“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God'” (Ps. 14:1; 53:1). In the Hebrew language the word “fool” is “nabal,” which means to lack understanding, to be insolent, proud and disobedient toward God, to be a vile person. In other words, to be one of those people who do not agree with “us.” “We,” on the other hand, are not fools because we believe in the Biblical God. Is this true? Are we immune from foolhood because we believe in both God and Christ? are uber-religious, etc. The Biblical answer is “No.”
To be a spiritual fool is not what we have been taught. Our religious leaders have taught us that a fool is one who does not believe that there is a God, meaning an atheist, which is true. However, the title of “fool” goes much farther than that and describes more than just atheists and heathen religionists. Is it possible that the word “fool” can describe Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting, cross-wearing, three-times-a-week-church-going people? The Lord says, “Yes, indeed.”
What this series will prove is that some of the most vile, most insolent, most proud, most disobedient toward God, most lacking in understanding are in Biblical fact some of the most pious, most Biblically knowledgeable, most churchy, most religious among us. Many have perfect attendance awards. Many have seminary degrees. Many lead internationally known mega-churches. Many heal the sick and cast out demons. But this does not prevent them from being “fools,” if, that is, we can take God at His Word. Serious Bible students know that the above statements are true from having studied God’s “fine print” messages in His Word, which Jesus calls “Truth” (Jn. 17:17). As I have stated ad nauseum, EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO GOD’S WORD–THE ONLY TRUE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH. If it isn’t Bible, it isn’t the Biblical God. Most of what is presented as “Bible truth” is either partially or totally wrong, as this website has proven over and over again.
A true saint knows that God is never wrong. He is all-knowing. He is perfect in every way. He knows the ending from the beginning about all things. If He can be wrong, He cannot be God. Only a God can determine right and wrong because He is always right and never wrong. Anyone who disagrees with His Words, even a jot or tittle (period, comma, etc.), has committed idolatry by exalting himself to god status. Explanation: One who knows that God is wrong must know what is right.. Otherwise, how would he know that God is wrong? Only a god can determine right and wrong. By knowing that the Biblical God is wrong, the God corrector makes himself a god, and in so doing, is telling the Biblical God that He is wrong (see the above), that He needs to be corrected, and that he (the new and improved god) has corrected Him. In other words, TO CORRECT GOD IS TO REPLCCE HIM.
The fact that the replacement god has broken the first, and “greatest,” commandment of the previous God’s Law is, to the new god, irrelevant. However, Jesus Himself calls the new, self-designated god a “worker of iniquity” whom He (Jesus) will reject on the Day of Judgment (Mat. 7:23). Iniquity means Lawless. Jesus said that He does not know the billions of replacement gods (vicars) who have been in charge of professing Christendom for approximately 1700 years (Mat. 7:23). It is my commission to call out these false gods. At present I am somewhat limited in my scope of contact. That will change.
As is usually the case, we can trace all heresy back to the Garden of Eden. The Eden episode shows us how the Serpent (Satan) convinced Adam and Eve that God was wrong and needed to be corrected and replaced. He did so in such a way as to not shock the members of the Church of Eden–God’s first congregation. Notice that the Serpent (Satan) did not say that God did not exist. Choosing his words carefully, he said to Eve, “Did GOD say that you could not eat of every tree of the garden?” His word usage meant that he agreed that her Creator was indeed God. And he agreed that God did indeed say what she heard Him (God) say–that she and Adam COULD NOT EAT OF EVERY TREE IN THE GARDEN on the threat of death.
But then he added one little word that changed the rest of human history. That word was “not.” He said that she and Adam could defy God would “… NOT surely die.” He assured her that the opposite of God’s words was the actual truth. He assured her that she and Adam could eat of the forbidden fruit and that, doing so would turn them into gods and therefore able to determine right and wrong. Satan easily convinced the entire congregation of the Church of Eden that GOD HAD EITHER BEEN MISTAKEN, OR HAD LIED TO THEM. God cannot be wrong, nor can He lie, unless He also lied about that. But man says that God lied, for example about all the church “truths” listed in the introduction to this website. According to his parishioners, the Biblical God is an inveterate liar. But all is not lost–man is always at the ready to rescue the world from Him. Religious man’s Savior will save him from his (man’s) lying God.
The “truth” spoken by the Serpent became clear to the world’s first church when they saw the forbidden tree. Eve knew immediately that he had been right–her Creator had tried to lead her astray. She did not hesitate to call Him out, correct Him, strip Him of his godship and make herself and Adam the new gods of Eden, the earth and the universe. The congregation in paradise was now under new and improved leadership. There were two new deities in Eden, new rules would soon be taking effect. No more iron-clad, one-god rule. From that time on the new gods would make policies that were agreed upon by the people to whom they applied. And if a rule needed to be changed at any time–no problem. The leadership council would take a few votes and come to an agreement. All was going great.
Then the real God showed up and …. You know the rest of the story. Unfortunately, the damage was done and could not be undone. The “Truth Is Relevant” disease had claimed its first human victims. Today the highly infectious disease runs rampant among Adam and Eve’s religious descendants. When religious man rejects the Words of the true God he feels no guilt when he substitutes his own, much improved rules. Did I say “rules?” Perhaps “options” is a better word.
Due to a power grab on the part of those who claim allegiance to the Biblical God, we have today a two-headed religious conglomerate in which one head, having split off from the other head, has not only gone its own way, but has sub-divided herself into hundreds of mini-cults, each with its own god, its own savior, its own truths and its own path to salvation which is awarded like candy on Halloween night. And like the “Night of the Dead” ritual that takes place each fall, all one needs to do is show up at the right place, say the right words and presto, the reward is automatically forthcoming. As I have born witness, two popular salvation dispensers get the sinner saved in less than ten seconds. I have not counted the number of magic words that automatically save the wayward soul, but I am guessing they number less than two dozen. Christianity has become a microwave religion. What happened to the “walk” and the “race?” What happened to the lone winner? Not only does everyone win, they win just by showing up. The new “race” goes something like this: “Get on your mark, get set, go. Good job, here’s your trophy.” The participants leave the starting gate with trophy in hand.
The Biblical truth is that when one rejects so much as a jot or tittle of God’s Law, (Mat. 5:18), or adds or takes from it,(Gal. 3:15/ Jam. 2:10), one has declared that the entire Law is suspect and not to be taken literally. If God can be wrong or lie about one part, can we take His Word about His other Words? At the same time one declares oneself to be His replacement–his vicar–one declares his own godship. This, ladies and gentlemen, is deadly business.
As I have stated before, four people have died suddenly and for no medical reason for becoming gods when I spoke God’s truth to them. Three of them died for rejecting His Sabbath. The other immediate death concerned his abuse of alcohol. All four rejected God’s Word, that I spoke to them. In so doing they declared themselves answerable only to themselves–their own gods. As Jesus said in Luke 10:16, by rejecting what I told them they openly declared that they despised both Father and Son and rejected Their Lordship over them. Apparently, it’s okay for Jesus to be religious man’s Savior. But man is determined to be His own Lord (God)–rule maker. The Biblical Truth is that unless the Biblical God is one’s Lord (ruler) in this life, His Son will not be one’s Savior in the next life. L.J.
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