Apostle Paul’s letters to the church in Corinth reveal that there was a large contingent of believers who were not sure about that possibility. I am sure that there are those within professing Christendom today who are not sure about the distant future. Satan has worked hard to deceive mankind concerning life after death, including those within professing Christendom. His first recorded lie was that man, even disobedient man, would never die (Gen. 3:4). Billions of church people have believed his “immortal soul” lie ever since. The church “truth” of the matter is that when a member of “THE” church dies his soul lives on and is taken immediately to heaven. The Scriptures do not teach this. They teach that the soul (body) goes to the grave and one’s spirit “returns to God Who gave it” (Eccl. 12:7). Recall that, at the point of death, Jesus said to His Father: “Unto You do I commit My SPIRIT,” not “My body” or “My soul” (Lk. 23:46). Jesus Himself–His soul–would spend the next three days and nights in the tomb. If you are like I was in the past, you also believe Satan’s soul-never-dies lie. I “knew” it was true because church leaders said it was. The problem was that those leaders had not been called of God to His ministry and had never heard or studied His Truth. They and those who taught them studied only those passages that could be construed to seemingly confirm their denominational dogma.
Nothing has changed. CHURCH PEOPLE HAVE NEVER HEARD GOD’S TRUTH AND HAVE NEVER STUDIED IT FOR THEMSELVES. I know because I spent decades trapped within that system. The purpose of this website is to help those suffering from Biblical ignorance. This ministry was designed to help those with eyes to see and ears to hear God’s Truth–His Word (Jn. 17:17) and an insatiable craving for righteousness (Mat. 5:6). My job is to warn such God seekers about the “god of this world” who tells man that obeying God’s Bible is will lead to eternal life in hell, but that obeying his (Satan’s) version of that Bible (church doctrine) will guarantee eternal life in paradise. That which calls itself “the church” continues to embrace his deadly lie to this day. My most ardent detractors are by far the most religious. Sound familiar? It does for Truth seekers who know that Jesus Himself was hated most by those within the religious hierarchy. Read the homepage of this website for examples of Satan’s “truths” which such people proclaim are “Bible truths.” Now back to the subject.
Consider the following. The word “immortal” means “incapable of death.” Therefore, if man has an immortal soul HE CANNOT DIE. If he cannot die he cannot be resurrected. However, the Apostle Paul, who received his Gospel Truth directly from Jesus (Gal. 1:12), noted that if we deny the resurrection of the dead, we deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ, leaving us “without hope” (1 Cor. 15,13-15).
Let us now study the origin of the “immortal soul” lie. When Satan told Eve that she could sin (eat the forbidden fruit) and “… not surely die,” she believed him. Earlier, when God told her and Adam about the two trees in the midst of the Garden of Eden, He was giving them REVELATION, which they subsequently chose to reject in favor of Satan’s revelation. Since that debacle took place unconverted man has refused to accept the revelation about his unavoidable resurrection, relying instead on his own human reasoning to discredit that phenomenon. Though “Christianity” believes in the soul, she has embraced Satan’s lie concerning its immortality without a shred of Biblical proof.
Genesis 2:7 says: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, causing him to become a living soul.” Note that man and soul are one and the same. Before that moment the man/soul God had created did not have life. Contrary to universal church opinion, the soul does indeed die. Jesus set the pattern for the following: no death–no resurrection. No resurrection–no rebirth. No rebirth–no entrance into God’s kingdom.
In the Hebrew language the English word “soul” is “nephesh” which is translated “a breathing animal.” Nephesh is used throughout the Old Testament to describe creatures (created entities) such as cattle, birds, whales–AND MAN. Ecclesiastes 3:19 tells us that man dies exactly as do animals, birds, etc. In other worlds, nephesh (souls) die.
All matter dies. Man (the soul) is composed of matter, meaning that it can and does die. In James 4:14/ First Perter 1:24 and Psalm 103:13-16 we are told that our life is like a vapor. Like dead grass, a dead soul, which returns to the dust from which it was formed, can be blown away by a gust of wind. That settled, the question now becomes, what will happen to the soul in the future? The Holy Scriptures tell us that every human soul ever born will die and be resurrected. Again, the vast majority of church people have never heard the Bible Truth concerning the phenomenon that will result in the body of every human ever born being resurrected, “each in his own order.” God determines who will be resurrected when and for what purpose.
Jesus Christ was the first human being to be resurrected. He is the “firstborn (first born again) among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29). Read Born Again. Key word–Born. Christ’s rebirth took place at the same time as his resurrection because the two are one and the same. Christ’s resurrection/rebirth made the resurrection/rebirth of all other human beings possible. A careful study of the Holy Scriptures reveals that there will be a total of three resurrections involving three groups of people which will take place at three different times and for three different reasons. In the next positing I will provide a brief Biblical overview relative to the who, when and why of those resurrections. For more detail relative to the resurrections of man read the series on the subject using the key word Resurrections. There are I believe three series involved. Also, and most important, read The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Key word–Resurrection (singular).
I advise you to “gird up” loins of your mind and lay aside everything you have ever learned about the resurrection of the dead. As a general rule, you need to do that when reading anything written on this website where you will learn, if you haven’t already, that probably 99% of everything you have ever been taught in church is either totally or partially wrong because it has consisted of only what I call God’s “headlines.” The church’s version is invariably wrong because it is missing the most important part of God’s messages to mankind–the “fine print.” Following Satan’s leading, the church’s possession of God’s Holy Word which promises salvation is like having a safe filled with diamonds sitting in her living room that proclaims her to be wealthy (the headline). if he do not have the numerical combination, and if she does not apply the numbers exactly as specified (the fine print), she will not be saved upon Christ’s return, the four foolish virgins being a prime example of this Truth (Mat. 25). As the Lord said, we must study, believe and obey every “jot and tittle” of His Word. Only then can we open the safe (the promise of salvation–headline) by applying His combination (rules for salvation attainment–fine print). Only those who do so will rise in the first resurrection, be born again and receive eternal life at the return of Jesus Christ to establish His Father’s earthly kingdom. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. L.J.
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