Let it be known that, among God’s true saints, the writings of the Old Testament prophets are as relevant today as they were anciently. The Apostle Peter calls those prophets “holy men of old” who “spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21). The Apostle Paul used the Old Testament repeatedly in teaching the New Testament church about the Messiah and His gospel (Acts 17:11). “The Scriptures” mentioned in this passage refer to the only Scriptures in existence at that time–the Old Testament (the Law and the writings of the prophets) which Jesus declared that He came to fulfill (perfectly obey), not to destroy (Mat. 5:17). However, we are told repeatedly from pulpit and podium, from t.v. and radio, from books, the internet and movies that He lied about that, that God “nailed the Law to the cross.” Paul also declared that the New Testament Church was founded on the writings of both the prophets and the apostles (Eph. 2:20).
The Ten Commandment Law, including commandment #4, was part of the teachings and writings of both the Old and New Testament “holy men of old.” It was upon those teachings that Christ built His church which came into being on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. The Apostle John tells us that the One called Jesus of Nazareth (“the Word”) created all things, which includes the Holy Bible in its entirety and the Ten Commandments specifically. He was the God of the Old Testament Who came to earth as a man (Jn. 1:1-4,14) and taught and obeyed the Old Testament Law extensively. We are commanded to live by, and will be judged by, “every Word that comes from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4/ Jn 12:40-50), which includes the Old Testament . Read Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? Key word–God-man.
The same God Who became Israel’s Messiah was the One Who wreaked havoc on ancient Israel because of her sins. He poured out His wrath on her time and again in an attempt to turn her back to Himself. His patience having run out, He sent the northern tribes (called Israel and Ephraim) into Assyrian captivity and scattered them throughout the earth. Some 150 years later He did the same thing to the southern tribes (called Jews) at the hands of the Babylonians. Why? SIN–REBELLION AGAINST HIS WORD.–BOTH THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. As Jesus of Nazareth He declared that rejection of any part of His Word meant rejection of both HIMSELF AND HIS FATHER (LK. 10:17). Jesus declared that not one jot or tittle can be changed, added to or removed from the Law (Mat. 5:18) which He, Himself recorded in stone on Mt. Sinai.
In Isaiah 3:9 the Lord spoke to the ancient Israelites as well as their modern day descendants (professing Christendom) in a short sentence that perfectly described the life-style (“walk”) of those who called themselves by His name, saying about them: “they declare their sin as Sodom, they do not hide it.” Such are the sins of professing Christendom today.
What was written by the prophets about false believers in that day is true today. As John the Baptist was a voice crying out in the physical wilderness of Judea some 2000 years ago, God’s messengers are voices crying out in the religious wilderness blasphemously known as “Christianity” today. Recall what God did to those of old who defied Him, how time and time again He sent them famines, droughts, crop-destroying insects, diseases, floods, earthquakes, military defeat, invasion, slaughter, enslavement, etc. The Old Testament is briming with examples of God’s wrath on His people–those who “are called by My name.” Their modern day descendants have, over the past 2000 years, felt THE FIST OF GOD coming down on them time and time again as curse after curse arrived from high. But to no avail. Recall that in the end God’s “chosen people” were militarily defeated, many were slaughtered and the remainder taken into Assyrian and Babylonian slavery from whence the vast majority were scattered throughout the world where their biological descendants remain today unknown to the world and to themselves. Believing themselves to be Gentiles, they have taken on the Gentile (heathen) religion globally known as “Christianity.” As such, they reject the true Christianity of the Holy Scriptures.
Approximately half of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, known as “Jews,” today live in the Middle Eastern nation called Israel. Most of the other half live in New York City. Those of the other Israelite tribes, numbering in the hundreds of millions are located in so-called “Christian nations” where they have lived as Gentiles for centuries. A minutely few, numbering a few thousand globally, comprise the majority within God’s true church. A few biological Gentiles, having become spiritual Israelites, are among them. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Today.
