Satan’s false Gospel has created hundreds of religious cults identified in the previous posting as Catholicism and the numerous mini-cults of Protestantism. Each cult was created by a man with a “better than God’s plan of salvation” and a craving for disciples. The plans and the cravings were complements of the god of this world who continues to cover the earth with his spiritual darkness which his ministers present as God’s light, but which Jesus calls “great” darkness (Mat. 6:23).
By presenting a new and improved version of God’s plan of salvation, Satan has convinced billions of people to unknowingly MAKE HIM THEIR GOD by convincing them that the Biblical God’s Words apply only when they, the people, agree with them. To expedite their rejection of the Holy Bible, Satan’s messengers made subtle changes in God’s Truth–a word here, a phrase there, an addition, here, an interpretation there. The most effective ploy was to convince the people that they need only believe the Lord’s “headlines,” in other words, to ignore the caveats (conditions) attached to them. Read God’s prescribed method of Bible study in Isaiah 28:9-13. By following His method one will find the many Scriptural Truths that the counterfeit church rejects.
This series brings to light numerous examples of the false “truths” upon which the modern day Catholic/Protestant Religious System has built her hundreds of religious organizations. Each “church,” “denomination,” “faith,” etc. has her own Jesus who provides her with “truths” designed to please the people in that organization. Incredibly, all parishioners in all of the competing, conflicting, contradicting, Scripture-rejecting cults CLAIM THAT THEIR JESUS HAS SAVED THEM. I know, because I was once one of them. But then the real Jesus got my attention and took me out of Satan’s darkness and brought me into His marvelous light. It cost me my ministry as my fellow churhites rejected God’s Biblical Truths I began to preach and write about. However, He made me a minister in His church. Praise His holy name.
Today, in the final (Laodicean) era of the world as we know it, false prophets continue to preach their false Gospels, each of which is a perverted version of the Lord’s true Gospel. These evil men (and women) continue to serve their god by telling the people what they want to hear. By obeying the dictates of their employers (handlers), these deceived “hirelings” (Jn. 1:12,13) do what the prophets of old were asked to do–to teach the people smooth things, lies and deceits (Isa. 30:10). Such church “truths” are designed to please men (Gal. 1:10), who judge themselves by themselves (2 Cor. 10:12), who give Christ lip service but whose hearts are far from Him (Mat. 15:8), who are condemned because they teach man’s way instead of God’s way, making themselves and those who follow them “workers of iniquity” (Lawlessness)–Mat. 7:22,23. In this way billions of church Christians have been created. However, there only a few Bible Christians have been created, just as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 7:13,14.
Now we will look at several of God’s statements that those within professing Christendom reject. I will state a specific Biblical Truth that the church rejects, then provide the Scriptural reference that proves that they are wrong. This method is in keeping with Second Timothy 3:13-17 where we are told: “All Scripture (including the Old Testament) is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for determining Truths (doctrines), for reproof (to point out error), for correction (to correct the error) and for TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS” which one must manifest in order to receive eternal life upon the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Note that Timothy’s grandmother Lois had studied the same Truths that he studied and preached, as did all of the apostles. The New Testament did not exist at that time Jesus and the apostles walked the earth and would not exist until approximately 50 years later. Reminder: I will state what church people believe to be an error, then provide Scripture to prove them wrong using the Lord’s “sword of the Spirit” which “cuts” going in and coming out (Heb. 4:12). Now we will allow the mighty sword of God to do its painful, though necessary work. I have prayed fervently that what I tell people is God’s Truth which is hard for others to accept. He has assured me that I am right in my theology and in my method of presenting it. Read The Gun, the Miracle and the Message. Key word–Gun to learn how God “spoke” to me about my message and my method of presenting it.
The following are Biblical statements that the church rejects.
God’s Word must not be interpreted (2 Pet. 1:20/ 1 Pet 1:25). True saints are hated by churchites because of the saints’ allegiance to God’s Word (Mat. 10:17-22; 24:13). Salvation will be awarded only to the holy and righteous (Rm. 5:21; 6:19,22/ 1 Pet. 4:17,18). The true convert grows closer to salvation with every passing day (Rom. 13:11). He who sins belongs to the devil and only the righteous and holy belong to God (1 Jn. 3:8,10; 2:3-6; 3:3:7). Only Law keepers know God. Those who claim to know Him but break His commandments (sin–1 Jn. 3:4) are liars (1 Jn. 2:3,4). False prophets and their followers have been bewitched into following false gods (Gal. 3:1; 4:8). One is not saved by faith alone. Faith without works (obedience) is dead faith which saves no one (Jam. 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26). Faith does not replace the Law, but rather establishes the Law in the heart of the true saint. The Law must be obeyed in order for one to be justified (and later saved) (Rom. 3:31; 2:13). One must walk in the faithful and obedient footsteps of Abraham in order to be saved (Rom. 4:12). Calling Jesus one’s Lord means nothing without obedience to His Word, which distinguishes the wise from the foolish whom God will destroy (Lk. 6:46/ Mat. 7:21-27). Salvation is earned by obeying the Law (Lk. 10:25,26; 18:18-22). Iniquity (Lawlessness) is rampant in professing Christendom and is the work of Satan who has deceived those who are perishing by causing them to reject God’s Truth. Because they reject His Word, God sends them strong delusion so that they will believe Satan’s lie rather than His Truth (2 Thes. 2:7-12). Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9), including the church world. L.J.
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