The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord that we are warned will take place at the very end of the end of this world will involve a period of time called in various passages “a time, times and half a time,” “forty and two months” and “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” The time element is divided into two segments–2 1/2 years (the Great Tribulation) and 1 year (the Day of the Lord). Bear in mind that before the first period begins God will take His tiny church to “her place,” an area known only to Him where His Very Elect will be protected and provided for throughout the following 3 1/2 year reign of terror on earth during which 2/3 of mankind will be killed.
The first period involves a time when Satan will be allowed to vent his rage and express his hatred toward sinning mankind. These are the final days of the rulership of the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) and he will make deadly use of them. During this time God will allow him to wreak havoc on sinning mankind as never before (Rev. 12:12). This brief time in history will involve national and international warfare, the emptying out of entire cities world-wide, widespread disease epidemics, famine, violence and terrorism. Entire segments of the world will unite into singular militaries led by strongmen. The Catholic Church will have a powerful part to play as one of the warring entities will be directed by the False Prophet, whom I believe will be the reigning pope who will exert much influence over one of the world powers. Read Revelation 16:13; 20:10 and 17:1-5. The Great Tribulation (World War III) will result in mass death and destruction. Entire nations will be defeated, slaughtered, the survivors captured and made slaves of the victors in their home countries. The United States of America will be one of those defeated, destroyed and enslaved nations. She will not be alone. All so-called “Chrisitan nations” will suffer the same fate.
Past and current world events are directing our attention to the soon-coming Tribulation period. End-time events prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:4 through 7 have been taking place with ever greater frequency and devastation since His death. As bad as they have been, Jesus called them the “beginning of sorrows” (vs 8). Read The Voices of God. Key world–voices. Much worse is coming. As we watch God’s warning “voices” come and go, and realize that they are merely the introduction to what is coming, we must do what God tells us to do in Luke 21:36: “Watch and pray always that you may be ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL THESE THING THAT WILL COME UPON THE EARTH AND STAND BEFORE THE SON OF MAN” (IN A STATE OF HOLINESS)–Mat. 10:22; 24:13/ 1 Jn. 2:6/ Rev. 3:21). We must live so as to be “ACCOUNTED (PROVEN OURSELVES TO BE) WORTHY” of salvation. This requires us to “WALK AS HE (JESUS) WALKED)” and to “… OVERCOME (SATAN) EVEN AS I (JESUS) OVERCAME (HIM) AND TO DO SO “UNTIL THE END.” “Only believe and repent” will not cause us to be “accounted ‘make us’ worthy” to join the Godhead in the Kingdom of God. Let us now examine the “great and terrible Day of the Lord” (Joel 2:11,31) which will make the Great Tribulation seem like a day at the beach.
The Book of Revelation calls the final year of the Tribulation period “the Day of the Lord.” For the past 2 1/2 years sinners (including the so-called “saved” people) will have suffered at the hands of Satan who will had been turned loose on mankind to do whatever he desired. Following a short celestial light show at the opening of the seventh seal, the main event will now take place. For one year God Himself will pour out His wrath on sinning mankind for their sins–transgressions of His Law (1 Jn. 3:4). These masses will have refused to obey the commandments by which God governed His true saints throughout their converted lives. These He will have earlier taken to a place of safety where they waited out the first 2 1/2 year Tribulation period.
The events of the Day of the Lord are foretold in Revelation chapters 8,9 and 16. Unbelievably, the final year of the world as we know it, during which God’s vengeance will be displayed, will be many times worse than the previous 2 1/2 years during which Satan had displayed his wrath. Let us look into this most horrific year of mankind’s existence. This will help us understand why it is so important to get the Truth out to the churches while there is still time. When the Tribulation begins, it will be too late to join God’s church, be taken to her place of safety and, 3 1/2 years later, join Jesus upon His return to earth.
With the opening of the seventh seal there will be a short period of silence followed by the angelic sounding of seven trumpets. Each trumpet blast will bring on another curse upon mankind, each worse than the previous one. The curses the Lord will pour out on those who rejected Him will be horrendous. Many of these people will, after being “saved” and “born again, will reject His Law, and therefore His governance over them, thereby proving that they despised Him and His Son (Lk. 10:16). Rather than recite what will happen during the Day of the Lord, I will ask you to read Revelation chapters 8,9 and 16.
Please pray for your nation and her people that they will see the light of God’s Truth. TRUE REVIVAL is man’s only hope. I am not referring to the type of revivals taking place now which will result in simply more of the same religion that destroyed the nation in the first place. In my youth we had two so-called “revivals” each year. What are being called “revivals” are simply more of the same religious all-talk-and-no-walk hype that has always been the case. The revival I am referring to would result in a true Scripture-embracing, Law-keeping, God-loving, Holy Spirit-obeying movement in which Catholicism/Protestantism would be cast away and true Christianity would be embraced and lived. It begins with each individual. There is no such thing as group salvation. I hold out little hope for such a revival. If history is any indication, after much “wind and doctrine” preaching and church-joining, man will wind up in the same condition as he was when he began–“ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the Truth” (2 Tim. 3:7). Why? Because the people will not be taught Biblical Truth. Rather, they will be taught church doctrine which the Apostle Paul rightly called “perverse versions of God’s Gospel.” But we must do all we can while we can. While it is light, pray for this and other ministries that are trying to warn the world of what is soon to take place. Darkness is coming when ministries like this one will be outlawed. L.J.
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