With true conversion comes a total and permanent reversal of life. Such a change results in a spiritual “about-face, march” mentality on the part of the convert that highlights his transition from darkness to light, from obedience to church doctrine, or no doctrine, to obedience to the Holy Scriptures. Though the world around him continues on its corrupt, man-centered, Satan-directed path, the convert is now bucking the prevailing winds as he forges ahead in the opposite direction in which the rest (99%) of mankind is marching lock-step as the devil barks out the cadence.
All organizations are made up of individuals. Therefore, as go the individuals within the organization, so goes the organization. The organization known as the church is no different. Jesus said that He would build HIS CHURCH “… and the gates of hell (the contrary wind) will not prevail against it” (Mat. 16:18). The Lord God, who “knows the end from the beginning” (Isa. 46:10), knew that the end-time “gates of hell” would include the Institutional (Catholic/Protestant) Church. For this reason He spoke through Jesus, His prophets and His apostles, warning His true church that the individuals, the churches and the nations that housed them would turn away from Him as the end of the age approached.
As goes the church, so goes the nation. This explains the Satanic craziness that is going on in America, the “Christian world” and much of the non-Christian world as a result of mankind’s mass exodus away from Biblical principles and toward whatever is “right” at any given time and in any given circumstance. As the world, including the church world, has sinned itself ever farther from the Almighty both individually and corporately, the negative aspects of Deuteronomy 28 are being displayed 24-7 and in living color on screens of all sizes world-wide.
In Deuteronomy 28 we find the Lord laying out in plain language His COVENANT WITH MANKIND. Here He is speaking to His Chosen People Israel (and the Gentiles who would join them in obedience to His Law). He is telling all of mankind what He will do FOR those who obey Him and what He will do TO those who disobey Him. Note the choice is man’s to make. Relative to what is happening today, He warns in verse 28 that He will strike the disobedient with “madness,” “insanity” and “bedevilment” (“bewilderment”) of mind (“heart”). A Biblical Word that I use to describe the craziness of the masses today is “demonic.” Where God has been rejected, Satan and his demons (demonia/devils/fallen spirits) fill the void. “Demon possessed” is another description that perfectly describes the madness that has overtaken much of the so-called civilized world. Indeed, Satan, his demons and the Gates of Hell are alive, well and in control of the world’s masses. Only those in God’s true church are immune from their powers. As Jesus warned, they are minutely few in number. Today they are unknown to the world. This will soon change.
Sin in a church person causes God to separate Himself from the sinner by removing his protective covering (Spirit) from over the individual. The same is true for a nation of sinners. The removal of the Holy Spirit allows Satan and his demons total access to that person or that nation. This is what has happened to the United States and those nations who follow in her religious footsteps. Satan and his spiritual workers are working unopposed on both the individual and national level among those who do not have the protection provided by God’s Holy Spirit. As a result, such people, including church people, have become easy targets for the “powers of the air” who, led by the “prince of those powers, create “wickedness in high places.” God’s Very Elect have God’s protective Spirit watching over them so that “No weapon raised against them can succeed” (Isa. 54:17). Today our television screens show multitudes of people world-wide standing for and supporting those with whom the nation of Israel is at war. This is undeniable proof that most of the world’s people no longer looks to the Bible for guidance and spiritual leadership.
The fact that the world in general, including many in “the church,” have turned against Israel and are seeking victory for Hamas and other Jew-hating nations is proof that the world has turned against the Bible which plainly states that the sovereign God gave the land between the Euphrates River and the Nile River to the descendants of Abraham (the 12 tribes of Israel) forever (Gen. 15:18-21/ Deut. 1:5-8, 21). Note that He also gave to the 12 tribes of Israel as their servants all of the people living in that vast area. Yet the world, and many in Bible-owning Christendom, are crying out for the Muslims to annihilate the three Israelite tribes (Judah, Benjamin and Levi–called “Jews”) from the land He promised their forefathers–Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (renamed “Israel” which means “power with God”). It was God’s intention for the Law-obeying Israelite nation to rule the Gentile (Heb.–“heathen”) world and to bring its masses to Him so that He could bless the whole of mankind. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 (and Lev. 26:1-13) reveal this Truth to all who seek His Truth.
