“What has happened to the United States of America?” is a common refrain heard around the world. One segment of the world’s population is expressing sadness while the other is downright giddy over what is transpiring in the “land of the brave and home of the free” for all to see. The answer to the “What’s happening” question can be found in the Book of Isaiah chapter three. Those who love America and her sister “Christian nations” need to read and heed what the Almighty says about those who call themselves by His name but reject His message. Recall that the Old Testament Law and prophetical writings were preserved as an instruction manual for the end-time, New Testament church (1 Cor. 10:11). Let us examine what the Almighty said to and about His chosen people anciently and to their biological and spiritual descendants today. Both groups were commanded to obey the same Ten Commandment Law. Both groups failed miserably. Hear what the Lord did to those who called themselves by His name then and continue to do so today.
In verses one through three the Prophet Isaiah warned Law breakers then and now that, if they stayed on their iniquitus course, God would bring upon them famine, weakness in war, a dearth of His Word and removal of His messengers from among them. In verses four and five the Lord Himself speaks, warning workers of iniquity (Law breakes) that He would make children their gods and babes their rulers. Notice the caliber of people that are in charge of our national and state offices during these times. They are mental and emotional children, as are those who vote them into office whose only claim to fame is their obsession with slaughtering unborn children here and throughout the world. And the American taxpayer is footing the bill.
One method of determining the maturity and mental condition of a people is to examine their idols. Who are America’s idols? Who do her people look up to? Whose words do they hang on? Whose pictures and quotes are seen and heard? Who do Americans embrace as their gods–movie stars, sports figures, musicians, many of whom are sex perverts. Whose pictures hang on young people’s bedroom walls and appear on their tee shirts? Who are socially exalted in spite of, or maybe because of their anti-social behavior? For example, the United States now has a law named after a dope dealing, adulterating, twice-convicted, dope addict who served two prison sentences. She also has a navy ship named after a homosexual child molester. The political official who christened the ship is a trans woman.
Other atrocities are being seen on the local and state level. District attorneys in many liberal cities refuse to enforce the nation’s laws. Criminals are viewed as the victims who have more freedom and are treated better than their victims. In verses four and five Isaiah warned His people that rejection of the Lord would result in people turning on their fellow citizens and children speak and acting out against their elders. This is exactly what we see taking place on Fox News every night. The other networks, being the propaganda wing of the radical left, refuse to show their viewers what is actually taking place throughout the nation after atrocity after atrocity is committed on innocent citizens and the perpetrators turned loose withing hours to continue their criminal activities.
In verses 10-12 God states that His sowing and reaping law will remain in effect. As for His people who refuse to obey His Law: “… children will be their oppressors and women shall rule over them.” These children and women, He warned, would lead them away from His paths. Look at the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Notice who is calling the shots. The president of this nation takes his marching orders from four women known as “the squad.” Notice how many women hold political power on both the national and state levels. This is not the way God laid out His plans for His people in His Holy Bible.
One cannot help but notice the childish and immature behavior of many of those who hold political power today. It is embarrassing to listen to what many of them say about each other. When I see our senators and representatives going back and forth with movie stars, t.v. commentators, etc. I am reminded of the playground spats of third graders. Equally embarrassing is reporters seek out the opinions of movie stars, athletes, musicians, etc. on nationally important issues. Who could possibly care what someone who pretends for a living, or plays with a ball, or makes musical sounds or makes up rhymes thinks about anything? The answer is–millions of Americans. The less value one is to the society the more the masses fawn over him/her/it/they–whatever. These are the nation’s gods. Masses of worshipers hang on their every word and want to know everything they do, where they go, what they wear, etc. The opinions of the anti-social are valued much more than that of the average citizen. Why? For no reason other than that they pretend, play with a ball, make musical sounds, form rhymes or are in rehab.
The preceding truth is a recipe for disaster. Another, yet corresponding truth must be stated: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS DECAYING FROM WITHIN. And she is not alone. My beloved nation is dying before our eyes. Predictably, her sister “Christian nations” are following in her footsteps. And Who is making all of this happen? THE LORD GOD WHOSE FIST IS REPEATEDLY HITTING ITS TARGET AND THE TARGET IS NOT LEARNING THE LESSON HE IS TEACHING. Why is He sending wave after wave of curses on those who call themselves by His name? SIN–REBELLION AGAINST HIS LAW (1 JN. 3:4).
As I have stated on several occasions, I believe that God is giving America one last chance to repent of her sins, turn from her evil ways and obey Him. Does the so-called Christian nation have what it takes to do so? I believe that we will find out over the next two to five years.
But regardless of what the world does, we as individuals can do what we are commanded to do and escape the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord that are coming upon the earth in the very near future. What we are witnessing today is only the “beginning of sorrows” as the Lord pours out His wrath on Law-breaking man. Hear, believe and obey His Word while it is available. He warns that a day is coming when men will run to and fro in search of the Truth but will not find it because God will have taken His Word, His ministers and His people to the place of safety He has prepared for them. There they will be protected and provided for throughout the next 3 1/2 years as the world around them undergoes terror such as the world has never seen.
Recall that God sent His prophets to warn the people of Israel before He caused them to be defeated, slaughtered and enslaved. He is no respecter of persons. He is warning those who are “… called by My name” (the church) now through a variety of curses as blow after blow lands on them. God is speaking. Is anyone listening? L.J.
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