False prophets occupy the vast majority of the world’s church pulpits. Their duties, as defined by those who hire and control them, are two-fold: 1) to proclaim the “truths” concocted by their respective organizations and 2) to remind the parishioners that the Bible is true only when it affirms their group’s theology, which involves only the Lord’s “headlines.” The hirelings’ job also includes assuring their employers that the Lord’s many “fine print” statements, which are directly connected to His “headlines,” should not have been included in the Bible because they involve “works” that must be done by the believer in order for God’s promises (“headlines”) to come to fruition. I liken this situation to having been given a safe filled with diamonds, but not having been given the combination to the safe. The diamonds represent the “headline” while the combination represents the “fine print.” The diamonds are useless without the combination. The same holds true in the spiritual realm. For example, a “headline” promise such as: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, along with your household” (Acts 16:31) is meaningless unless and until the inevitable “IF” (condition/caveat) has been met. Jesus gives us a prime example of this Bible Truth: “IF you would have (eternal) life, OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS” (Mat. 19:17)–including #4. An even more pointed statement concerning this Truth was when Jesus said to His disciples: “Greater love has no man than He lay down His life for His friends. You (disciples) are my friends, “IF” you DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU” (Jn. 15:13,14). THE EFFECTS OF CHRIST’S DEATH (“HEADLINES”) HAVE MEANING ONLY FOR THOSE WHO OBEY HIS WORDS (“FINE PRINT”). Jesus told His hand-picked disciples who would take His Gospel throughout the world that they would be saved ONLY “IF” THEY DID EXACTLY WHAT HE COMMANDED THEM TO DO. With those despised Truths in mind, let us examine more of God’s supposed “errors” (or are they deliberate lies?) found in His Holy Bible. Read Luke 10:17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-9 to discern God’s attitude toward those who refute His Word/Law/Gospel/Truth. Note the words “despise” and “hate” relative to obeying Him.
“Only believe” is the church’s mantra. The general, all-encompassing “error” (or lie) the whole of professing Christendom accuses God of being guilty of is that salvation involves more than faith on the part of the seeker. False prophets and their followers reject the Scriptural fact that salvation is achieved by a combination of faith and WORKS which, together, produce the RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS NECESSARY FOR RECEIVING ETERNAL LIFE. WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS AND GODLINESS CONSIST OF ONE THING: OBEYING THE LORD’S WORDS. Jesus said in John 12:48 that He will judge every person by HIS WORD/ TRUTH/ GOSPEL WHICH INCLUDES HIS “FINE PRINT” which tells us that faith is the beginning point, that there is more to receiving the promises of God, including salvation, than believing in Jesus and taking Him as one’s personal Savior. Without obedience to His Words, the “only believe(r)” has the safe without the combination.
Now we will examine a number of Scriptures that the Catholic/Protestant Religious System declares to be either errors or lies. We must each decide whether God is right or wrong. His Word is all true or all false. If He lied or was wrong, He cannot be God and the Bible is not legitimate. Adam and Eve doubted only one thing the Lord told them and it cost them everything. Let us not follow in their footsteps as do those who refute the following Scriptural Truths. The following are several Bible Truths that those in the false church declare to be either innocent errors or deliberate lies. Either way, Jesus said in Luke 10:17 that to refute anything written in the Holy Scriptures is to DESPISE both Himself and His Father. He said in Deuteronomy 5:6-9 that to disobey His Law proves that one HATES Him. What was written to Israel is written to us (Eph. 2:20/ 1 Cor. 10:11) HE IS THE LORD, HE CHANGES NOT (MAL. 3:6). Study the Scriptural references provided in order to determine whether they are of God or of the devil, whether you love Father and Son or hate them, whether you are on the right path or the wrong path, whether you will live forever with Them in paradise or be burned to ash in the Lake of Fire.
We will now study several Scriptural Truths that are believed by church people to be lies straight from the heart of Satan. These Scriptural Truths have been rejected by billions of church people for hundreds of years and are still being rejected today. Even when shown in their own Bibles that what they believe to be errors are in fact Bible Truths, church tradition trumps God’s Word every time. I will state a Scriptural Truth that the church declares to be an “error.” Then I will provide Scriptural references to prove that the “error” is in fact Bible truth. Let us begin.
God says that one sure mark of a true Christian is that the vast majority of church people, including one’s family members, will reject or hate him/her on the spiritual level (Mat. 4:17; 10:21,22/ Gal. 6:12); that salvation will be bestowed only on the holy and righteous (Rom. 5:21; 6:19-22/ 1 Pet. 4:17,18); that salvation will be awarded only upon Christ’s return (Mat. 10:22/ Rom. 8:24,25;13:11/ Gal. 5:5/ 1 Thes. 5:8/ Heb. 6:11/ 1 Pet. 1:13); that all who sin belong to the devil, and that only the righteous belong to God (1 Jn. 2:3-6; 3:3,7,8,10); that only those who keep God’s commandments know Him, that those who claim to know Him but do not keep His Law are liars and are not “in Him” (1 Jn. 1:5; 2:3-6); that only those who are “in Him” upon His return will rise to meet Him (1 Thes. 4:16,17); that there is no darkness (sin) at all in Him (1 Jn. 1:5)–if sinners saved by grace are “in Him,” then First John 1:5; 2:3-6 and First Thessalonians 4:16,17 are indeed lies; that false prophets and their followers have been bewitched into serving false gods (Gal. 3:1; 4:8); that one is not saved by faith alone, that faith without works is dead faith (Jam. 2:10,14,17,18,20, 24,26); that faith does not replace the Law. Faith establishes the Law in one’s heart where, through the power of the Holy Spirit, it (the Law) must be obeyed in order for the believer to be justified (Rom. 2:13; 3:31); that one must walk in the faithful and obedient footsteps of Abraham in order to receive salvation (Rom. 4:12); that calling Christ one’s Lord means nothing without obedience to His Word which distinguishes the wise from the foolish who will be destroyed (Lk. 6:41; Mat. 7:21-27); that salvation is earned by obeying the Law (Lk. 10:25-28; 18:18-22); that iniquity (Lawlessness) is rampant throughout professing Christendom because Satan has deceived church people into rejecting God’s Truth. Because of their refusal to believe His Word, God sends them “strong delusion” so that they will believe more of Satan’s lies and perish (2 Thes. 2:7-12); that Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9.)
These are Scriptural Truths that are refuted by those in “the church” who have been deceived into believing that all that is necessary to receive salvation in this life is to take Jesus Christ as one’s Savior. The problem is that in order for Him to be one’s Savior, one must take Him as his Lord/Master/Owner and obey Him without fail until death (Mat. 10:22; 24:13/ Rev. 2:26,27). Continued obedience to God’s Word creates righteousness and holiness within the believer which qualifies him/her to receive salvation upon the return of Jesus Christ to earth.
The one we obey is the one we serve (Rom. 6:16). We serve God by obeying His Word; we serve Satan by obeying his word (church doctrine–man’s versions of what God should have said). Christ will judge every man by HIS Word. L.J.
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