“As a man thinks in his heart (mind), so he is” (Prov. 23:7). This is God’s way of saying that we become what we think about, whether good or bad. As we become physically what we eat, we become spiritually what we think about. Our thoughts are our most intimate possessions. They mold us into their form as we dwell upon them because they express our uttermost wishes and desires concerning ourselves. If we did not need to think about our daily goings-on we would spend all our thoughts on what pleases us. Those kinds of thoughts, because they are so important to us, mold us into what we want to be, do, etc.
Question: where do our thoughts come from? What motivates us to think what we think? Most of what we think about we initially take into our minds through our eyes, which serve as window by which we see and mentally absorb the world around us. We control the eyes so that we see primarily what we want to see. Sounds, smells and feelings are immediately located and identified by the eyes which give us our clearest understanding of what we have heard, smelled or felt. What we see, hear, smell or feel goes into the brain (mind/heart) and remains there as long as we live. Most of them are buried so deep in our psyche that they are never brought to our attention again. However, occasionally we hear, see, smell or feel something that brings to the consciousness something from the past. This is called Deja vu.
Because of the mind’s propensity to retain everything the human being senses, it is important that we choose to investigate that which activates our senses, especially sight and hearing. We tend to look at and listen to things that we like, that make us feel good. When we repeatedly see or hear something it assumes a position at the forefront of our minds–the most favored location. In moments of non-activity the mind automatically downloads it and relishes its presence and its effect on us. Such is the case on the positive level relative to studying the Bible so that in moments of inactivity, the brain automatically clicks on the Bible to fill the void. Over time, addiction to that the Scriptures develops.
The same is true on the negative level concerning such things as pornography, negative feelings about people, greed, etc. Over time addiction to pornography, etc. take place. When not concentrating on a task that one is doing, what one is addicted to immediately and automatically downloads. One immediately embraces it and enjoys it as long as possible.
On the physical level, continued use of drugs has the same effect. What we use to activate sensations that please us becomes something we eventually can’t do without. Pornography, nicotine, alcohol, hard drugs, etc. become addictive through repeated usage. Again, the same process takes place on the positive level. Keep doing the good and good will always download at the appropriate times.
For this reason the Apostle Paul told Timothy the evangelist to study (the Scriptures) (2 Tim. 2:15,16) so as to be always ready to be used by God. In Chapter three Paul tells him to continue in the study the Bible as he had done in his childhood so as to be assured of his salvation upon Christ’s return. Timothy was instructed to study all of the Holy Scriptures (Old Testament–the New Testament did not exist during the first 60 or so years of the New Testament Church) in order to know God’s doctrines and be able to teach them to the New Testament Church. As a minister, he had to be able to reprove false doctrines and to correct those who were in error. Continual study was necessary so that others would see his example of righteousness, emulate him and receive salvation along with him (vss 14-17).
The passage of time and the increase in mankind’s ingenuity evolved within the human race, causing the evolution of technology to increase with surprising rapidity following the invention of the internal combustion engine. For example, in less than a hundred man went from traveling on or behind animals to standing on the moon. Since then man’s inventive abilities have filled much of the earth with mind-boggling items that most of us do not understand.
Unfortunately, nothing man has ever invented or discovered has been exempt from Satan’s touch. One way or another, he has turned just about everything into a possible sin producing entity. A prime example of this truth was the television. I was born in 1941. This enabled me to witness the evolution of television from its earliest days to what we have today in terms of its ability to spread information and entertainment. Early on I realized that television would one day be used as a powerful tool for Satan and his fallen angels. Initially t.v. was very clean, wholesome and a true joy for everyone. For example, at the end of the viewing day (10:00) a preacher would come on and lead the viewers in a prayer. Some networks went so far as to include a short sermonette before the closing prayer. “The tube” was an instant hit, with antennas sprouting from rooftops like metal trees as the nation became addicted to visual movement-centered entertainment after generations of nothing but printed material and eventually radio. As a child, we had neither. My only source of reading material was my mother’s Bible. Praise God I have always been a voracious reader. I thank God that we were so poor. This forced me to read the Bible. Praise His holy name. Thank you Lord for our poverty.
With the coming of television, everything changed. Like everyone else, I could not get enough of watching things happen instead of imagining them from the pages of a book. It was definitely the visuals that grabbed everyone’s attention and kept it. At work people could be heard discussing the previous evening’s t.v. episodes as if they themselves had lived them. People became addicted to the “boob tube,” myself included.
Then Satan began to work his way into the situation. First it was an occasional curse word (“damn” for example). Then married people were shown in the same bed. And the rest is very sordid history and becoming moreso every day.
Then came the internet where nothing is off limits. Hand-held “idiot boxes” are now capturing the minds of three-year-olds who carry them around like life-giving oxygen tanks. Satan now can provide an unlimited range of visual and audible treats for those who have become addicted to his offerings. What the Psalmist said has proven to be true. We are what we think about. I watch people treat their plastic boxes like gods, which they have become. Those who worship at the feet of the box god are totally lost without their gadgets. People have become what they have visually consumed. They are like zombies. In fact, if I wrote a book about their addiction I would title it: THE ZOMBIE GENERATION: LIFE IN A BOX. The masses will not, dare not–CANNOIT–exist without their plastic life-source in their hands and at the ready. Their lives literally revolve around them. I have seen beggars sitting on sidewalks and beside highways wearing rags and looking like refugees. But they will have an entertainment source of some kind in their hand and their eyes will be glued to its screen. Modern man is truly addicted to his plastic god. And Satan smiles. He has accomplished his goal of keeping people away from God’s Word, and therefore away from Him and His Son.
Understand this. It does not matter what the entertainment content might be. What one is addicted to might not be morally wrong. But the fact that it has become one must watch, hear, have, etc. means that the person is breaking God’s #1 commandment: “You shall have no other gods before (beside) Me.” The Biblical God considers any other god as being “before” Him. He calls it IDOLATRY.
God commands us to “redeem the time” He has given us. That means to use it for a good purpose while we are living our earthly lives. Our eternity depends on how we use the time we have been allotted. Long ago I promised the Almighty that if He would put me in full time ministry I would dedicate every morning to the study His Word, prayer, etc. Now that I am retired I do exactly that. I normally wake up between 3:00 and 4:00 and spend most of the time until noon with Him. As a result of my dedication to Him He has removed from me all of the interest I once had in watching sports, cop shows, reading books, etc. I AM ADDICTED TO BEING ALONE WITH HIM IN PRAYER, BIBLE STUDY, ETC. AND HONESTLY DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING ELSE WITH MY TIME.
What you read on my website is the result of the life God has me addicted to now. I love studying His Word, teaching it and writing it. I have no other focus. I know that most people do not have as much free time as do I. My advice is that you use as much of your free time as possible thinking on Godly things. Everything begins in the mind, so why not fill it with good stuff. As Paul said: “Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, virtuous, praiseworthy and of good report, THINK ON THOSE THINGS (Phil. 4:8). What we do in our free time is determined by us. Do yourself a favor and determine to learn more about God. You will have eternity to be happy you did. L.J.
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