The question concerning which gospel God commanded His ministers to preach was still in question when the Apostle Paul came on the scene. He stated in 1 Corinthians 2:2 that he preached “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” To “preach Jesus Christ” meant to preach His gospel–the good news (gospel) of the Kingdom of God. By preaching Christ’s crucifixion Paul explained what Jesus did to make entrance into the kingdom possible for those who would obey Him. As these postings will prove, the Lord commanded His apostles then and now to preach the gospel He Himself preached. Paul stressed that the Lord’s crucifixion brought about the awarding of the Holy Spirit that enables true saints to walk in His footsteps (1 Jn. 2:6) and to overcome Satan’s temptations to sin. Jesus said that only those who overcome (Satan) “… even as I overcame” (him) will sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). Jesus, being human as we are, relied solely on God when facing the devil, just as we do today. See Jesus Christ: God, Man or Godman?
The Lord and His apostles leave no doubt that the focus of the New Covenant message is to be the good news (gospel) about the earthly Kingdom of God and how to enter it. In all things relative to eternal life, the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth must be the saint’s example to follow–his spiritual gold standard. In Mark 1:14 we are told that Jesus went about PREACHING THE GOSPEL ABOUT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. That statement alone should remove all doubt regarding what His ministers are to preach and teach. In Matthew 24:14 we find that, having been asked for a sign that would indicate His soon return (vss 1-3), Jesus answered the disciples’ question, then added: “And THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness, and then the end will come.” In Matthew 28:19,20 He reiterated His instructions, telling His disciples to “Go therefore and teach all nations … to observe (believe and obey) ALL THINGS I HAVE TAUGHT YOU (the kingdom message) … to the end of the world.” The expressions “this” and “all things” show beyond a doubt what He wanted His messengers then and now to preach–the good news about the coming Kingdom of God. In order to make certain that they understood His instructions, He returned to earth after His resurrection and for 40 days spoke to them about “THE THINGS PERTAINING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Acts 1:3). Incredibly, this is not enough to convince the majority within the Institutional Church that their focus is to be on God’s coming kingdom and not the person of Jesus Christ.
God-seeking man must settle the message controversy if he is to have any chance of receiving eternal life. Ironically, the question has already been settled by God in His gospel. But therein lies the problem. The Institutional Church has rejected God’s “My Way only” gospel in favor of Satan’s “Have it your way” version which God characterizes as “perverted” in Galatians 1:6-9. Because Jesus preached God’s true gospel, by believing and ministering the devil’s perverted version the church embraces, worships and serves “another Jesus” (2 Cor. 11:4). ANOTHER GOSPEL=ANOTHER JESUS. As a result of continuous false teaching the modern church remains ignorant of salvation–what is is, how to acquire it and when it will be made available. Anyone who dares to speak or write about God’s Truth is accused of heresy. I have been accused of “falling from grace” for repeating God’s Words on this and other subjects. The false prophet who pronounced that judgment on me then invited me to come to his rebellious, God-rejecting church in order to get saved. This absurd situation reveals the tremendous power of Satan to deceive, enslave and dominate the Counterfeit Church whose parishioners refuse to believe and obey God’s Word. To capture and hold them the devil simply tells them what they want to hear–that they can determine spiritual truth, Adam and Eve being prime examples. To be continued. L.J.
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