Dear readers: I am going to tell you what the Great God recently did for this most unworthy servant. I have seen God do so many miraculous things that it is almost impossible for Him to surprise me. What I am about to tell you shocks me to this day.
The story begins about two years ago as I was trying to lubricate my riding lawn mower. I had recently purchased a new grease gun and, to my irritation, it would not work. I tried everything. Having grown up on a farm, I knew how to use a grease gun. After several unsuccessful attempts to do a very simple task, I humbly admit that I reverted to my former self, lost my temper and threw my brand new grease gun into the jungle that borders my back yard.
I am not exaggerating when I call it a jungle. A human cannot walk in it. It would be impenetrable on foot. It is so wild and wooly that no one claims it. A check of the tax records reveals that no one pays taxes on it. No one maintains it. It is the wildest form of wilderness. It has literally been abandoned to nature. “The jungle,” as we call it, is a strip of vegetative hell about 100 feet wide and two hundred yards long. It is home to all manner of creatures, including rattlesnakes. My next door neighbor found one on his patio. No one goes in there. I literally mean no one. You get the picture. Anyway, I confess to you that I lost my temper and threw my brand new grease gun at least fifty feet into that quagmire of animals, snakes, vines, briars, fallen limbs, fallen trees, sink holes, etc. Fortunately, God forgave my childish tantrum. At the time I had no idea that a couple of years later He would use my sin, the grease gun and the jungle to send me a valuable message. Fast forward to about a week ago.
Long time readers of my website know that I take the Bible–every letter of it–literally. To learn exactly how literally, read The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect and The True Trinity. Key words–Unknown and True respectively. After reading those series you will understand why I stand virtually alone in my beliefs and expectations relative to the Holy Scriptures and the God Who stands behind them. Simply speaking, I believe everything He wrote and expect Him to do what He said He would do–IF I do everything He commands me to do. He could not be more fair than that. My moto is: “All for all,” meaning “my all for His all.” If I do the work He commands I expect to receive the pay He promised. “All for all” sums up my approach to the life and ministry to which the Almighty has called me.
Knowing that the rest of the church world would loudly reject me if they knew what I believe about the Holy Scriptures and their Author, I recently asked for a sign–a true, undeniable miracle–to assure me that He has actually told me what I KNOW in my heart that He has told me. Because my faith is so different from traditional church faith, I had to KNOW that I wasn’t as wrong as those who know me believe that I am. The “Unknown Power” series reveals what I KNOW beyond a doubt He has told me. Nevertheless, I am incurably human. I am aware that I tend to go the extreme about everything I do, sometimes to a fault. I needed assurance from Him that I was not as crazy as my detractors are sure that I am. Over the past week or so I have prayed often and urgently for the Lord to tell me if what I KNOW in my heart is in reality what He has given me to KNOW. I asked Him to make His reply to my request so miraculous, so unbelievable, so supernatural that I could not miss its meaning.
Two mornings ago I walked out into my back yard and there, shining in the morning sun, was my grease gun. It was “hanging” on the wire fence that stands between my property and “the jungle.” I knew instantly that God had answered my prayer. This was His miraculous way of saying to His most needy servant: “You have heard Me correctly. What you believe and teach is My Truth. I will do everything I have told you I would do, and I will do it through you.” This brought to mind the Scripture that states: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing unless He first tells His secret to His servants the prophets. The lion has roared, who will not hear? the Lord has spoken (to His servants), who can but prophesy (speak what one has heard)–Amos 3:7,8? It also brought to mind John 14:12 where Jesus promised that: “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, AND GREATER WORKS THAN THESE WILL HE DO.” I believe Him. But faith alone accomplishes nothing. I also must obey Him. As the Apostle James said: “Faith without works (of obedience) is dead” (2:17,20). Read verses 10-20.
Though God has performed many miracles through me, the grease gun episode is among the most unusual. In reality, IT IS UNIQUE AMONG MY EXPERIENCES. Only the day before I had stood not more than five feet from where the grease gun was located. Had it been there I could not have missed it. There was no way that a human being could move about in that jungle without a chain saw. There was no way a human being could have found the grease gun among the undergrowth and IN THE DARK, carried it some 50 feet it to my fence and left it “hanging” some three feet above the ground. Miraculous, right? Hold on, there is more to this miracle.
The gun was not actually hanging FROM anything. It was PRESSED against the fence by some vines. I slipped my hand down behind the fence, took hold of it and pulled it up. The way it was SUSPENDED on the other side of the fence was a miracle in itself. The gun was not attached to either the vines or the fence. The vines were literally PRESSING IT AGAINST THE FENCE and HOLDING it in place. If I had pulled the vines away from the gun it would have fallen to the ground. It was like using my hand to hold a piece of paper against a wall. If I remove my hand, the paper will fall to the floor. This is the way the grease gun was being held against the fence. A human being had not done that.
I retrieved the “miracle gun” and placed it on a concrete block beside my tool shed. I spent the rest of the day thinking about what God had done. Upon awakening the next morning I was still so much in wonder that I wondered if I might have dreamed the whole thing. I had not. Though the Almighty has done some strange things through ne, for me and to me, the grease gun miracle was one of the most unusual supernatural acts I have ever experienced. Through it He told me that I had heard Him and that I was to keep telling those with ears to hear what He was saying through me.
If I could tell every preacher on earth what God has revealed to me, not one of them would believe it. I believe (KNOW) that the grease gun episode is merely a hint of what is soon coming into my life. The church world is not ready for what is coming BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION. By reading the home page of this website and the two series I have recommended, you can understand why I am considered a religious reprobate. My message is rejected because I tell people that GOD IS NOT WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE BEING TOLD HE IS. HE DID NOT SAY WHAT THEY ARE BEING TOLD HE SAID. THE WORLD WILL SOON LEARN THE TRUTH OF THOSE TWO STATEMENTS. THE ALMIGHTY USED MY SINFUL ACT TO ASSURE ME THAT MY MESSAGE US FROM HIM. I AM BOTH SMILING AND TEARING UP AS I THINK ABOUT GOD’S INCREDIBLE LOVE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND OBEY HIM. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. ARE YOU ONE OF THE CHOSEN FEW WHO HAVE ANSWERED HIS CALL TO HOLINESS AND POWER?
By the way, the grease gun now works perfectly. But I no longer need it. Soon after my temper tantrum God led me to give all of my yard equipment to a man who, in exchange for the equipment, does my yardwork for nothing. L.J.
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