Having studied the Scriptural passages in which Jesus of Nazareth commanded that the Words of God (Truth–Jn. 17:17) be OBEYED, let us now examine the teachings of His New Testament apostles for instructions relative to OBEDIENCE to those Words. Let us understand that God did not preserve the writings of His messengers for thousands of years only to have them ignored by those who claim to believe them. Let us also keep this Truth in mind: THE HOLY BIBLE IS GOD IN WRITTEN FORM. JESUS–THE WAY, THE TRUTH (GOD’S WORD) AND THE LIFE–WAS GOD IN HUMAN FORM. This was the second time He had walked the earth as a man. He had come earlier as Melchisedec (Heb. 5-7).
In order to join Father and Son in the next life we must “walk as He (Jesus of Nazareth) walked” in this life (1 Jn. 2:6). We must enter the Lord’s strait gate (church) and walk His narrow (OBEDIENT) way that leads to eternal life. Jesus lamented that though many are called to enter His church and walk His way, FEW would be CHOSEN for having answered the call (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). Let us be among the CHOSEN FEW.
In Acts 5:29 the Apostle Peter speaks to the subject of man’s law as it relates to God’s Law. When they conflict, “We must OBEY GOD rather than men.” This also holds true relative to God’s Law and church doctrine. Regardless of what religious leaders teach and do, God’s true saints will obey Him rather than them when they differ, which they usually do. Read What is Truth? Key word–Truth. Warning: it is not what you hear in church.
Truth is the unedited, unfiltered, uninterpreted Word of God. Man must live by faith (Rom. 1:17). Faith is taking God at His Word (Rom. 10:17). Faith is a spiritual entity. Faith without WORKS (OBEDIENCE) is dead faith, which produces a spiritually dead believer. Remember, Satan has absolute faith–he knows God’s Word and knows that it is true. As is the case with his church members, he doesn’t OBEY God’s Word./LAW. God’s Law is every Word from Genesis to Revelation that must be “LIVED BY” (OBEYED)– Mat. 4:4. The Holy Bible is the Law by which He governs His people. Church people who reject His Law (commandment #4 for example) are not His people in that they refuse to obey His Law but insist on obeying Satan’s law. Sin is the transgression of the Law (1 Jn. 3:4). Sin separates us from God (Isa. 59:2). If separated from God one cannot walk with Him in agreement (Amos 3:3), which we are commanded to do. No faith=no agreement=no walk=no obedience=no relationship=spiritual death which produces religious followers who embrace whatever “wind of doctrine” aligns with their preconceived notion of Biblical “truth” (Eph. 4:14).
The Apostle Peter highlighted this church problem when he wrote that the Holy Scriptures are of no private interpretation, that holy men of old heard God’s Words, then spoke and recorded them under the leadership of His Holy Spirit. He warned about false prophets who would teach false doctrines (2 Pet. 1:20-2:2) which he calls “cunningly devised fables” in 1:16. In 3:1 Peter warned the church to be mindful of what they had been taught by the holy prophets as well as Christ’s apostles who were teaching them at that time. Let us also be mindful of the source of our Truth. In 3:11 the apostle noted that, because everything would one day pass away, believers must “be holy and godly in all your conduct.” Then in verse 17 he warns us not to be led away by “the error of the wicked men who would cause you to fall away from God.” I was taught that this was impossible. This is just one example of wishful thinking having been turned into “Bible truth” by unbelieving men.
Judgement of our thoughts, words and deeds is ongoing in God’s church. The Standard by which we must judge ourselves and others is the Holy Bible and nothing else–not church doctrine or the writings of men, including this man. I give references for whatever I write or speak so that people can judge both me and themselves by comparing everything to God’s Word. No other comparison is legitimate in that it results in people “measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves to themselves” (2 Cor. 10:12). No need to guess how such self-evaluation always turns out–“I’m okay; you’re okay, we’re all okay.” At this time I will repeat a little church mantra I made up years ago that describes religious man’s attitude toward OBEDIENCE to God’s Word: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” Crude, yes, but also true.
What is the end result of OBEDIENCE to God’s Word? The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 5:21 and 6:22 that the OBEDIENCE results in righteousness and holiness, the end result of which is eternal life. In Hebrews he states this Truth in a most poetic way: “And being made perfect (through obedience to God) He (Jesus) became the Author of eternal salvation to ALL WHO OBEY HIM” (5:9). Note that SALVATION AND OBEDIENCE ARE INSEPARABLE. And notice that Jesus was MADE PERFECT by OBEYING God’s Word. He is our example. We have the commission and the same Holy Spirit power available for completing that commission. I was taught that this was impossible. The religious descendants of those who taught that lie then are teaching that same lie today.
Finally, let us read what Paul says about those in the church who refuse to obey the Lord’s Word. We find the Lord’s condemnation of them recorded in Romans 2:5,8 and 9 where he notes that by continuing to sin, church people store up God’s wrath until the day of His wrath when He will reveal His righteous judgment on sinners, including church sinners. At that time He will “render to every man according to his DEEDS (DOINGS/WORKS).” Those who had been contentious and had not OBEYED the Truth, but had instead OBEYED unrighteousness will receive divine “indignation, wrath, tribulation and anguish.” Remember, Paul is writing to the church he had established in Rome. But those people were not alone in their rebellion. In Galatians 3:1 Paul chastises those in the Galatian churches, saying: “O foolish Galatians, who has convinced you NOT TO OBEY THE TRUTH?” The answer is Satan’s false prophets. In Second Thessalonians 1:7,8 Paul warns those who rebel against His Word, saying: “In flaming fire He will take vengeance upon them that DO NOT OBEY THE GOSPEL, THEREBY PROVING THAT THEY “DO NOT KNOW GOD.” In Luke 10:16 Jesus said that their unbelief of and DISOBEDIENCE toward the Word also proves that they DESPISE BOTH HIM AND HIS FATHER. In John 14:15,23 Jesus said that their DISOBEDIENCE also proves that they DO NOT LOVE HIM AND HIS FATHER. In John 15:10 He said that one must OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS in order to REMAIN IN HIS (CHRIST’S) LOVE. OBEDIENCE TOWARD GOD’S WORD IS THE LIFE AND DEATH ISSUE THAT TIES ALL OF THE TEACHINGS OF THE BIBLE TOGETHER.
Let us OBEY GOD and prove that we KNOW HIM and LOVE Him and His Word which, spiritually speaking, are one and the same. Recall that before coming to earth, Jesus was called “the Word” (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Recall that Jesus called Himself “the way the Truth (Word–Jn. 17:17) and the life” (Jn. 14:6). Everything comes back to the Word. Everything depends on man’s OBEDIANCE TOWARD THAT WORD. There is no other Biblical way to enter God’s Kingdom. WITHOUT THE WRITTEN BIBLE WE WOULD KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GOD, CHRIST, SALVATION, ETC. What passes for Christianity is not THE WAY, but is a mish-mash of different “ways,” not one of which will lead the salvation seeker to the Kingdom of God. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 and OBEY THE WORD. L.J.
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