As stated earlier, Satan approaches each of us in various disguises, each disguise designed to deceive his prey in different ways at different times in each of our lives. As a result, one person’s encounter with him at a point in time might not be the same as the encounter that a peer is having with him. Our encounters–the form they take–depend on our spiritual development. For example, a coach’s child will be much farther along in athletic development than other children of the same age because his parent is normally much more active athletically in his child’s life (teaching, coaching, exampling) than a non-coach is in his child’s life. While watching children play competitive sports I can tell within a few minutes who is the “coach’s kid”–a “gym rat–who spends hours at a time in the gym where he sees and hears things concerning athletics continually.
The “coach’s kid”/”gym rat” spends his time in the world of athletics while the other children spend their time doing other things. In this way, athletics becomes “natural” early on for the “C.K.”/ “G.R.” while the other children are naturalizing other things.
The lesson being taught here is that what we choose to see and hear on a daily basis has a powerful effect on what we do, say and think. Long ago the Lord began to convict me about the time I was spending watching television, reading novels, watching movies, etc. Admittedly, I was a cop show and sports fan. God’s “voice” became louder with the passage of time as He prepared me for this ministry and the somewhat isolated, somewhat solitary life of His true messengers. The “grand finale” to my spiritual education took place as I was walking toward the living room where I planned to watch a boxing match. My first love was boxing. My childhood goal was to be the world heavyweight champion one day. As I approached the living room, I came under hard conviction. As I continued on my way I asked the Lord to take out of my heart (mind) everything that was not of Him. Before I took another step the desire to watch sports left me. I did a moving “about face” and have never looked back. Over time the same process has taken place concerning all types of entertainment to the point that I have absolutely no interest in seeing, hearing, etc. the things I once enjoyed. this left my mind clear for God to fill it with that which pleases Him. I DO NOT MISS THE THINGS THAT I ONCE ENJOYED. PLEASING HIM BRINGS ME MUCH MOR SATISFACTION.
The principle involved in mind-clearing, which the true child of God will undertake, is based on the Biblical fact that EVERYTHING BEGINS THERE. Every thought, word and act has its genesis in the mind. For this reason we are commanded to “have the mind of Christ.” Read Philippians 2:5; 3:15 and 4:2/ Romans 1:28; 8:5-7 and 12:2/ Ephesians 4:17 and 12:2/ First Corinthians 2:16/ First Peter 4:1/ Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrews 8:12 for proof that it is of ultimate importance to guard our minds and allow only that which is godly to enter it if at all possible.
What enters the mind remains in the mind and can affect the thoughts, words and acts of the thought possessor. WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT. WE THINK ABOUT THAT WITH WHICH WE FILL OUR MINDS/HEARTS. READ PHILIPPIANS 4:8,9. Most of the time we determine what enters the mind, which directly or indirectly affects what we think about, what we say and what we do. Fill your mind with the things of God, not the things of the world, nor the things of the worldly church. The Holy Bible is the mind/will/way of God in writing. It is God in written form. We cannot walk through life with God while thinking about, speaking about and being about things of the world which are against God’s way of life. “Can two walk together unless they agree?” (Amos 3:3). The answer is “no.” As oil and water do not mix, neither does God and the world. We must sanctify ourselves unto God’s Word so as to live His way to the point that when people see us, they see God, Jesus being our example. Those who do will rise to meet Him in the air upon His return. Together they will rule and reign, first the earth for 1000 years, then the universe forever. Read The Three Resurrections and The Kingdom of God. Key words–Three and Kingdom respectively. Then read God’s Very Elect …. Key word Caretakers. Now back to the subject at hand.
Satan will do everything in His power to keep you from believing and obeying what you have just read. The following are a few words about some of the tactics he uses in his attempts to divert your attention away from the Lord and onto to him. As stated earlier, Satan comes to man in various disguises, each one designed to deceive his prey in different ways at different stages of his life. Having discussed his work among those who do not believe God exists, we will now study his methods of operation within the organism known as “the church.” In each instance the weapon he utilizes is to twist God’s Word just enough to make it mean something other than His intent. In order to not be taken in by his slight of Scripture we must study His Word using the study formula He provides for us in Isaiah 28:9-13. Read these instructions carefully and follow them. Satan is betting that you will do neither. God’s people do both and thereby know to study both His “headlines” (promises) and His “fine print” (conditions for receiving His promises–including salvation). If you have not already done so, read “My people who are Called by My Name” and Who are God’s people? Key word for both series is People. L.J.
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