As did their ancient ancestors, the so-called “Christian nations,” are repeatedly cursed by God and for the same reason–SIN, which is Biblically defined as “the transgression of the Law” (1 Jn. 3:4). Which brings us to today’s world, specifically to that part of the world which was created to be God’s “light” to the rest of the world-THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The U.S.A. is by far the most evil, vile and decadent nation on earth BECAUSE OF HER HYPOCRISY. This “ONE NATION UNDER GOD,” the God in which she supposedly “TRUSTS,” leads the world in sin. Indeed she, as Isaiah reminds us, “declares her sin as Sodom, she does not hide it.” And who leads the world’s most decadent nation (most of whom claim to be Christians) into ever more sin and decadence? THE ORGANIZATION WHOSE PARISHIONERS CALL THEMSELVES “SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE.” For a short list of sins the church puts forth as “thus says the Lord” read the Introduction to this website. Truly they call good evil and evil good.
One need only tune into Fox News to see what this once-blessed nation has become. I will not go into detail in that one need only watch what is being plainly portrayed on the network’s news programs to see where we are and where we are headed. The legacy media (CNN, NBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS) refuse to show their viewers the obvious truth about what is happening throughout the United States. Satan is in total control of the vast majority of America’s people, her religious organizations, her news organizations, her political apparatus, her educational institutions, her social interactions and her economic organizations. The truth is obvious to the honest Bible student–THE NATION HAS REJECTED GOD AND IS DOMINATED BY SATAN. But God has not completely abandoned her. HIS “FIST” IS CONTINUALLY HAMMERING AWAY AT HER IN AN ATTEMPT TO TURN HER BACK TO HIM.
As I have previously stated, I believe God is going to expose those who have brought about this moral, social, economic and political debacle that is the United States of America. The expose’ has already begun with the coming forth of “whistleblowers” from the FBI and other sources within the nations’ political apparatus. These brave souls have seen first-hand what is happening to the nation and are risking their careers, and possibly their lives to let the nation know who is doing what, and why. I believe that there will be a wholesale change in the political status of the nation over the following two years. I also believe that the vile, two-headed beast known as “the church” will be exposed before all the world to see. All will see her for what she is–Satan’s universal religious system. I believe that the gracious Lord, having wielded His fist repeatedly on the nation’s collective head, is gracing her with one last opportunity to return to Him. Read 2 Chronicles 7:13,14. Note Who it is that afflicts the nation’s people, Who’s grace can solve their individual and national problems and what the guilty must DO in order for Him to work on their behalf: “If I shut up heaven so that there is no rain, or if I send locusts to devour your crops, or if I send pestilence (diseases) among My people ….” Notice that it is the LORD’S FIST that delivers such blows to His people: “If My people who are called by My name (“the church”) will humble themselves and pray and seek My face (His will) and turn from their wicked ways, THEN (AND ONLY THEN) I will hear from heaven and will forgive their (individual) sins and heal their (collective) land.” Notice that BEFORE God will hear a sinner’s prayer THE SINNER MUST STOP SINNING. This explains why the vast majority of church prayers are not answered. Their sins have caused God to MAKE THEIR HEAVEN AS IRON. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 for a detailed account of God’s dealing with both saints and sinners. And remember that what was written concerning Israel of old serves as an instruction Book for those “upon whom the ends of the earth have come (1 Cor. 10:11)–the New Testament Church today. Remember also that the New Testament Church is founded on the writings of both the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles (Eph. 2:20).
The only action taking place beneath God’s iron dome is His iron fist pounding on the billions of people praying beneath it while openly “declaring their sins as Sodom and hiding it not.” And who leads the church astray by telling her parishioners that they must sin due to Adam’s miraculous sin gene transferal? And who tells the people that they need only repent of their inevitable sins in order to remain in good standing with God? And who tells them that the Law that defines sin was nailed to the cross? SATAN’S FALSE PROPHETS.
If you are in Satan’s Catholic/Protestant church system, read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 and do exactly as God commands you to do. Only then will He be your God and you will be His people. Otherwise, His fist will continue to find its target. He is no respecter of persons. One way or another, one time or another, all who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind. What we are witnessing on the evening news is merely the “beginning of sorrows”–a mere shadow of what is to come (Mat. 24:3-8). L.J.
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