Of late the ecumenical movement has taken a drastically new turn for the worse. Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church and God’s premiere religious enemy, is trying to bring all of the world’s religions into one super-ecumenical body. In the Book of Revelation we are warned that just prior to Christ’s return a man called the False Prophet (“second beast”) will bring all of the world’s religions together to form a one-world religious body. This man will work miracles before the entire world in order to cause everyone on earth to worship the antichrist, the leader of the beast government which I believe will be the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire over which the Catholic Church will have a great deal of influence.
This one-world government (“first beast”) will rule over the civic and social matters of all of the world’s people. The False Prophet will exercise a decisive level of influence over the doings of the first beast. This church (woman) riding (directing) the beast (government) is pictured in Revelation 17:1-5 as highlighted in the first segment of this series. As I stated there, I believe Pope Francis or his successor will be the False Prophet that will lead the end-time, one-world church. The Satan-directed, Satan-empowered, world-ruling church-state power will be like nothing this world has ever seen.
The current Catholic pope is openly and consistently proclaiming that the Truths found in the Holy Bible are no longer relevant. He has publicly said that there is no value difference among the world’s religions, that all lead to the one God of the universe. They simply take different routes to get to Him.
Francis is advocating for total inclusion of the whole of mankind within a one religion. Incidently, the word “catholic” means “universal.” The Catholic Church was created by a man named Simon Magus (Simon the magician) in 33 A.D. in Rome. His intent was for his church to be a religious haven for all people regardless of their religious beliefs and practices. As one can see, the so-called Christian Church has been heading in that ecumenical direction for many years. Francis is giving ecumenism a modern-day boost by openly advocating for what the churches have been moving toward for almost 2000 years. Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Simon.
Because he is just getting started in his push for a one-world religious organization, I will not try to list all of the changes he has publicly advocated for religious man to embrace. I am sure there will many more anti-Bible, anti-God changes to come. Watch the news for up-to-date information relative to his plans for his new and improved religion. YouTube presents a number of segments on the pope’s proclamations each day. I suggest you download them in order to find out what the pontiff is attempting to do on an up-to-date level. AND HE WILL SUCCEED. Anyone who does not know how powerful Satan is needs to learn what his favorite and most successful prophet is doing. Because of the devil’s power, he (Satan) will convince his protestant congregations to embrace the changes that Francis is advocating. Many of those bodies have already bowed to his (Satan’s) lure by falling into the woke trap that is rapidly taking over all areas of social life. The official name of the movement is “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.”
Dear readers, things are about to get much more Satanic, though the changes will be heralded as moves of God. Mass ignorance of the Holy Bible will enable the DEI movement to sweep through the social realms of the world with relative ease. There will, I believe, be a short pause in the movement in the near future during which I believe the Lord will give professing Christendom time to repent of her deadly sins, turn to Him and be TRULY converted. I envision a short time of “revival” as the world’s situation grows steadily worse. However, religious man will not “revive” to a belief in and obedience to the Biblical God. Rather, there will be a return to the business-as-usual level of spirituality led the so-called Christian world into the sewer in which she now wallows. Some call my beliefs “pessimistic.” I call them “realistic” because they are based on the Holy Scriptures. L.J.
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