Ancient Israel failed to fulfill her commission, as has her modern day descendants–America, Britain and the Jews of the Middle East. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Where. As a result, all three, along with all other so-called “Christian nations,” will go the way of Israel. They will be defeated and most of their people will be killed. Those that survive will be taken into the lands of their captors as slaves–exactly as Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 declare. Before this happens God will take His true church to “her place” of safety where He will protect and provide for her throughout the 3 1/2 year Tribulation period. Approximately 2/3 of the world’s population will die during that period. The Lord foretells this horrific truth in the Book of Ezekiel where He symbolizes the world’s people as the prophet’s beard “hairs” and tells what is going to happen to those “hairs” (Law-breaking people). Read 5:1-3,12. Note that He tells the prophet to “hide” a “few” of those hairs (people–His saints) in a safe place. These represent the “few” (Mat. 7:13,14) whom God will keep in “her place” of safety while the rest of the world destroys itself. Those few, who will be in the first resurrection, will rule and reign with Him over the earth for 1000 years, then over the universe for eternity. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe, The Three Resurrections and The Kingdom of God. Key words–Caretakers, Three and Kingdom respectively.
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The final stage of what I call the “Age of Idiocy” began to take shape in the 1950’s with the proliferation of televisions in the homes of the masses. I said early on that t.v. would bring about the downfall of Bible believing Western Civilization. Television did not cause the downfall, but it did usher in what has become the death of reality that traditionally was based on Biblical principles. The globally-accessible internet system has made it possible for both the holy and the unholy to have equal access and equal importance to the modern mind. As a few minutes of watching the nightly news will affirm, the unholy and unrealistic outnumber the holy and realistic many to one. Soon, those whose truth and reality is based on the Holy Bible will be removed from the world’s airways.
Because Satan and his minions have free access to the minds of the masses, truth has become totally relative and changeable. Because of this we have queers and transes setting the standard for what is right and wrong. As the Lord said, they call wrong right and right wrong. And the God-rejection world not only accepts them, but glorifies their anti-Biblical lifestyles. What I predicted many decades ago is coming to pass. I must admit, it is even worse than I foresaw at the time. I admit that the slaughter of unborn babies, the changing of sexes, the mutilation of the bodies of children, the glorification of sexual deviance, the breakdown of law and order, the deliberately planned and executed invasion of America by the heathen masses–ALL OF WHICH HAS BEEN ORCHESTRATED BY THOSE THE NATION ELECTED TO LEAD HER–surprises me, while knowing that things are going to get much worse sickens me.
Why is that which is described above happening to so-called “Christian nations” in which there is a Bible in every home, churches everywhere, etc? BECAUSE THOSE WHO OWN THE BIBLES NEITHER KNOW, BELIEVE NOR OBEY THEIR CONTENTS. Every time they show up at Satan’s citadels of sin on his sun god day they announce to the world their rejection of God’s Law, and thereby their rejection of Him and His Son. That attitude and its accompanying words, thoughts and deeds, is why the world in general, and the church in particular are decaying from within. God commands them to “come out,” to come out of this world, to not live as does the world, including the church world.
We must live IN the world but not AS the world. We are commanded to be different from the world around us, so different that we are viewed by them as “peculiar” (1 Peter 2:9). Do not be part of Satan’s “gates of hell” that Jesus warned about in Matthew 7:13,14. There He warns that the salvation-seeking masses enter that wide gate (false church) and walk her broad path to the Lake of Fire. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, showing Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him” (2 Chron. 16:9). for that one who will fear and obey Him. God says of mankind Israel and those Gentiles who would join her: “O that there was such a heart in them that they would fear Me and keep all of My commandments at all times, so that it might be well with them and their children forever” (Deut. 5:29). It is God’s will to bless His most precious creation–mankind. If only man had the same love toward their Creator. L.J.
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