God did not create a lone man to rule the earth and everything on, above and under it. Instead He created both a man and a woman and ordered them to populate the earth with similar God-like beings who, like themselves, would have to choose whether to be what they were created to be or to become what Satan wanted them to be. Which brings us to the heritage God has set aside for obedient man–global rulership. This heritage, which has been His will from the beginning, has never changed and stands as an eternal promise to those who believe and obey the Provider of the heritage.
God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). As Adam and Eve were not created with sin as an innate part of their spiritual DNA, neither would be their descendants. Upon reaching the age of accountability each would be presented with THE OPTION–God’s Way or Satan’s way. Invariably, man has followed his Edenesque ancestors by obeying Satan: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Note that all “have sinned.” Sin, as God repeatedly tells us, is a choice made, not a condition inherited as we have all been told all of our church lives. Let us “prove all things” relative to the Word and will of God and “hold onto that which is good” (1 Thes. 5:21). Lazy, trusting churchman refuses to do this. Instead he clings to whatever his “hireling” (Jn. 10:12,13) has been programmed to tell him, believing and proclaiming that the church’s “doctrines of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1) are in fact the commands of God. See the introduction to the website.
Satan wants to rob as many believers as possible of the heritage promised to them by God. To do this he need only deceive potential inheritors into sinning. Sin separates man from God (Isa. 59:2). Separation robs him of the possibility of receiving the promised inheritance. Adam’s sin separated him from His Maker, thereby robbing him of his place in God’s historical schema. Adam and Eve’s descendants, however, are each given the opportunity to do what their ancestors failed to do–inherit the Kingdom of God. At the proper time Jesus will say to those who believe and obey Him: “… ‘Come ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you ….” As to the eternal spiritual condition of Adam and Eve, I do not know. God has not blessed me with that bit of information.
The war for the eternal rulership of the earth continues. Presently, in terms of head-count, Satan is winning by convincing one segment of the world’s population that God does not exist. He has led another segment to embrace one of his various and sundry religions. Then there is the tiny Church of God–His true saints–who refuse to be swallowed up by either group. These saints constitute God’s “little flock” (Lk. 12:32) who believe and obey His Word. Numbering at most in the thousands world-wide, they reject the ways of the world’s religions and adhere strictly to the Word that the Lord caused to be recorded by His prophets and apostles (Eph. 2:20) by speaking to them via His Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that empowers His people to overcome Satan “… even as I (Jesus) overcame ….” (Rev. 3:21). Only by overcoming Satan as did the Lord can the believer qualify to sit on His throne, and with Him, RULE THE WORLD–the saint’s inheritance (Rev. 5:10/11:15/20:6/22:5).
But alas, only a minutely few choose to follow Jesus through His strait gate and along His narrow way leading to the promised inheritance (Mat. 7:13,14). As food might be promised to a hungry man at the end of a prescribed journey, rulership of the earth is promised to “whosoever will” follow God’s spiritual map to the inheritance. Jesus lived, died and rose again so that true God-seekers can receive power to qualify to inherit His eternal promise by ridding themselves of all sin (justification) and “… walking as He (Jesus) walked” while on earth (1 Jn. 2:6). This is accomplished only by one who will continually”… purify himself even as He (Jesus) is pure” (1 Jn. 3:3). This is done individually by “… washing by the water of the Word” (Eph. 5:26). Bible students will notice that everything relative to qualifying for the inheritance points back to God’s Word–His foundation upon which one must build his spiritual “house.” Any other foundation, regardless of the quality of the house, will eventually give way, thereby destroying the house/believer. It is in that foundation, exemplified by the Word, Jesus Christ (Jn. 1:1-4,14/Rev. 19:13), that we find God’s rules of engagement that must be strictly followed in order to inherit the kingdom.
Religious man, however, has a better idea. It is called “Christianity” or “Islam” or “Hinduism” or some other religion man has created or will create to satisfy his craving for self-rule. Religious man decides, on a continuous basis, whether he believes God’s Word or Satan’s word. Those who believe God obey His Book of Instructions. Those who do not believe it simply stay the course. L.J.
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